egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
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<raptop> SnoopJ: so, uh, I just realized what the new 2hu character's coin says
<raptop> (10 million of a pre-meiji coin. ie: vast wealth)
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<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn raptop, smkz, whitequark, & al.
* galois gives raptop, smkz, whitequark, & al. a good synchronous osprey with an onager attachment
<egg|anbo|egg> birb & donkey
<egg|anbo|egg> mofh: therein 20. Gavrilyuk, V.T., Generalization of the first polynomial algorithm of E.Ya.Remez for the problem of constructing rational-fractional Chebyshev approximations, Ukr. Mat. Zh. 16 (1961), 575–585. (in Russian)
<egg|anbo|egg> there’s a gap between 1954 and 1993 in
<galois> title: Archives - Page 4| Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal
<egg|anbo|egg> Журнал переиздается на английском языке под названием "Ukrainian Mathematical Journal" издательством Springer, but starts in 1967
<galois> title: Ukrainian Mathematical Journal | Volumes and issues
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<mofh> egg|anbo|egg_: there's a chance it might not be digitized in that circumstance
<mofh> interestingly, boost::math cites it, and they tend to be pretty thorough, so i can't see them citing something they haven't read
<galois> title: Sample Article (The Remez Method)
<mofh> interestingly has a paper that Gavrilyuk *coauthored* with Remez(?) in a different journal:
<galois> title: Â. Ò. Ãàâðèëþê, Å. ß. Ðåìåç, “Î ïðèíöèïå ðàâíîìåðíîãî ïðèáëèæåíèÿ â ïðèìåíåíèè ê îáðàáîòêå ðåçóëüòàòîâ óñëîâíûõ èçìåðåíèé”, Æ. âû÷èñë. ìàòåì. è ìàòåì. ôèç., 8:6 (1968), 1332–1334; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 8:6 (1968), 194–197
<galois> title: Ïåðñîíàëèè: Ãàâðèëþê Âåðà Òðîôèìîâíà
<mofh> but the problem is *those* PDFs start at 1966.
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<mofh> unfortunately the captures seem to elide the exact article you need?*/*
<mofh> and the same is true if we search all captures under
<mofh> google ofc has a garbled useless pile of crap in their cache, and searching a string from it returns no further results
<mofh> (it is a sensible string, fwiw).
<egg|anbo|egg> dunno
<mofh> hrm
<mofh> ...what in the fuck
<mofh> Syntax Error: Top-level pages object is wrong type (null)
<mofh> Syntax Error: Couldn't read page catalog
<mofh> this is impressively broken.
<mofh> like it doesn't appear to be turboduckweed in the usual ways, it just looks like they just completely fucked up the XRef when linearizing it? and unfortunately it's linearized so there's not really enough info to reconstruct the XRef in this state?
<mofh> good going, UMJ.
<mofh> warning: trying to repair broken xref
<mofh> warning: cannot find endstream token, falling back to scanning
<mofh> warning: object missing 'endobj' token
<mofh> yeah this is irrecoverable.
<mofh> like i might be able to decompress some individual streams by hand but at that point i'm hand-artisanally crafting a PDF one obj at a time & there might not even be enough data there anyway to give a usable PDF
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<mofh> Обобщение первого полиномиального алгоритма ЕЯ Ремеза для задач построения дробно-рациональных чебышевских приближений
<mofh> it interestingly enough is cited by this, which does a bunch of fractional-rational approximation methods
<egg|anbo|egg__> whitequark: do you think you might be able to find a physical copy of УМЖ 16.5, pp. 575-586, in some library near you?
<egg|anbo|egg__> TL;DR: the УМЖ website seemingly used to have it but then it broke
<egg|anbo|egg__> (УМЖ = украинский математический журнал)
<egg|anbo|egg__> Title would be Обобщение первого полиномиального Ремеза для задачи построения дробно-рациональных чебышевских приближений, author Гаврилюк В. Т.
<whitequark> egg|anbo|egg__: i would prefer not to
<whitequark> have more important things going on rn
<whitequark> however, if you find a specific library so that i don't have to look for it, i may be able to check it out and scan
<egg|anbo|egg__> hm worldcat doesn’t seem to know about RU
<egg|anbo|egg__> but it does mention some FR libraries that have that (not that this helps me, considering *waves*)
<whitequark> you can probably find some russian website to do it
<whitequark> i have never used libraries for complex reasons that aren't related to libraries themselves
<whitequark> (well, other than when i was forced to)
<egg|anbo|egg__> I haven’t done so much either tbh, because often things are available in a digitized form
<egg|anbo|egg__> I think the one thing I went to a library for was one of
<galois> title: Principia/elliptic_integrals.hpp at master · mockingbirdnest/Principia · GitHub
<egg|anbo|egg__> (uh, not the Fukushima paper, one of the JE(L)
<egg|anbo|egg__> )
* egg|anbo|egg__ pets a cat
<egg|anbo|egg__> caaaaaaaat
<galois> title: Tutorial 2 of 5: switching to relative error · samhocevar/lolremez Wiki · GitHub
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<egg|anbo|egg> meow
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* egg|anbo|egg pets whitequark with a cat
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* whitequark pets egg
<egg|anbo|egg> also I have come across this again; :D
<galois> title: #kspacademia on 2017-12-29 — irc logs at
* egg|anbo|egg purrs at whitequark
<egg|anbo|egg> (I have come across the logs that is)
<egg|anbo|egg> (I have not had to reopen that panel since then)
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<egg|anbo|egg> UmbralRaptop: nice
<UmbralRaptop> :D
<UmbralRaptop> unfortunately, I need a new phone to use 5G
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<mofh> whitequark: has котя ran away for good, out of curiosity?
<whitequark> mofh: we've never seen her again
<whitequark> although i've heard isolated reports of sighting
<whitequark> котенька is not going anywhere, though, so there's that! they're quite alike
<egg|anbo|egg> please pet :3
<egg|anbo|egg> котенька котейка, assuming; works
<galois> title: #kspacademia on 2018-09-04 — irc logs at
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: also, mofh and ANBOcat
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<iximeow> where do these people with like, 24" telescopes hang out, that i can show up and start just taking their stuff
<iximeow> more nicely: s/start taking their stuff/operating their instruments/
<raptop> possibly uncomfortable suggestion: estate auctions (though there's a risk that you'd find a 40" dob)
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