egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Cardano. We currently target 1.2.2. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
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<UmbralRaptor> !win32
<Qboid> Win32 is no longer supported. Please use the x64 build, available through !win64, or get a new bird.
<UmbralRaptor> ?
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<egg|zzz|egg> !u ?
<Qboid> U+1F985 EAGLE (?)
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #1301: Use an integrator instance in Ephemeris::FlowWithFixedStep (master...InstanceInEphemeris)
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<maccollo> created the crashed into sun bug on an all stock install
<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: I may have fixed the inclination thing
<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: and maybe that fixes the crashed into the sun thing too, for all I know
<egg|zzz|egg> we tend to lose vessels sometimes, which can't be a good thing
<maccollo> it appears easier to do when you are leaving with more C3
<maccollo> also, I noticed that the gradual downwarp when crossing that is in stock, is not happening with principia
<maccollo> but
<egg|zzz|egg> ah good
<maccollo> it still attempts to downwarp to 1x the instant you cross
<egg|zzz|egg> huh
<maccollo> just not in a gradual fashion
<kmath> YouTube - crashIntoSun
<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: hmm
<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: so maybe that could happen if the vessel is dropped by the plugin for a frame, as I've noticed happens sometimes
<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: this should have been solved by one of my recent CLs
<egg|zzz|egg> and probably explains the inclination thing at least
<egg|zzz|egg> so maybe it'll be fixed in Cartan? who knows
<maccollo> that was strange
<maccollo> usually when I don't hammer the warp key it just drops the warp down, but this one time I crashed into the sun while warping at 10k
<GH> [Principia] maccollo opened issue #1302: Crash into the sun when crossing SOI
<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: what's C3?
<egg|zzz|egg> ah squared hyperbolic excess
<apo> egg|zzz|egg: Chaos Communication Congress :p
<maccollo> is someone working on an RSS config with correct tilts for the planets?
<egg|zzz|egg> principia comes with a config for RSS
<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: so the planets have correct tilt if you play RSS
<maccollo> ooh nice
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<egg|zzz|egg> maccollo: Cartan will have our own way of selecting target vessels
<egg|zzz|egg> because removing stock's orbital targeting indications is breaks target selection too :D
<egg|zzz|egg> this fits in our general theme of "everything is different with principia" :D
<GH> [Principia] eggrobin opened pull request #1303: Our own targeting method, and removing stock vessel orbits (master...targeting-and-removing-orbits)
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<Augustus> Egg
<Augustus> How does one add axial tilt
<egg|zzz|egg> by writing a gravity model config
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<Augustus> How would I give Kerbin and Sarnus axial tilt
<egg|zzz|egg> by writing a gravity model config
<Augustus> BC IDK what those numbers mean
<egg|zzz|egg> by googling to learn what the words to the left of the numbers mean?
<egg|zzz|egg> Augustus: the right ascension and declination are angles that describe a direction
<Augustus> Yeah
<Augustus> So what would I input there
<egg|zzz|egg> angles
<egg|zzz|egg> that describe the direction of the axis
<Augustus> Ah
<Augustus> So I can just leave that as is for Kerbin since I want an Earth-like axial tilt
<egg|zzz|egg> these numbers are in the equatorial reference frame
<egg|zzz|egg> so Earth isn't tilted
<egg|zzz|egg> with respect to earth's equator
<Augustus> wait what
<Augustus> So to give Kerbin a 23.4 degree axial tilt, would I set RA to 23.4?
<egg|zzz|egg> Earth is not tilted with respect to Earth
<egg|zzz|egg> that would put its axis 23.4 degrees off the reference plane
<Augustus> So that would be the right tilt
<egg|zzz|egg> assuming you keep the rest of the KSP system unchanged, that would be quite a bit of tilt
<egg|zzz|egg> 90-23.4 degrees
<Augustus> Ahhh
<Augustus> So I would want to set it to 66 degrees?
<egg|zzz|egg> I don't know, I can't count
<egg|zzz|egg> ;rpn 90 66 -
<kmath> egg|zzz|egg: 24.0
<Augustus> Well 66.6
<Augustus> close enough
<Augustus> And DEC is just the longitude of the tilt?
<egg|zzz|egg> no it's the declination
<egg|zzz|egg> were it the longitude, it would say longitude
<Augustus> Does adjusting DEC change the tilt or no
<egg|zzz|egg> it changes the direction of the axis
<egg|zzz|egg> define "tilt"
<e_14159> Might I recomment an astronomy book?
<e_14159> s/ent/end
<Qboid> e_14159 meant to say: Might I recommend an astronomy book?
<egg|zzz|egg> it does not change the angle between the reference plane and the axis, but it may change the angle between the orbital plane and the axis
<Augustus> Ah
<Augustus> Okay so I'll just leave that alone
<egg|zzz|egg> ....
<egg|zzz|egg> that would put all your axes in the same plane
<egg|zzz|egg> which would be a bit of an odd coincidence
<Augustus> So can I set it to some random number
<egg|zzz|egg> you can do whatever you want
<Augustus> Okay
<egg|zzz|egg> you can also type "teabot" in there, but that will probably crash the game
<Augustus> What is the reference instant
* e_14159 hands egg|zzz|egg a cup of tea.
<egg|zzz|egg> it is an instant.
<egg|zzz|egg> it is expressed as a Julian Date in TT or TDB
<Augustus> Ah
<egg|zzz|egg> we consider TT and TDB as equivalent.
<Augustus> So in the stock game does that matter
<egg|zzz|egg> it tells the game how to interpret the reference angle
<egg|zzz|egg> the reference angle defines is rotation of the body at the reference instant
<egg|zzz|egg> please refer to the WGCCRE report for details
<egg|zzz|egg> it will explain better than I can without figures
<Augustus> So it basically sets the local time at the reference instant
<egg|zzz|egg> nooooooo
<Augustus> Yeah that's too much math for me
<Augustus> What is J2
<e_14159> Might I recommend a math textbook?
<Augustus> I'm not going to go order a math textbook
<Augustus> I just want to give Kerbin axial tilt in my 3.2x rescale
<egg|zzz|egg> Augustus: please refer to figure 1 of the special report of the WGCCRE
<Augustus> Oh, J2 doesn't matter since Kerbin is spherical
<Augustus> okie
<Augustus> just needs to be 0
<Augustus> Now I just need to calculate the gravitational parameter and I'll be on my way
<egg|tea|egg> you do not need to specify it if you're using a kopernicus-specified body
<egg|tea|egg> we'll fetch the stock one
<egg|tea|egg> not sure if you need the radii
<Augustus> I have it 3.2x rescaled tho
<Augustus> So the radius is 1920 km and gravity is 1.0
<egg|tea|egg> you need the reference_radius if you specify j2
<egg|tea|egg> if you don't give a j2, you probably don't need it
<Augustus> ok
<Augustus> Reference_radius is 1920 km tho right?
<egg|tea|egg> so if you only want tilt, only the axis α and δ are needed
<egg|tea|egg> Augustus: if you don't specify j2 you don't need to specify it
<egg|tea|egg> so don't
<egg|tea|egg> if you do specify a j2 you will need to specify it
<Augustus> So just put // in front of both?
<Augustus> egg
<Augustus> Egg?
<Augustus> Egg what happened
<Thomas> He probably has better things to do than sitting in front of his computer 24/7
<Augustus> Yeah I guess
<egg> Augustus: tea happened
<egg> which counts as a special case of what Thomas said
<egg> Augustus: just *don't put them in*, why do you want to leave in commented-out stuff
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<Augustus> Well
<Augustus> KSP crashes at the space center
<Augustus> so
<Augustus> I did something wrong
<maccollo> I'm gonna try to use a tool for orbiter to lauch to Mars and back on a specific trajectory
<Augustus> Nice
<maccollo> I know it works from Earth
<Augustus> I need help calculating the gravitational parameter for something
<maccollo> I think orbiter also models the axial tilt of the planets?
<Augustus> well, calculating the mass
<Augustus> not the grav parameter
<Augustus> Tht's cool maccollo
<egg> maccollo: probably? I mean not doing it sounds very kspish
<egg> Augustus: the FATAL log will tell you what went wrong
<Augustus> I didn't put the grav parameter in because I can't figure out the mass of the rescaled Kerbin
<egg> Augustus: and you don't need to specify the gravitational parameter, I told you already if you want to just tilt, the only things you'll need are the axis ra and decl
<Augustus> Oh
<egg> please *read what I say*
<Augustus> Here's my config
<Augustus> %principia_gravity_model { %body { name = Kerbin //gravitational_parameter = 3.9860043543609598e+05 km^3/s^2 reference_instant = 2451545.0000000000000000 mean_radius = 1920 km axis_right_ascension = 66.6 deg axis_declination = 90.0 deg reference_angle = 190.147 deg angular_frequency = 360 deg / d //j2 = 0 //referen
<Augustus> oops
<egg> ...
<Augustus> lemme do pastebin'
<Augustus> There
<Augustus> What's wrong with the config
<egg> what part of "you only need to give the axis_right_ascension and axis_declination" do you fail to understand
<egg> ditch the other info
<Augustus> Oh ok
<GH> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #1304: Proper restartability of adaptive-step integrators (master...AdaptiveInstance)
<Augustus> What about ref angle and angular frequency
<egg> <egg> what part of "you only need to give the axis_right_ascension and axis_declination" do you fail to understand
<Augustus> Oh okay
<Augustus> fine
<egg> now I don't think that's why it fails, but at least make it minimal
<Augustus> ok
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<Augustus> Testing it now
<Augustus> Egg
<Augustus> Weird problems
<Augustus> Kerbin has no tilt
<Augustus> Duna is tilted fine
<Augustus> (but the moons aren't around the equator)
<egg> you added tilt to duna too?
<Augustus> Yeah
<Augustus> Jool, despite having only a 3 degree tilt in the configs, has a large tilt
<Augustus> Urlum and Sarnus are tilted fine but the rings aren't tilted
<egg> right, so you're misunderstanding what you see
<Augustus> wait what
<egg> Kerbin *is* tilted
<egg> it's just that the camera is aligned with its equator
<egg> so the *solar system* appears tilted
<Augustus> The solar system doesn't appear tilted tho
<egg> well you screwed something up
<Augustus> like nothing looks inclined
<egg> try maybe doing one thing at a time, that would help
<egg> just tilt *one* body
<egg> and see what effect that has
<Augustus> KSP takes like 10mins to load tho
<egg> then put less mods on the install you use to test the solar system?
<Augustus> Here's my config, I removed Sarnus and Urlum bc their rings can't be fixed to tilt with them
<egg> also if your rings don't follow the planets you *will* have issues if you tilt something, whatever it is that you tilt
<egg> because principia tilts the whole system and the planets with it when you're near something tilted
<Augustus> yeah
<egg> config looks fine to me
<Augustus> Also a weird thing
<Augustus> The moons of Duna/Jool aren't lined up with the planets' equators
<Augustus> how do I fix that
<egg> well you tilted them!
<egg> that's the point!
<Augustus> Yeah
<egg> you tilted the bodies, you didn't change the orbits of the moons
<Augustus> Well how do I incline the moons with the right LAN based on the DEC
<Augustus> ?
<egg> well I don't know, I'm not in the business of designing your system, read the WGCCRE report, it has all you need to figure it out
<Augustus> can you gimme a link to that again
<egg> Augustus: you're using kopernicus for your custom planets right?
<egg> Augustus: are you using the same method as RSS for the rings? because that works with our stuff
<Augustus> No
<egg> no to which question
<Augustus> The planets aren't custom, I'm just rescaling them and moving some stuff around
<Augustus> but yeah Kopernicus
<Augustus> I'm trying to make a balanced realistic solar system where stock ships can still be used
<egg> anyway
<egg> back to working on principia
<Thomas> Augustus: Rings are attached to the scaled space, so if the scaled space is rotated the rings are rotated
<egg> Thomas: ok, so then that should work?
<Augustus> rings weren't rotated with Sarnus
<Augustus> IDC about the outer planets being tilted anyway
<egg> Thomas: well I mean I *know* it works with RSS, so I'm not sure what Augustus is doing but it involves screwing *something* up
<Augustus> just want Kerbin and tilted
<Augustus> *duna
<egg> ok, you're failing to understand
<Augustus> and I need to tilt Duna's moons
<egg> if you tilt *anything*, the whole universe needs to tilt when you're close to that thing
<Augustus> yeah IK
<egg> including the outer planets
<egg> so you *do* care about that
<Thomas> egg: Only something?
<Augustus> I'm just testing Kerbin and Duna right now
<Augustus> I made a stripped-down install that loads faster
* egg|reviewing_code|egg sort of trying to get some work done on principia right now
<Augustus> Uhh I just noticed a weird thing w/ duna
<Augustus> The axis is always pointed 90 degrees away from the sun
<Augustus> Duna has no seasons
<Augustus> Guys?
<e_14159> Augustus: Please note that it is often considered impolite to assume people answering all questions right away. All of us do have lives outside of IRC.
<Augustus> ik
<Augustus> sorry
<Augustus> The axis of Duna is always pointed 90 degrees from the Sun.
<Augustus> that's not correct
<Augustus> Oh wait
<Augustus> no its not
<Augustus> nvm
<Augustus> uhh
<Augustus> Kerbin aint tilted
<maccollo> kerbin will never appear tilted
<maccollo> did you check from a different gravity well?
<Augustus> What do you mean
<GH> [Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #1304: I am confused by the comments at lines 279 and 113: if they are true, do we fail a check if an integration with last_step_is_exact produces only one (truncated) point? Otherwise, this is really the last state, possibly truncated, but it is only resumable if it does not result from a truncation. I don't think we should be dealing with `final_state` if last_step_is_exact.
<Augustus> Like, the sun isn't hitting it from an angle either tho
<Augustus> maccollo
<Augustus> The sun isn't hitting it from an angle either
<maccollo> hm
<egg|reviewing_code|egg> well if nothing at all is tilted then it may indicate we're not seeing your config
<Augustus> Duna and Neidon are tilted (I added Neidon's part back in)
<Augustus> Kerbin isn't
<maccollo> are their orbits tilted?
<Augustus> No
<Augustus> the solar system appears flat
<Augustus> (well, except for Moho, Dres and Plock)
<egg|reviewing_code|egg> Augustus: oh so that would be because I got confused between right ascension and declination
<egg|reviewing_code|egg> Augustus: in the explanation above, swap the two
<egg|reviewing_code|egg> Augustus: and this is why you should read the WGCCRE paper, which gets things right, rather than ask me, for I say stupid things
<Augustus> Oh okay
<egg|reviewing_code|egg> with a declination of 90 deg the axis is perpendicular to the reference plane
<Augustus> Ah
<Augustus> That explains the wonky Jool and whatnot
<Augustus> THERE WE GO
<Augustus> It's beautiful!
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<Augustus> Uhh
<Augustus> How do I fix the rings
<Augustus> Sarnus is messed up
<Augustus> Sarnus' rings are tilted even tho the planet itself isn't
<Augustus> eh
<Augustus> i'll deal with it later
<Augustus> bbl
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<GH> [Principia] eggrobin opened pull request #1305: Factor ComputeApsides (master...factor-compute-apsides)
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<maccollo> crap :/
<maccollo> oooh
<maccollo> I am a retard
<maccollo> I launched 1 month to early
<maccollo> hmmm
<maccollo> still no luck
<maccollo> reference frame must be different?
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Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
<maccollo> tried to get a correct departure orbit from an orbiter tool called trajectory planner
<egg> is that related to Arrowstar's work?
<teabot> Relatead.
<egg> Arrowstar is there sometimes
<maccollo> yes
<maccollo> wait a minute...
<maccollo> the tool appears to be giving me a burn delta v that's to low for the C3
<GH> [Principia] pleroy pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GH> Principia/master 4a0d986 Robin Leroy: iterators know their trajectory
<GH> Principia/master 47745a9 Robin Leroy: we already have this interpolation, it's called Evaluate
<GH> Principia/master 755e188 Pascal Leroy: Merge pull request #1305 from eggrobin/factor-compute-apsides...
<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1304: please retest this
<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1304: retest this please
<maccollo> tool says "The optimal departure from EARTH occurs at 1/23/1952 11:24:51 (C3=8.6914 km^2/s^2) "
<maccollo> starting from a circular orbit with a semi major axis of 6673 km, my velocity is 7730 m/s
<maccollo> the tool tells me the burn delta v is less than 3.5 km/s
<maccollo> but I calculate that the minim burn delta V should be 3.59 km/s
<maccollo> given the specified C3
<maccollo> when I apply this delta v I can get reasonably close, within 30 m/s of a pinpoint transfer
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy pushed 11 new commits to master:
<GH> Principia/master 447986b pleroy: Integrator change.
<GH> Principia/master 4b7fa81 pleroy: Strange compiler error.
<GH> Principia/master 8eabaf3 pleroy: Integrator test passing.
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<maccollo> crashing into the sun happens very easily in RSS :/
<aeTIos> sup.
<icefire> that doesn't sound right
<icefire> the dv requirements to get to the sun are comically high
<maccollo> it's a thing that happens sometimes when you cross SOI
<maccollo> you teleport into the sun
<icefire> oh
<kmath> YouTube - crashIntoSun
<icefire> time warp strikes again
<maccollo> in stock you have to put in a bit of effort to trigger it, but in RSS it happens all the time.
<maccollo> gotta warp very slowly across the boundries
<aeTIos> hey on linux do you specifically need libc++abi 3.5-2
<aeTIos> or will a newer version work, too
<GH> [Principia] eggrobin opened pull request #1306: Nodes (master...nodes)
<aeTIos> (I just tested, it works fine with the newest libc++ )
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