egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨yaboiant⟩ i cant remember but with principia do i start burn at manuever node or split my burn in half and execute early?
⟨the rocket science kid⟩ ⟪yaboiant⟫ i cant remember but with principia do i […] ⮪ if you pressed show on nav all, you start the burn when the maneuver clock hits 0
⟨the rocket science kid⟩ * navball,
⟨lpg4999⟩ more frequently, you push mechjeb's "execute principia maneuver" button and let it do the work
⟨yaboiant⟩ ⟪lpg4999⟫ more frequently, you push mechjeb's […] ⮪ how new is that???
⟨lpg4999⟩ a few years?
⟨yaboiant⟩ do i need to upgrade a building to a certain level to see it? ive upgraded tracking center and contract place
_whitelogger has joined #principia
⟨_itsryan⟩ It's part of MechJeb, not Principia. It's in the MJ Maneuver Planner by default.
⟨yaboiant⟩ ⟪_itsryan⟫ It's part of MechJeb, not Principia. […] ⮪ thx... a year ago i was told mech jeb couldnt execute manuever nodes with principia so i never tried...
⟨StarcatcherKSP⟩ The problem is that Principia automatically creates models for the stock planets just fine, and I’ve only scale them up, it should’ve worked
⟨egg⟩ No it should not.
⟨StarcatcherKSP⟩ ⟪egg⟫ No it should not. ⮪ Scaling them up shouldn’t have worked?
⟨StarcatcherKSP⟩ I mean aside from the retrobop thing
⟨StarcatcherKSP⟩ I used to install OPM and MPE and JMP and I don’t remember there being any Principia configs, but they still worked with Principia anyways
⟨egg⟩ Read the message I sent you. You have a "principia_initial_state" configuration. That is something you added (or some mod you installed added). The moment you start configuring things yourself that way, you need to configure things properly.
⟨StarcatcherKSP⟩ Huh
⟨StarcatcherKSP⟩ Alright
_whitelogger has joined #principia
⟨Daedalus⟩ even if it takes a few seconds for the engine to reach its maximum thrust?
⟨Daedalus⟩ ⟪the rocket science kid⟫ if you pressed show on navball, you […] ⮪ even if it takes a few seconds for the engine to reach its maximum thrust?
⟨the rocket science kid⟩ that is usually negligible, you will probably need a mid course correction anyway
⟨patrikcath⟩ 🙏 I want a Sedna mod
You'll just have to guess the trajectory because Principia will crash the game if you try to simulate it all the way
⟨issproxima⟩ Does principia flight planner require tracking station and mission control upgrade like stock flight planner?
⟨test_account9540⟩ Yes and no
⟨test_account9540⟩ It doesn't require them to work, but it will not export the maneuver to the navball without the upgrades, so MJ won't be able to execute it
⟨issproxima⟩ it needs both MC and TS ?
⟨test_account9540⟩ yes
⟨test_account9540⟩ It doesn't require them to work, but it will not export the maneuver to the navball (create a maneuver node) without the upgrades, so MJ won't be able to execute it
⟨issproxima⟩ If I can do it manually, does that mean I don't have to upgrade mission control
⟨test_account9540⟩ Yes, but this works for simple maneuvers, not so much for lunar missions
⟨issproxima⟩ How hard is it to ram it
⟨test_account9540⟩ Also doing lunar missions without the upgrades could be considered 🧀 (it is a violation of RIS-2022 rules)
⟨issproxima⟩ Including impactor ?
⟨drveyl⟩ Sure.
Of course, if you think to ask yourself why RP-1 made the requirement for maneuver planning, maybe you wouldn't ask whether using a different mod means you should try to skip those requirements.
⟨test_account9540⟩ anything, this precision is just not meant to be achievable without building upgrades
⟨test_account9540⟩ Also keep in mind that it will be very difficult to communicate without your probe at the moon without the tracking station upgrade
⟨issproxima⟩ Have to do it somehow, I accidently accepted the lunar mission (breakneck) with milton as my staff..
⟨issproxima⟩ Without principia I would be f**ked since stock flight planning does not exist without those upgrade