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<Thomas> o/
<VITAS> 26 spacelink downloads so far
<Thomas> I have the feeling that space-duck died
<VITAS> whats that?
<VITAS> the ckan link?
<Thomas> Yeah, I cant find a PR on CKAN for SpaceLink
<VITAS> hm ill check the server
<VITAS> sec
<VITAS> btw if you want somethign extra to do: build a monitoring system (or plugin to observium) for all the processes needed by the backend
<VITAS> that could even act as watchdog and restart proces that crashed
<VITAS> and from where i can easily check whats running and start stop it
<Thomas> That already exists, its called supervisor :P
<Thomas> (or supervisord)
<VITAS> hmpf youre right
<VITAS> but across clusters?
<VITAS> but yeah just use docker
<VITAS> but that could be an idea: use kubernets to make containers for the backend processes
<VITAS> ive backend mail (i gues sits cellery)
<VITAS> and some screen called notify
<VITAS> [01/May/2017 01:48:14] "POST /notify/ HTTP/1.1" 200 - <-loads of those
<Thomas> Yeah, thats darklights hook that triggers the ckan bot when a mod gets updated
<Thomas> I think
<VITAS> warning: unable to access '/root/.config/git/attributes': Permission denied
<VITAS> problem?
<Thomas> Yes
<VITAS> pops up from time to time
<Thomas> Because the sd process needs git
<Thomas> it pushes to a repository, and then creates a pr
<VITAS> also why do i run it as root?
<VITAS> the folder doesnt exist anywhere
<Thomas> VITAS: re: supervisor and clusters, I found this https://github.com/RobWin/supervisorclusterctl
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