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<SilverFox> rip second monitor
<SilverFox> 2016-2018
<SilverFox> it just keeps resetting
<Orum> short life for a monitor
<SilverFox> i bought it second hand
<SilverFox> it's a really shitty old vga monitor
<SilverFox> it's 4:3
<Orum> ahh... yeah, the only monitors I have to deal with that are VGA or 4:3 are at work, and a few of those have finally died
<SilverFox> it's a Philips
<SilverFox> that 90's "white" that's really beige
<Orum> bleh
<Orum> I assume it's at least LCD
<Orum> if you want a free monitor I can give you one that I'd otherwise have to pay to recycle, but you gotta cover S&H then....
<Orum> they're also VGA and 4:3, and probably not high quality even for their time
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<SilverFox> what's the resolution?
<SilverFox> I just bought a monitor from some old lady, also a VGA monitor, and it's the disgusting 1366x768 res, but meh
<SilverFox> 17.50$ for it so not bad
<SilverFox> I now have 3 monitors
<Orum> it's probably somewhere around that, I donno... I have like 4 of them at work just sitting on a shelf to be recycled at some point
<Orum> they work but they're old, low resolution, and VGA
<SilverFox> idk, shipping might kill it
<Orum> yeah probably, no idea what shipping to CA is from here
<SilverFox> check what it is to ottawa, that'll give you a rough estimate
<Orum> lol, "What's the value of the item being mailed?"
<Orum> $0?
<SilverFox> yeah probably, they want to calculate insurance or some shit
<Orum> jesus UPS wants >$150
<Orum> USPS says ~$50 (I'm guessing which box it'll fit in)
<Orum> probably not worth $50 TBH
<SilverFox> no
<Orum> I wonder how businesses get such insanely low rates
<Orum> probably the same way health insurance companies do...
<SilverFox> because they have business deals
<Orum> yep
<Orum> there should be a name for this... "screw the individual" economics
<Orum> I'm sure small businesses get boned too though
<SilverFox> of course
<SilverFox> here in canada they get screwed anyways
<Orum> but amazon needs that tax break... huehuehuehue
<Orum> man I love writing efficient code, but boy do I hate reading it
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<senray> Anyone know if the last two stockalike station parts releases are backwards-comptaible to 1.3.1?
<Orum> you're probably better off trying it yourself or asking the developer (if s/he even knows)
<senray> yeah
<Orum> speaking of developers, does darklight come in here any more?
<SilverFox> no, but he's in other channels
<Orum> he abandoned us T_T
<SilverFox> rip
<SilverFox> idk if he's still modding
<Orum> Suppose it depends on how you define "still modding"... I'm "still modding" in the sense that if I ever get other higher priority projects finish I'm actually going to go back and update my mods, but that could be a year from now
<Orum> he's still in DMP so he might care enough about that, if anything in there is on topic
<SilverFox> just did a price comparison, and a GTX 1080 is like, 850$ in canada, but in the US it's equivalent to 815$
<SilverFox> and fun fact, between lowest price 6gb 1060, there's a price difference of -6$ between canadian and american ones
<SilverFox> it would cost me 6$ more to get a 1060 from america
<Orum> what does a 1080 cost right now /in/ the US though?
<Orum> oh, so it's cheaper where you are
<Orum> I don't get this: warning C4554: '>>': check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
<Orum> >> should be lower precedence than +, so why the warning?
<SilverFox> 1080 is 813.93CAD
<Orum> yeah, they're much more expensive here
<SilverFox> it was like, 634 or something
<SilverFox> or 500-something because there was like, 80$ shipping
<SilverFox> a 1070 is 469.99
<SilverFox> USD
<Orum> oh wait, amazon actually h as them in stock at that price
<Orum> newegg doesn't
<ve2dmn> SilverFox: which site?
<SilverFox> amazon
<Orum> I will never buy a graphics card from amazon again
<ve2dmn> SilverFox: I learned of the bankruptcy of NCIX yesterday
<SilverFox> hey guys check out the latest card from AMD: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814129424
<FoxBot9000> Refurbished: VisionTek Radeon X1550 400164 256MB Video Card - Newegg.ca
<Orum> I remember the late 90's early 2000's
<SilverFox> ve2dmn, you're slow
<ve2dmn> I havent felt the need to buy a computer in years...
<ve2dmn> but I stopped going to that site years ago
<ve2dmn> (also note that I have never seen a physical NCIX store)
<Orum> unless you have a use for more cores or game, I don't blame you
<SilverFox> getting the cheapest 1070 from amazon.com vs the cheapest 1070 from newegg.ca compares to (final cost) a savings of -26.15$
<SilverFox> it is 26$ cheaper in canada
<Orum> yay canada?
<ve2dmn> I might upgrade my TVPC, but my money is going toward other things right now
<SilverFox> yeah the cheapest 1080 right now on amazon.com is 549.99$
<Orum> have you seen the new NUC? pretty hilarious that Intel is using an AMD GPU in that...
<ve2dmn> They are still ATI in my heart
<Orum> <3
<SilverFox> why the fuck does aliexpress.com redirect to the portuguese website?
<Orum> domain squatters?
<SilverFox> idk what the english version is
<Orum> ~g aliexpress
<FoxBot9000> Orum: https://www.aliexpress.com/
<Orum> english for me
<Orum> someone confused canada with portugal/brazil?
<SilverFox> it keeps redirecting me to pt.aliexpress.com
<Orum> fix your brower/ip address :\
<Orum> or rather, they should fix their ip2c
<SilverFox> I had to click the english site button
<SilverFox> I can get a 1060 6GB 20$ cheaper from aliexpress
<SilverFox> or I can get a 5GB 1060 for like, 54$ cheaper
<Orum> FoxBot9000 have a rand function?
<Orum> ~rand(2^15,2^19)
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> unless rand is a standard math function
<SilverFox> ~c rand(2^15, 2^19)
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, error with inputs or something idfk
<SilverFox> nope
<Orum> I'm sure it is in some language
<Orum> ~c rand()
<FoxBot9000> Orum, error with inputs or something idfk
<Orum> well it doesn't even support the parameterless C version
<SilverFox> yeah because it's not in the math library I use
<SilverFox> I literally just run whatever is put in ~c through a math library parser thing
<SilverFox> with some custom added stuff because it didn't support PI or E or e
<SilverFox> ~c e
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 2.718281828459045
<Orum> hrm, what parser do you use?
<SilverFox> dunno
<Orum> :|
<SilverFox> it's a parser for java
<SilverFox> since my bot is java
* Orum just uses random.org
<Orum> well, this is interesting, summing 'n' doubles of 1.0/n is always >= 1.0, it seems
<Orum> or more likely I screwed up somewhere :)
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<SilverFox> yanno what we need?
<SilverFox> cable-cooling
<SilverFox> watercooling cables
<SilverFox> actually liquid cooling the cables that power the system for extreme overclocking
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