Hmm, only some changes and OpenDock should be able to handle multiple games
VITAS: Dunno if you saw it on Github, but would breaking compatibility with the current URLs and adding a redirect for the mod route (i.e. "/mod/<id>/<name>" gets redirected to "/<gameshort>/mod/<id>/<name>") be ok for you?
no i didnt
im ok with different urls if the old one redirect to them
the question is: do we want to be verbose or short?
Because passing the gameshort in the URL makes the JS way easier than getting it from the modid
or simply offer both (because we have to offer redirection anyways)
yes i know i had the same problem
but people can edit urls and that could lead to problematic results
https://c3goc.de/ <- only took me 12h to make (including admin panel, registration and everything)
it uses laravel and some addons. but the short timespan is impressive
egg is now known as egg|tea|egg
Thomas don't we use the old way?
get game from mod?
also o/
When we get the game from the mod, we have to run the mod request first, and then we can run the other ones. When we get the game from the URL, we can run all requests in parallel
uh that works
I'm working on the edit page again (procrastination hits me hard)
[OpenDock] StollD opened pull request #3: Add a 404 handler (master...feature/404-page) https://git.io/vdAv2
uh what the heck
mod route doesn't work
it's something in my side
what happens?
when you click the mod thumbnail in the front page, it redirects to /mods/id/name and then redirects to not-found