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linuxgurugamer has joined #spacedock
<linuxgurugamer> Hi, are the API docs for Spacedock correct? They still reference Kerbalstuff, which leads me to believe that if anything was changed, they weren't udpated
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock] linuxgurugamer opened pull request #179: Changed references of kerbalstuff to Spacedock (master...patch-1)
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock] linuxgurugamer commented on issue #147: What exactly does this change? Comments like "hide shit" are not that useful
<VITAS> Thank you for cleaning up the mess :)
<VITAS> I hope that i didnt patch anything without commiting it
<linuxgurugamer> Nothing has been committed for a while
<linuxgurugamer> I was lookeing it over, and saw this user submitted a couple of PRs, but with absolutely nothing to say what they did
<linuxgurugamer> But there do seem to be a couple of PRs which you can merge without a problem.
<VITAS> Yes but i didnt do anything to the site either for a while apart from hosting it
<VITAS> THe idear was to rewrite everythign but that got stuck several times
<Thomas> linuxgurugamer: The PR from eirexe is junk, he made it from the same branch where he commited his "Modulus" (i.e. his mod site that is based off spacedock) changes. So I suppose we can close that
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock] StollD closed pull request #147: Fix adding publisher (
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg
<SpaceDock> [OpenDock] StollD opened pull request #2: [WIP] Multigame Support (master...feature/multigame)
linuxgurugamer has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]