r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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GlassYuri, having recurring places in dreams is normal
that's great I guess
just wish I could visit some of them IRL ;)
also, do you have ternaries in there?
ternaries are a must in your code
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you mean ?: ?
not very many I think, I use them a lot more in some of my other projects
<condition> ? <true> : <false> ;
in my adventure game I have one place where I chained them
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I chained some in KWS
having them in array brackets is great
but yeah, they are one of my favorite features in any c-like lang
actually had another student compliment me on my java code just because I had ?: and @supresswarnings in there
the latter was just an automatic suggestion by eclurpse
anyway have to leave for school
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so I just had to present something and I of course screwed that up
but everyone was applauding at the end which they didn't for the other presentations
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VS code isn't as neat as I thought it would be
I tried starting a C# project in it, but couldn't easily do so without thinking I had to write all the boilerplate stuff that makes a C# class and project a C# class and project.
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installed visual studio 2017
didn't even come with C# project templates
hard part in making this superpermutator is figuring out how to generate the permutation sequence
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I still prefer atom
Then again, it tends to freeze on large python projects since it uses jedi for autocomplete
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what is a good way of generating the possible permutations for an n-length sequence of numbers?
for 3 length you have 123 132 312 321 as the possible ones, but how do I generate that with code?
specifically not in a shitty way
Mathematically, it's a tree, so you only need to write and algorithm that output the same thing as something as the list of leaves
but how do I code that in a good way
define good: Efficient? Easy to read?
uhh, efficiency is best here
since this will be very computationally heavy
Then I don't know
well fuck
gimme what you got
I would create a list and call it recursively with n-1 size
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