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so I'm trying to make a train move along a track which has switches in it, except that there's feature creep everywhere
it started with switches not necessarily connecting the ends ends of track segments, but in the middle as well
how do you feature creep a train moving forward?
and now there's an IPathBranch interface because a segment may branch internally
maybe I should make the TrackSystem itself recursive, so that a segment containing branches may be it's own track system
SilverFox, most virtual model railways / city builders / transport simulations have some sort of limitation that I really hate, although for city builders it's excusable
the only way out is to make my own, with a modular architecture to support every possible feature I can imagine myself adding in the future
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Sounds like a quality meme GlassSchool ;p
...should a path segment be allowed to connect with itself
there's legitimate use cases (ballon loops) and all the complications caused by it are already caused by something else I plan to implement too
A track should be able to connect to anything implementing type Track
that simple
and they should attach at given TrackAttachmentPoint
which is up to you to implement
that is basically how it works already
then it is simple enough that there shouldn't be problems
a track shouldn't connect to anything that isn't track
except it doesn't work yet because I'm still working on it
well stop it
SilverFox, basic type safety which any real programming language has ensures that we only connect to tracks
so you're done
connect tracks and easy peasy
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yeah no shit
implement methods SetTrackAttachment() and RemoveTrackAttachment() and you should be good for all types of shit
thing is, what are these track branches you're talking about, and why are they relevant to the function of things?
because if a track branches, a train will continue along exactly one of the possible branches
everything else results in property damage, possibly deaths, a federal investigation, and a drifting manga
now if you have multiple ways in which things can branch, and you consider that there needs to be some way to predict a path for collision avoidance / signalling / AI pathfinding, it gets unexpectedly complicated
all that stuff shouldn't be handled by the tracks
you can have a List of CurrentlyActiveTracks
I have a TrackSystem which keeps track of connections
AI pathfinding is easy in this case, not to do efficiently, but to implement it is simple; you follow the track connections to get to the trackpiece you want to get to, and if you never get there, then you know that path doesn't lead to it
and if you come to a branch, spawn a new TrackFollower and feed it the list of previously followed tracks
also how do I handle a connection being deleted while a train is on it
explode the train
you RemoveTrackConnection() from each of the neighboring track pieces
don't allow deleting it, but where
not even sure how to handle occupancy yet
track shouldn't care about occupancy
it doesn't matter if something is on it or not, it just needs to exist correctly
the thing is I already have two levels there PathSegment which models track geometry, and PathEntity which models a section of track containing a PathSegment
I for some design reason made the TrackSystem work at the segment level
track geometry being?
describes the path that the track center follows
in what way?
give me an example of it
it has a bunch of methods that can be used to determine position and rotation of anything placed relative to that track center
what is a "track center"?
that could be a train, or just the rails itself, anything
why does the track system care about the rotation or position of the train?
why does the road care about how the cars drive? it doesn't, it just gives them a path of least resistance, but is completely agnostic to what actually happens
that is how it should be
so if your tracksystem is caring about the orientation of the train, then you should not do that
however, if you demolish a bridge while something is driving over it, even if the road doesn't give a fuck and just ceases to exist, the overall system will be in an invalid state (which IRL would be resolved by gravity but)
...removing the last segment of one side of a node should be handled how
if you demolish a bridge then both sides of the bridge have road pieces that have Empty as an attachment point where the bridge used to be
probably depends on the state of the track system, which means I'd need an event handler in the node which asks the track system what to do
if AttachmentPoint = Empty and you enter it, you crash
Tracksystem doesn't care
don't query the tracksystem what to do
query something made for checking the states of the tracks
track system keeps track of nodes, that's like the sole reason why it exists, so it has to avoid getting invalid nodes
how is an empty node an invalid one?
depends on design philosophy
I think that perhaps that might be the issue
a fully empty node should be garbage collected anyway, if it isn't, then there would be a major fuckup in how referecences are tracked
a fully empty node being a lone track just sitting there?
just one piece with no connections?
no, a node which has no tracks whatsoever
basically just a struct instance devoid of all meaning
I see
you have nodes to which you attach tracks, rather than just using tracks
that's like a standard way to implement a branching graph?
anyway, I have to leave now
you've interested me in this project, I'll make my own console version tomorrow
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Glass|phone, I'll make my own version of this tomorrow
have fun
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SilverFox, I have decided that path segments themselves should not have any internal branching
the same functionality can be provided by a separate entity containing several discrete path segments
the track system would only see these segments and their connections would be handled like any other connection
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SilverFox, there should probably still be two types of node, one end-to-end and one middle-to-end
the end-to-end could be many-to-many, but maybe limiting it to one-to-many would be preferable
that way both nodes would be directional, which likely simplifies some things
if both node types are directional there could be an interface property for direction and merging side path segment, and if we encounter a node in merging direction we just get that property
that would make the actual pathfinding agnostic to if a node is a middle or end node
...actually there's no need for different data types here
...actually there might be
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GlassYuri, the more agnostic you can make it, the better
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GlassYuri, what are the fundamental differences between end-to-end and middle-to-end
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both look like they have starting points, and both look like they have endpoints
middle to end allows continuing on the same segment, end obviously not
what is "continuing on the same segment"?
I'm worried about a middle node which doesn't allow continuing on the same path
ahhh, well just don't be
I thought about that before I fell asleep
the thing is I'm not yet sure about how segments and nodes are created, edited and deleted yet
loading and saving from/to a file is easy, but user interaction is a giant mess
so either A) throw an error/exception -> train crashes, B) have the AI check the nodes before each run and if there are empty spaces, it obviously can't get there
orrr, you can do this minecraft redstone style
or not, because that still encourages some things
nodes are handy and useful in branching, yes, and saving them in a cache would be rather nice for performance, especailly in more complex and larger tracks yes, but it boils down to the AI, or something, having to check nodes to see if they are dirty or empty
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you could possibly send a track update to the node system telling them that the attached nodes are dirtied
however, if you don't even have the node sytem implemented yet, then you don't have these problems yet
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GlsFrg|phone, you should get a bouncer, especially if you missed all that I said
i am caching pretty much everything and it seems to be working out
I also have an eventhandler for when a path segment changes
ran into some trouble with node updates however
build up to your problems, don't try and solve them before they're actual problems
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my current problem is figuring out how the train gets from one side of the track to where it should go, given a switching track
because there's two scenarios, it comes from the open end to the switched end, or from the switched end, to the open end
r4m0n what do you think?
if I'm understanding this properly, the problem is that you need more sensors to pick up train direction
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making this in the console is going to be challenging
well, visually challenging anyways
make a simple 3D simulator to visualize things easier. just boxes moving over lines
but I think I figured out the switching scenario, but it doesn't allow for a track to have more than 1 switching mechanism, which sucks
r4m0n, even visual basic or some shit where I can make pictures would work
anything goes, yeah. visualizing helps a lot
takes a bit to learn. if you're talking about WPF, just create a new project with it in VS, drag some GUI components in the interface and play with it
I need a familiar environment reeeee
us whatever you're most comfortable with
although fuck
winforms can't render shit properly without flickering
if you aren't comfortable with anything to help you now, well, you'll get comfortable as you use stuff XD
for visualizing something, I'd go with Unity. it has all the bits to have moving stuff on it
I dont need an actual realistic moving train
the only issue I have with console is that I can't make the track types obvious
no, but getting a box moving would take seconds
most of this is to get the track system figured out for glassyuri
if you describe the problem more precisely I can just solve it for you :-)
ask Glass|phone
I don't remember what it was
I'll consider it asked XD
SilverFox: use gizmos for everything, maybe linerenderers for tracks
the easiest way to clutter colored spheres on the screen in unity
I just need a 2D thing
r4m0n: basically the problem is simply finding the next track segment in a rail network, but with the added twist of segment connections not being restricted to the end points of segments
also I am not quite sure yet how connections would be created or deleted
in a network, usually if there's any split, that's an endpoint of all segments in it
that has the limitation of requiring to split the segment, which I don't want to do
like with roads, in GIS, you usually split them in all intersections, and what we call a "street" is the concatenation of all segments of that street
you don't need to, but your graph is going to be a mess
I was going to have two node types with an abstract base type, making most operations on a node agnostic to what type of node it is
you need to learn to keep reality and its representations apart when it's convenient :-)
it helps if you go into a bit more detail of what you're trying to do, why and how
however when moving along a segment I still have to check which node is closest
maybe I should consider storing the segment as one piece, but splitting it up for pathfinding purposes
you definitely want your graph nice and split for A*
such a 'subsegment' could rather easily be mapped to a full segment with just a subsegment length and starting offset
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if there's any merging going on, that segments the network :-P
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stop inventing terms, segments are already the smallest unit
unless you're keeping track of the individual rail bars
r4m0n: what I was talking about was making a pathfinding segment different to a segment that the user interacts with
so that the user may very well create segment a, attach segment b somewhere in the middle, and then decide to delete segment b while retaining segment a as one piece
I say stop overcomplicating things
however the pathfinding would consider a before and after the switch as two separate segments, which could then be mapped back to the single a in order to get positions and such from it
I'd split A, if the user then deletes B, either keep it split or re-merge
SilverFox: if I wanted something simple I could play any of the overpriced and underdesigned games out there
if you don't keep things simple then you are going to fuck yourself because you overthink it
r4m0n: auto merging would be a whole new hornet nest
that's easy enough
did I tell you all that a segment is an abstract base class with different possible implementations
you'll be only joining stuff that's identical in both sides of a node with just 2 segments getting into it
still, I'd prefer my segment to be unaffected by that
a pathfinding subsegment would only need a segment reference, starting offset and length, and most operations would only affect the length
the rest is only needed to map a position in the graph back to 3d space
just pay attention that some junctions aren't bidirectional, need some more care in the pathfinding code
I was actually going to ask for advice on that
all junctions are a directional one-to-many mapping right now
so thing is, I half-figured out the switching stuff
if you're doing A*, it should work fine if you count each possible incoming direction in the nodes as a separate pathfinding path
ask if it's a switching track, if no, get first path it can take, if yes, ask which tracks the switch is attached to. if that track is the one we are on, ask if it's switch to it, if yes, we can go, if no, we crash. If that track isn't the one we are on, then we take the active track
but this doesn't handle if the track has multi-switching support
r4m0n: for the most part I don't even need pathfinding due to how trains navigate, so it's more of a nice to have thing
automating by placing triggers for every action manually should suffice for the most part
you'll need to do at least one pass of pathfinding, at setup time of a route
that or the user has to run it themselves XD
in most cases you'd probably want to set each switch manually for a route, and then reuse that route for several trains
well, you'd also want different trains to use the switch differently
it's kind of the point of the switch
yes, but real life example I see almost every day, "rapid goes left, special rapid goes right". that's a few minutes to set up manually for all switches
pretty much, yeah
most cases would be "go straight unless you are *that guy*"
so just have the train go over a signal track and send the signal then
or do wifi shenanigans or whatever
the train has a path, where each node has a set position to be in, it asks if that node is in the right position, if it's not, signal, if it is, just keep truckin along
like with plane flying, we map the routes we take, of course we can just take the path, because air lul, but it's the same concept
nowadays it's either done electromechanically with track signaling locally or remotely-controlled with a bunch of systems tracking the trains and setting things up
you could just "wifi magics" it, unless you're going for realism, in which case do it the way real trains go
just have a method that gets called by the stuff to change the active track
for automation and pathfinding, a heavy dose of abstraction seems advantageous
it would be, yes
I want to add manually placed triggers as well, but create reasonable default behaviour so that you don't need then for the most part
there's also the simple fact that because I'm aiming for downward compatibility with a game called RailSim2, I have to equal or exceed it in functionality in almost every regard
have been hitting some issues with how rendering works between unity and dx8/9, some of which might not be feasibly fixable
I mean, that's a good goal and all, but don't restrict yourself to it
if you can go beyond it, do so without looking back
that's in part why everything has to be extensible
like why the path segment is an abstract class that could have completely different implementations
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I never knew a site could be so badly programmed that it can't render y's properly
~c (53/2.4) * 100
SilverFox, 2208.3333333333335
2200km range supposedly on the ford fusion PEHV Energi hybrid engine
and with a 53L tank, fuel prices currently at 1.27/L, that's
~c 53 * 1.27
SilverFox, 67.31
68$ per fill up
~wa 14 gallons to litres
SilverFox: convert 14 gallons to liters: 53 L (liters)
oh how convenient, my car has the same tank capacity
and I get about 400km on a tank
my daily drive is about 35km
~c 400/35
SilverFox, 11.428571428571429
which is about 2.2 weeks of driving
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with this, even giving it a more conservative range of 2000km, that'd give me..
~c 2000/35
SilverFox, 57.142857142857146
~c 57/5
SilverFox, 11.4
11.4 weeks worth of driving
which is like, 3 months a fill-up?
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~c 11.4/5
SilverFox, 2.2800000000000002
~c 11.4/4
SilverFox, 2.85
so in 2.85mo a fill up is needed
Why are these cars not selling more than what they are?
SilverFox: you can't use Le directly
probably not
that'd be too easy
Le/100 km is converted using "One litre of gasoline contains the energy equivalent to 8.9 kWh of electricity."
so it's an approximation
so I'll just approximate that the range is greater than what my car currently has, which even then, in gas mode it runs 5.7L/100km
so a 53L tank has the equivalent to 471kwh
~c (53/5.7) * 100
SilverFox, 929.8245614035087
about 900km on it
which is still a pretty impressive range
I really do want an electric, but I need to figure out how much it'll cost to fill the car per tank, and what an equivalent price will net me
this whole system is rather convoluted and complex
the battery on that model is 7,6 kWh
so the range is 35 km + gas
so the electric range is 1 of my trips
how much is that in electricity here...
Compare with the Leaf, that has a 40kwh battery and a range of about 250km
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there's a ford focus electric with a range of about 185km, takes 30 hours to charge on 120V, giving it 80% of its charge
and the battery is 33.5kWh
I have my sources for a list of electric models, but it's for the QC market
I want my next car to be at least a hybrid, ideally a plug-in, but a tesla is the KJU of electrics
oh wait, QC doesn't get the same EV incentives that ontario does
and your electricity is cheaper
how much you pay per kWh over there?
you have EV incentives?
yeah like, up to 14,000 depending on the price of the car
we get 8k for a full EV
as for prices: https://i.cbc.ca/1.4457506.1513735331!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/hydro-prices.jpg?imwidth=720
5.18 wtf
we pay 6.5c off peak
we have a peak-system here
we dont
I believe quebec is just flat rate right?
ve2dmn, I'm also considering the volkswagen e-Golf because electric blyatmobile
however, another thing worth noting is the toyota prius has a fucking HUD on the windshield
I'm gonna try and get a parking space before buying anything :/
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btw, that cheap hydro is attracting a lot of annoying Cryptomining operations
yeah, that'd definitely do it
Platburgh, NY has even cheaper electricity, but it's a small operation
So some are going to Iceland because the cooling is even cheaper then here
the cooling?
Iceland is colder AND hotter
They have glaciers next to semi-active volcanoes
so you can easily run on geothermal if you need hot or cold
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lol monthly payment of 602$/mo for an e-golf
with 5 grand down
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~wa 25gallons to litres
SilverFox: convert 25 gallons to liters: 94.64 L (liters)
oh wait shit
~wa 25mpg to L/100km
SilverFox: (convert 25 mpg (miles per gallon) to liters)/(100 km (kilometers)): 0.1063 L^(-1) (reciprocal liters)
~c 1 /0.1063
SilverFox, 9.40733772342427
9.4, aight
ve2dmn, I'm really liking the Bolt
ve2dmn, do you need a front license plate in Quebec?
~c 47,210 - 12,389
SilverFox, error with inputs or something idfk
~c 47210 - 12389
SilverFox, 34821.0
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wow, I could charge the Leaf in 6 hours with a lvl 2 charger, pretty nice, although that's 240V and 32A, which is a lot of power
~wa 150mi to km
SilverFox: convert 150 miles to kilometers: 241.4 km (kilometers)
nissan leaf has an okay range
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~wa 90mi to km
SilverFox: convert 90 miles to kilometers: 144.8 km (kilometers)
~c 383/144.8
SilverFox, 2.645027624309392
~c 2.65 * 30
SilverFox, 79.5
80 minutes charge from DC fast charging on the Bolt
sorry. I was in the Metro
No Front licence (yet)
but yall gonna do it eventually?
it's unclear. No currents plan
also, if you charge something to 80% in an hour, how long to get to 100%?
4/5 in an hour, so 4/5 * hour + hour ?
it's more like 50% in 25min, 80% in an hour and 100% in 90min
depends on a lot of factors
cool, just calcing the DC Fast Charging stuff
currently the Leaf is beating out everything else in terms of charging time
well, the e-golf has lesser battery, but it has abismal range so yeah
also, the 2019 Nissan Leaf is supposed to be pretty good
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with the E-Plus version having capacity of ~64kWh, and >362km range with a 11-22kW internal charger, with 100kW DC fast charging capabilities
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I want to an 'electric vehicule show'
sort of like an auto show for electric vehicules, bikes and boats included
ho. sorry
how was it?
I tried an electric bike...
...and that weird 1 seat car that Toyota was making
oh yeah
And talked with charging station installers
(install in your garage)
the iRoad?
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shit's just a e-bike with a chassis
I think it was callect the Insect
don't remember which one it was... And I looked at it for a few seconds only
top speed of 60 clicks
how bout no
you can't even take that on the highway
I was more interesting in the Smart EV then that
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The smart EV is around 30k+taxes
but the range is.... very low
yes, it's like, 80km?
the smart cars are shit
The gas one has a range of 330km-420km
still shti
~c 120 * 12
SilverFox, 1440.0
~c 240 * 32
SilverFox, 7680.0
I can tell you 1 thing: Since it's Mercedes-Benz, repairs are $$$$
jesus christ
smart cars are under Mercedes?
so smart cars are just not worth it
I'd need an 8kW solar install to solar charge an electric car at level 2 240V
I got my current one because my half-brother want to stop seeing his Ex's car in the Garage
if you get it free then yeah, I'd take it
Otherwise, I use a rental service
you rent a car to drive places?
isn't that rather expensive?
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It's a car-sharing service
also, if I use the 120V charger, that's 12A so 1.44kW, which means in an hour that's 1.44kWh right?
that the definition of kwh
And btw, remember that Emergency Broadcast test today?
The company in charge of that is the same that owns The Weather Network. They did the test in QC at 9:55. It failed
I got it successfully
I was in mcdonalds
yeah, because by the time they did it in ON, they had patch the bug: An extra space
an extra space?
So an extra space prevented the message from being sent to cell phones in QC
(an extra char)
why would an extra space prevent the message from being sent?
no clue yet
also, it costs 0.56$ to charge the leaf at the level 2 charging station, at 6 hours
I hate that we don't have a flat rate
makes all these calculations more complex than they need to be
'A space incorrectly included in the coding prevented the Alert Ready system from sending the Quebec test message to compatible wireless devices earlier this morning. '
it costs 80c to charge the bolt with the level 2 charger
is there a hardware equivalent of a dial for adjusting between two places how much power is drawn from each source?
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if I have a solar install for charging this fucking car, how can I dial throughout the day, so that it draws mostly from the solar panels during the day, but as their power drops, draws more from the grid