NathanKell|SemiAFK is now known as NathanKell|AWAY
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
Olympic1 is now known as Olympic1|Away
egg|df|egg is now known as egg
VITAS: Good idea, shouldn't be very hard to implement
* Thomas
is sad because his mechanical keyboard died
i just bought one
kingston? hyper x fps alloy bla bla
ill buy you one (because is till want to make you a present)
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD opened issue #25: Suggestions API
VITAS: That would be awesome!
i need your address and the swiitch type
PM'd it
VITAS, Well it's not me manually just the default filterlists :D
yes i know
and i myself use addblockers
I remember them not blocking piwik.js before
And instead had a filter for
i use stats.
Me too, but it doesn't help since the filter is /piwik.$script,
im unsure if i find it ok. its no advertising but is tracking but not "large company" tracking
hmm i can do soemthign about that but i want to respect peoples wishes
piwik listens to do not track though
if you config it so
But it's still a difficult subject :)
yes but blocking it via adblockers is the same as using do not track
eh well easyprivacy blocks stuff that totally don't respect do not track
the user might know that its active but either way they dont want to see parts of the page so they use filters and i respect that
they shouldnt scream at me in anger about parts missing when they do
Well I mean if you name your stylesheets google-analytics.css then maybe they should but :P
my point: its up to you what you do with the webiste code beyond the default browser. but if you add stuff onto firefox chrome or whatever that changes things, its your problem if it doesnt work or look like it suposed to :)
politas has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
Olympic1|Away is now known as Olympic1
politas has joined #spacedock
does spacedock production factor in ckan downloads into his stats?
and can we make it that each time someone downloads something using ckan or the api piwik is triggered? (piwik has an api you can send stuff to)
I am not sure if the prod code does that, but we can add that for the backend
feature request!
i also want to use piwiks api for mod author mod stats
so i can show stuff like os , is it ckan downloads, ....
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
Daz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
aradapilot has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
\o RockyTV
aradapilot has joined #spacedock
Thomas, does opendock work for you?
I can't get it to work
Yes, it does
Whats the error?
aradapilot has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
That looks like your php and its modules are incompatible
I'd suggest to use xampp, has been working perfectly for me
I have it installed :P
nevermind then
hm, there's an issue with relative paths and absolute paths if you use opendock in a subdirectory
ohhh I finally figured it out
so, sdb isn't populated with dummy data... can I run the setup script?
also, is it normal for sdb to return 503 to any request?
oh, sdb.go isn't running :P
!slap Thomas
* Qboid
shoots an arrow to Thomas's knee.
I just ran it
and it created everything
not sure if I was supposed to do that
It created the tables
But you should create the setup data too
it created
damn it
I broke everything in my xampp server now
nevermind :P
[OpenDock] RockyTV pushed 1 new commit to master:
OpenDock/master 994aa0e Alexandre Oliveira: Update local Bootstrap version...
RockyTV: Actually, I dont think that theese requests fall unter CORS policies. I think CORS only applies for stuff that isn't served with the original html
But I don't know exactly
I got a CORS policy error after deleting the cache
Hmm, ok
But then, why does jQuery, and <script src="//"></script> work?
maybe they don't have CORS setup?
Could be
right now I'm trying to fix some issues with paths
Ok, I checked: Google definitly kills cors
Ok this is weird: bootstrapcdn kills cors too
* Thomas
curses CORS
now I think I broke OpenDock
I can't open the developer console
now I got it to work properly
[OpenDock] RockyTV pushed 3 new commits to master: