egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
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<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> title: [2104.04336] GLOBALEMU: A novel and robust approach for emulating the sky-averaged 21-cm signal from the cosmic dawn and epoch of reionisation
<egg|anbo|egg___> GLOBALEMUWAR
<egg|anbo|egg___> A STRANGE GAME
<raptop> careful, the emus can win
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<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: re., speaking of furigana, the Amarna letters are full of glosses
<egg|anbo|egg> you have sumerograms followed by their reading in Akkadian
<egg|anbo|egg> and you even have Akkadian words (written either syllabically or with sumerogram) with Canaanite glosses
<galois> title: aemw/amarna
<egg|anbo|egg> (it’s not written above, instead it’s written after a punctuation mark, here transcribed as :)
<egg|anbo|egg> or sometimes even just written in line with no special marking
<galois> title: aemw/amarna
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<egg|anbo|egg_> tired: The idea that people knew a thing or two in the ‘70s is strange to a lot of young programmers.
<egg|anbo|egg_> wired: The idea that people knew a thing or two in the 1690s is strange to a lot of programmers & mathematicians.
<egg|anbo|egg_> (it turns out Lagny’s irrational method, which has fallen into obscurity
<egg|anbo|egg_> —despite being preferred by Halley, albeit for digit-by-digit arithmetic performance reasons that are rarely relevant nowadays—
<egg|anbo|egg_> is a serious contender in performance to his rational method, despite having a square root in addition to a division—and it has half the error)
<SnoopJ> things programmers believe about how clever programmers are
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<raptop> (Also, I totally thought that was Spizter not NGRST in the comic
<raptop> )
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<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a ja Rocketdyne septagon
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn raptop
* galois gives raptop a cubic 🔪 hazard with a piano attachment
* raptop is still vaguely bitter at not realizing that lots of old videogame music could be played on a piano until about a decade after ceasing lessons
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<egg|anbo|egg___> mew
<egg|anbo|egg___> whitequark: how are the cats
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