it calculates the end state, then goes back to the start in reverse time
this of course takes advantage of the flux capacitor in modern CPUs being generally under-utilized even way below 88 mph
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should I throw out my lovingly crafted camera script in favor of the only free RTS camera asset on the unity asset store
well don't throw it out
back it up, try out the new stuff, then bring it back in if the new stuff sucks
(lovingly crafted = at some point I had to move the camera for the first time so I made something up in a few mins)
of course
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the only issue I see is that RTS cameras do some height checking to avoid clipping and shit
because my game is mostly a screenshot simulator anyway being able to get the camera everywhere outusefuls any sort of clipping prevention by far
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if anyone has and is willing to benchmark double reduction performance on an AMD GPU or Intel CPU, let me know
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