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hrm, why is it that GPUs get such a benefit from coalesced access, but CPUs don't? ...or do they?
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...how do I best implement one of these 3d editor things where you can drag an object along one axis, a plane of two, or all three at the same time
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Orum, I am now
GlassFragments, you can implement then by various creative choices
although you can implement sliders as well
I have like, 3 different implementations in my head
SilverFox, I did the axis/plane selection already by checking which line is closes to the mouse position
I feel like there could be a better implementation
there is some library for unity which has a helper function that can do that
SilverFox, sure, it has some quirks
like having physical ones like in KSP or Unity
or even a GUI element with 3 sliders
how the fuck would sliders work
-1 <-> +1
for x time it's mouse-down held at either end, apply slider value to axis
KSP's 3d axis thing is just a fancy slider
same with Unity
...you are aware that I'm talking about these 3d things where you have each axis, and between them you can select a plane of two axes?
how the fuck would that work with sliders?
you know those uhhhh link icons
you just select the axis you want linked with radial buttons
yeah but then I already have a numerical input for those who enjoy cumbersome UI
alright, it was just a suggestion
idk how gizmos work, but isn't there some gizmo that could be helpful?
GlassFragments, how different is UE compared to Unity?
I love the high quality of UE, but I've never tried it
well for starters the unreal user interface is designed to not work on a single monitor
and I find that there's a quality limit to things that can be made in unity
well that's fucking stupid
the whole UE = quality bullshit is for people who think quality = just go to postprocessing and turn everything on
unreal does that by default, Unity requires you to do it manually
I honestly hate how default unreal looks with that fucking bloom and eye adaption
and the unity post processing stack lets you do the exact same if you want to be like unreal
well shit
I think I want to pick up my Human Simulation and Diagnostic Project project up again
it's kinda disheartening though (no pun intended) when I don't have a good looking heart
function > form though
I mean no doubt eye adaption and bloom can really enhance some scenes, but don't fucking put it everywhere
SilverFox, so btw the way the unreal UI requires two monitors is that it has the usual editor window and then another window in which you edit what is their equivalent to prefabs
as well as the visual scripting, materials, everything
so it's just optimized for multi-monitor
and the thing is if you select that second window the first one gains focus as well, so if you want to have one window cover half the screen but the other window is somewhere in the back at fullscreen, it will come and say hey fuck you
good design choices
also I don't think you can minimize the main editor while keeping the asset thing
also while unity's editor is reasonably usable at half a monitor's width, unreal really isn't
the asset thing also has tabs for each asset, and then tabs within that for 3d view, two inbuilt scripts for initialization and event system, and one for each script function
but then when editing UI components it uses two separate buttons to switch between the designer and the attached script, making it confusing as fuck
GlassFragments is now known as GlassYuri
also the visual scripting is slow as shit to work with compared to C#
and C++ is what it is
good stuff
if you zoom in a blueprint script, elements change size depending on zoom level, so you can never arrange them properly
even autogenerated 'code' has issues with elements ending up on top of each other, which if you're used to conventional code you've never even fucking heard of being an issue
also, the key to readability seems to be keeping the links between nodes straight, but even autogenerated stuff doesn't give a fuck
and since I'm just bashing the UI, if you import assets, there seems to be some fuckery going on with references outside the project folder
which is annoying if you move between PCs often as we do in school
so, it all seems like minor issues if you take a step back, but god I fucking hate working with that engine
SilverFox, btw write me a proper directX .x model loader
I literally ripped one from openBVE and it doesn't work
I've never worked with directX
and my selfmade one is slow as fuck and doesn't support all variations of the format