r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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note to self: don't open unity project while files are still copying
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it got overwritten didnt it
part of it
it looked fine but some files storing project settings got murdered
remind me again why unity doesn't have an .unityproject or so and instead stores your settings in fuckloads of files which look like temp files
I wonder if unity technologies and epic games have a secret agreement to fuck up everything the other party did not fuck up
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also remind me why there's MonoBehaviour.GetComponent but no MonoBehaviour.AddComponent
...do any of you ever get this when you run unfinished code and it already works when you expect it not to
like "just gonna check if this piece of UI still throws an expection on startup... holy shit it already reacts to input"
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Hey all
If you're even here
Bling bling bling
im going to bed soon
Finally cracked the code
And it's tearing me apart
I hurt all my friends
In a rabbit hole
As an experiment
You guys made that rule way back when I freaked out
Separation of technical discussion and shit talking
It's kind of ironic
It happens everywhere I guess
We started a war over a video game
although I was the north korea here
I have an idea for a mod I can make for KSP
if that game is even still alive
it's gon be like, medbay stuff, medical things
with different types of diseases; fungal, viral, bacterial each treated with anti-disease, and you can prevent disease with vaccinations
and there'd be a doctor kerbal
is it possible to make new types of kerbals?
can I extend the Kerbal class in order to add Health bars to every kerbal that exists?
A video game of video games
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LabMonkey is now known as StatutoryApe
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