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<GlassYuri> browser feature idea: ask for confirmation when clicking on an element that has moved within the normal human reaction time
<GlassYuri> yall know that moment when you want to click on a link and then some slow-loading ad appears out of nowhere
<Greys> that should fall under clickjacking, it probably doesn't
<GlassYuri> 'They are Billions' is such an (probably unintentional) example of brilliant game design. between the moment when you realize that you're definitely losing and the game over screen there's like 30 seconds
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<GlassYuri> pinterest should just fucking die
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<Greys> die explosively all over the wal
<Greys> and then we'll put photos of it's innards on google
<TheKosmonaut> ~wa 15 c
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut: 15 c (speed of light): 4.497×10^6 km/s (kilometers per second)
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut: 15 c (speed of light): 4.497×10^9 m/s (meters per second)
<TheKosmonaut> !wa 15 c
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: 15 c (speed of light): 4.497×10^6 km/s (kilometers per second)
<TheKosmonaut> ~wa 15 C
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut: 15 °C (degrees Celsius): 288.15 K (kelvins)
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut: 15 °C (degrees Celsius): 59 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut: 15 °C (degrees Celsius): 518.67 °R (degrees Rankine)
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut: 15 °C (degrees Celsius): 12 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut: 15 °C (degrees Celsius): 15.375 °Rø (degrees Rømer)
<TheKosmonaut> !wa 15 C
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: 15 °C (degrees Celsius): 288.15 K (kelvins)
<TheKosmonaut> Can confirm, Silverfox was right.
<G-Mobile> ~wa 15c to f
<FoxBot9000> G-Mobile: convert 15 °C (degrees Celsius) to degrees Fahrenheit: 59 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
<G-Mobile> Oh look
<G-Mobile> Domain
<G-Mobile> The speed of light is not a ~temperature
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: how do I get ~temp to output in meters per second
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<GlassYuri> "kimi no na wa but you change body with a person from a different country and end up preventing that country from missiling yours"
<G-Mobile> An SNL skit where kim jon un(?) And Trump swap places and slowly fall in love via the proxy of their lives?
<G-Mobile> Actually, make than an SNL movie
<G-Mobile> Put a g in thrre somewhere
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<GlassYuri> kim jgon un
<GlassYuri> because the n in ngon is already taken for another variable of course
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, that's right, it's not a temperature, so stop trying to use it as one
<TheKosmonaut> It gets it right once further context is added. But that's because WA then takes some guesswork for you
<Greys> "further context" you mean a domain
<Greys> the domain of temperature
<Greys> which is what ~temp exclusively deals with
<TheKosmonaut> So
<TheKosmonaut> Is it easier to press Shift or type "~temp"
<Greys> that's irrelevant to the topic of discussion, silver's poorly made code and then claiming that other people's code which handles it correctly is justification for continuing to have bad code
<TheKosmonaut> But qboid does the same. And it's Wolfram Alpha spitting back the info
<TheKosmonaut> And testing another bot yielded the same results
<Greys> wolfram alpha handles it correctly on all bots
<Greys> foxbot is the only bot with a dedicated temperature command
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<TheKosmonaut> When did you type "~temp" at all tho?
<TheKosmonaut> All I saw was ~wa
<Greys> at the start of all this
<TheKosmonaut> ~temp 15 c
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut, having a hard time parsing that one...
<TheKosmonaut> ~temp 288 k
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut, having a hard time parsing that one...
<TheKosmonaut> ~temp 288 K
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut, Temp: 14.850006°C, 58.73001°F, 288.0K, -7.799018°e, -2.329226°ln
<Greys> that command is literally the point of contention
<TheKosmonaut> Why have a temp command at all
<Greys> that's a much older and less smart thing....
<Greys> the e and ln units
<Greys> ~temp -2F
<FoxBot9000> Greys, Temp: -18.88889°C, -2.0°F, 254.26111K, -1468863.9°e, -4.26268°ln
<Greys> so it's currently, per the ln unit, deadly out
<GlassYuri> wikihow is an actual parody of itself https://www.wikihow.com/Take-the-Road-Less-Traveled
<Greys> e is silver's failure to impliment ln correctly
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<GlassYuri> my 'room temp' range is larger than that graph's 'normal' range
<Greys> this was a continuation to extreme regarding C v. F in the context of human experience; F is better for human experience because it ranges from 0 to 100 with values outside of that being dangerous and positions within that being indicative of whether it's hot or cold
<Greys> while C is appropriate for everything other than human experience because it makes sense and is based on stuff; stuff that's not relevant to the experience of temperature in a room
<Greys> ln comparatively is highly abstract but each integer value reasonably represents what sort of concern a human needs to have over the temperature
<GlassYuri> so about my not-visual-novel
<Greys> when it's 2.x, it's hot enough to matter, when it's 4.x, it's hot enough to kill you
<Greys> your what?
<Greys> anyway, the current value of -4.x tells you that it's cold enough that if you didn't do anything about it, you would die in a fairly short period of time
<Greys> you don't actually need to know the decimal
<GlassYuri> that moment when you feel smart for cutting on feature creep when you're actually failing to implement something in the right way
<Greys> e I believe is celcius put through a logarithm somehow, which means that it's far too reactive
<GlassYuri> Greys, ah you don't know? the post-apocalyptic game about crossing an ocean in a cargo ship
<Greys> ah, deralict
<GlassYuri> wat?
<Greys> kinda hard to read because they moved to tumbler at some point, but it's a really good pseudo-lovecraft setting https://derelictcomic.tumblr.com/post/159475476183
<Greys> ~temp -5ln
<FoxBot9000> Greys, Temp: -61.896206°C, -79.41316°F, 211.25378K, -7.7804276E12°e, -5.0°ln
<Greys> ~temp -42F
<FoxBot9000> Greys, Temp: -41.111115°C, -42.0°F, 232.03888K, -4.3786255E9°e, -4.7095304°ln
<Greys> based on this map -42F is the coldest report on land in the northern hemisphere right now
<RandomJeb> sounds quite low
<RandomJeb> err
<RandomJeb> high
<RandomJeb> I'd have thought it was way colder
<Greys> I bet a satelite could find somewhere colder
<Greys> reporting basically means the declared temperature of a city or etc
<RandomJeb> yeah even so it seems pretty warm
<RandomJeb> pretty common to be below that temperature further inland here this time of the year
<Greys> I'm a bit surprized that only the middle of eastern russia is that cold
<Greys> northern canada peaks just under -20F
<Greys> oh hey, global warming
<RandomJeb> co2 is an asshole
<RandomJeb> it keeps feeding the jungle that is eating all our properties, lowering the winter albedo
<Greys> do jungles frow faster on a warmed earth?
<Greys> grow
<RandomJeb> they grow faster on a co2 richer earth
<RandomJeb> so sometimes yes
<Greys> that's suggestiong a relationship not supported by the argument
<RandomJeb> a warmer earth almost inevitably has more atmospheric co2
<Greys> sure, but the question is whether temperature impacts forest growth rate
<RandomJeb> it does, there's ideal temperatures for trees to grow
<RandomJeb> the answer is both yes and no
<RandomJeb> some places on a warmed earth they grow faster just from the temperature, some places they grow slower
<Greys> so, undetermined
<Greys> sooooo, intel CPUs are insecure
<Greys> don't you just love this new world we live in where we're suddenly smart enough and interested in discovering all the ways we used to be really stupid
<kmath_> <EqAlarm> [緊急地震速報]00:54:40現在 第7報 予報 発生:00:54:13 震源:東京湾 35.6N 140.1E 80km 規模:M5.0 最大4 予想:2.8 到達 - 確度:102% https://t.co/uWtIHba179
<Greys> golfers per gallon?
<Greys> they're predicting a magnetude 5 near tokyo?
<GlassYuri> earthquake right under tokyo bay
<GlassYuri> already happened
<Greys> ah
<Greys> how are things then?
<Greys> (btw the translation, via bing, is a bit hard to make heads of)
<GlassYuri> an upright standing toilet paper roll with a 3d printed part on it almost fell over, so clearly the damage is insignificant
<Greys> you're in/near tokyo right?
<TheKosmonaut> That's three in a short span of time
<GlassYuri> near the edge of the 23 special districts
<TheKosmonaut> In the bay
<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, foreshocks of the next great kantou one?w
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: woo
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: I may be moving out of Japan soon. Not sure yet.
<TheKosmonaut> Or just taking a long break
<TheKosmonaut> 3-6 month
<GlassYuri> Greys, that map puts me at 3 I think
<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, was it normal to not get a phone notification in before?
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: those are too fast for forecast warnings
<TheKosmonaut> Too close
<TheKosmonaut> They can get bigger ones at a distance usually
<TheKosmonaut> So people out on the far west side might have gotten alerts
<GlassYuri> did you get a phone warning in the last 2 years? I never got any which I find suspicious
<Greys> magnetude 3?
<TheKosmonaut> I got one this morning I think
<GlassYuri> Greys, shindo scale I think
<TheKosmonaut> For the two m3.9 that hit near Tottori and somewhere else
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: mag4.9
<TheKosmonaut> Shindo is a Japanese scale
<Greys> when I was a kid there was a 5.4 earthquake in illinois
<Greys> just under 400 miles away
<Greys> it was a big deal
<Greys> wow, it was such a big deal that it has a wikipedia page, that says it was a magnetude 5.2, good job agreeing with yourself wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Illinois_earthquake
<Greys> so your earthquake what with almost knocking over a toilet paper roll or whatever you said, that sounds intense as shit
<GlassYuri> it was the largest one for me so far
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