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<SilverFox> I need to get the point at which the atria start not getting to full contraction, which is the starting point for a reduce in atrial output. I believe this starting point is tachycardia, which is defined as a heart rate of over 100bpm
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<SilverFox> and this *should* scale linearly with bpm increase; the total amount of blood decreasing with increase in bp
<SilverFox> bpm*
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<SilverFox> I think I need a mindshift to be able to properly comprehend what's going on here
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<SilverFox> GlassYuri, yo
<GlassYuri> what unethical experiments do you want me to take part in?
<SilverFox> you model stuff right?
<SilverFox> and don't bitch about unethical when you come from a country that was famous for nazi experiments, to which you moved to a country which did warcrimes and extreme torture
<SilverFox> fuck, I need proper animation for the heart chambers
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<SilverFox> I need to figure out what the smallest volume the atrium gets to, and what it's max is in relation to that, so that i can have the proper values to animate
<SilverFox> fuck, I can't update the gameobject's localscale on a seperate thread other than the main thread
<SilverFox> Unity is great but I'm starting to doubt its ability to do what I want it to do
<SilverFox> and all this is giving me a headache
<SilverFox> I need a damn cardiologist
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<GlassYuri> SilverFox, I model stuff depending on what definition of "model" you apply how strictly
<GlassYuri> also SilverFox, write the scale to a property and have something on the main thread handle the visuals
<GlassYuri> your core should probably not depend on unity at all except for the vector struct
<GlassYuri> say if you're handling volumes, calculate the volume, then the gameobject calculates it's scale from that and it's nominal volume
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<SilverFox> handling volume is roundabout
<SilverFox> I do need a volume figure for like, the input and output
<SilverFox> but other than that, not really
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, think you can model and animate a heart?
<GlassYuri> lel no
<GlassYuri> I have zero practice doing organic modeling, not to speak of actual organs
<GlassYuri> I can probably find someone who can do it but has no time
<GlassYuri> fuck man, already midnight
<SilverFox> 1 hour till midnight, right?
<GlassYuri> ...5 mins after
<SilverFox> huh
<SilverFox> are japan and korea in different timezones?
<GlassYuri> I think so
<SilverFox> huh
<GlassYuri> why would they use the evil opressors time zone
<GlassYuri> honestly japan should just move over a time zone
<SilverFox> why
<GlassYuri> because the sun rises before four fucking AM
<GlassYuri> I'd rather have that time in the evening
<SilverFox> fair
<GlassYuri> if I get a job that lasts until 19:00 and pull no overtime whatsoever I'd still don't get to see the fucking sun
<SilverFox> wut
<SilverFox> FUCK
<GlassYuri> sunset seems to be at like 18:40 in summer or so
<SilverFox> I can't update the damn atrium size from another thread no matter what I try
<GlassYuri> are you sure you understand threading
<SilverFox> I even tried calling the main thread stuff and just making a method in the main thread class
<GlassYuri> also are you sure that the other thread is running
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, unity doesn't like multi-threaded things for certain things
<GlassYuri> exceptions in threads cause silent failures
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, unity 2018.1 does
<SilverFox> well, run up unity 2018.1 and tell me if you can get the transform.localscale from another thread
<GlassYuri> why are you getting it
<SilverFox> so I can make the fuckin heart move
<GlassYuri> your mathematical model should be independent
<SilverFox> the heart needs to fuckin beat dude
<SilverFox> that's what I'm working on
<SilverFox> it can't pump if it doesn't beat
<SilverFox> I have the math, the math is easy
<GlassYuri> then simulate a heart, mathematically
<GlassYuri> then set it's scale or animations based on the current state of the model each state
<SilverFox> well guess how I'm setting its scale
<SilverFox> transform.localscale
<GlassYuri> yeah, do that in the main fucking thread
<SilverFox> yeah but main thread will get clustered eventually
<GlassYuri> premature optimization motherfucker
<SilverFox> also the timing for FixedUpdate is fucked
<SilverFox> it's not 20ms
<SilverFox> it's ~~~20ms
<GlassYuri> why is it that only you hit these problems every time
<GlassYuri> seriously you remind me of myself using unreal engine
<SilverFox> how so?
<GlassYuri> because you're having such an unreasonable amount of trouble it makes one wonder how this tool could actually be used by anyone in the industry
<SilverFox> most of my troubles aren't because unity
<GlassYuri> why are you even bothering with fixed update if you don't use physx
<SilverFox> wut
<SilverFox> all the physics stuff is in fixedupdate
<GlassYuri> what do you use physics for
<SilverFox> timing stuff and calculating blood flow and drug stuff and all sorts of things
<SilverFox> update is for graphical stuff
<SilverFox> see thing is, I thought fixedupdate was 20ms +-10%, but it's not
<SilverFox> it can be as low as 15ms
<GlassYuri> you can set it to a second if that helps
<SilverFox> updating every second is too slow
<SilverFox> lots can happen in the body in a single second
<SilverFox> and I'd be changing the heart's size, once a second
<SilverFox> because it wouldn't be getting the updated numbers it'd need
<SilverFox> muscle contractions are fast
<GlassYuri> also why are some slight fluctuations in fixed update such a problem
<SilverFox> because if it was like, 19-21ms, I'd be like "alright, I can assume timestep is 20ms and be fine" but no
<SilverFox> that'd throw off timings
<SilverFox> you need to chill
<GlassYuri> I don't see how what you're trying to accomplish could be particularily impossible
<GlassYuri> the only challenge I see is getting the simulation to be accurate
<SilverFox> I need it to be accurate at least within some insignificant margin where I can get away with it
<GlassYuri> and that is mainly because my medical knowledge is limited to calling an ambulance
<SilverFox> sick
<SilverFox> I need more thinking on this
<GlassYuri> anyway, what you should do is if you want to continue the threated approach, have your nice and thready system exist independently from gameobjects, and then have some monobehaviours on the gameobjects that pull data from the system and represent it visually
<SilverFox> right
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<SilverFox> still no news on new nvidia graphics cards
<SilverFox> fuckin rip, I'm stuck on a 1060
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