I have a solution but I'm not sure if it's the optimal way to find x, y...
hrm, actually I should reword that, as it's more important that 'x * y' is a multiple of 'c' than it is being close to 'd'
SilverFox, I non-solved the running back on the underside of the tracks problem by making trains brake and stop automatically at the end of the tracks
Kreuzung is now known as GlassYuri
this is mostly desired behaviour of course, but if it ever fails to stop a train in time, it may still bug out
maybe instead of decelerating the trains I could clamp their speed to the maximum that would still allow them to stop
right now it's just 'do I have braking distance + 1m of free space ahead of me?' if no, brake, if yes, brake or accelerate if not already at target speed
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