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<RockyTV> > random search engine
<VITAS> +1 for startpage
<VITAS> but im not using any random os to do my inet stuff
<VITAS> so i dont care :D
<RockyTV> would you recommend duckduckgo?
<VITAS> i use startpage
<VITAS> so i dont know
<VITAS> but i dont do inet from my phone
<VITAS> its for calling ppl
<VITAS> :)
<VITAS> but i just build a blackbox (yes it realy is black) that you can throw in any place where you can get public wifi and it automaticly does a man in the middle attack logging all the traffic by all wifi users
<VITAS> and it runs on batteries
<RockyTV> lol
<RockyTV> how did you do that?
<VITAS> simple: make router from random subnet to real subnet inside the wifi. Setup dns and dhcp server
<VITAS> search for open wifi.
<VITAS> connect and wget random webpage
<VITAS> parse webpage for post form
<VITAS> auto fillout form and send
<VITAS> start dhcp, router,dns using the ip you got fromt he real dhcp
<VITAS> forward dns req. to real dns
<VITAS> and inet to real gateway
<VITAS> log traffic on interface
<VITAS> bonus: start man in the middle proxy and send its details via dhcp
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<Thomas> RockyTV: Wasnt LineageOS / CyanogenMod all about the-user-can-do-everything-he-wants(tm) at some point? :D >.<
<VITAS> you aint a user if you ur able to commit
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<RockyTV> yeah
<RockyTV> that moment when you try to convince your dad to use debian for a SaMBa server with RAID 1, but he just says "windows is going to be our best option"
<VITAS> windows can do raid 1
<VITAS> but uses way more power
<VITAS> may i suggest that you let your dad set up the fileserver? but he has to use windows core server
<VITAS> because uis waste cpu cycles and thus electricity on a server
<VITAS> :>
<RockyTV> I just need the right arguments to convince him that linux is a better option for our "server"
<VITAS> yes you will have those if he has to set up ms core server
<RockyTV> why core server?
<VITAS> it has no ui only powershell
<VITAS> he wont be able to configure it if he doesnt know about shell commands
<RockyTV> oh, we need a desktop environment to work on a few things like arduino and logic analyzers
<VITAS> on a fileserver?
<RockyTV> it's a general purpose server, not a file server
<VITAS> uhm ok...
<RockyTV> come on, I'll let you call me crazy for that
<RockyTV> :P
<VITAS> hmm no i dont because having multiple systems would be more expensive and vms are too
<RockyTV> the specs are crappy
<VITAS> normaly i would suggest freenas for fileservers
<RockyTV> quad core q6700, 4gb ram (we'll expand to 8gb later), gtx 550 ti
<VITAS> gtx what?
<RockyTV> yup
<VITAS> why?
<VITAS> its a server
<VITAS> doesnt even need a gfx card
<RockyTV> because 1. there's no other gpu to use and 2. it was my previous card
<RockyTV> not even for compiling/having a desktop environment?
<VITAS> 3. it will waste power like no tomorrow
<VITAS> rdp
<RockyTV> can integrated graphics handle it?
<VITAS> yes
<RockyTV> but I'd need to use a lightweight DE like LXDE
<RockyTV> right?
<VITAS> rdp renders the windows on the client but i dont know if windows doesnt crap its pants if theres no gpu
<VITAS> no rdp is for windows
<VITAS> theres another thing for linux i dont remember
<RockyTV> VNC?
<VITAS> no
<VITAS> vnc does screenshots
<VITAS> rdp and that thing i dont rememebr actualy render all the windows on the client
<VITAS> thats why rdp is much faster than vnc
<VITAS> no
<VITAS> the linux one wasnt rdp
<RockyTV> nomachine?
<VITAS> but yes there are rdp clients for linux to connect to windows
<VITAS> and yes theres an rdp server too but it only encapsulates vnc
<RockyTV> also servers
<VITAS> so your wiondows rdp client can connect to it
<RockyTV> tbh the only remote access we'd need is ssh and access to samba
<VITAS> the thing i mean comes with qt lib and everything for the windows client
<RockyTV> we need a gui so we can do arduino stuff in the workshop (the machine is going to be there)
<VITAS> so why again windows wit ui?
<RockyTV> I want to get rid of windows and install debian
<VITAS> im suggesting having a dumb server somewhere and not a desktop that serves stuff
<VITAS> make remotedesktop to it no matter where you are
<VITAS> and save yourself the electricity
<RockyTV> but then we'd need to prototype arduino projects in our bedrooms
<VITAS> but then again: that computer youre suggesting will eat up 60w on idile anyways
<VITAS> so no laptop
<RockyTV> nope
<VITAS> then i dont know what you could do with what you have
<VITAS> i dont know about electricity prices where you live
<VITAS> but you might want to calculate the anual running costs
<VITAS> and might discover that its actualy cheaper to buy soemthing that does the same job with less power
<RockyTV> ~250w maximum
<RockyTV> 38kwH
<RockyTV> it's like ~R$25 to keep it running