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<RockyTV> Thomas can you check a german translation for me? or VITAS
<Thomas> Sure
<RockyTV> the source file is the latter
<Thomas> In german it would be Bitcoin, with a captial B
<RockyTV> any other issues?
<Thomas> Same for "zeigt"
<RockyTV> okay... is the rest good?
<Thomas> Yeah
<RockyTV> okay, thank you
* VITAS had the worst grade in german :D
<VITAS> but: "Ein bitcoin ist heute $1 wert", <- should be "Eine"
<Thomas> Tbh, I only know "Ein Bitcoin"
<Thomas> And it sounds better if you ask me
<VITAS> Its "Eine" because its a coin
<VITAS> Eine Münze aber Ein Euro
<VITAS> See RockyTV german grammar is so wired even germans dont agree :D
<RockyTV> er
<RockyTV> shouldn't it be eine euro?
<RockyTV> or because Euro starts with a vowel you use Ein?
<VITAS> no because it isnt one euro
<VITAS> u would use if its a thing and female
<RockyTV> wut
<RockyTV> Sie einen Bitcoin ab 4.925,00 Euro kaufen.
<VITAS> coin is female in german (Die münze)
<VITAS> so i know it as female thing aka Eine Bitcoin
<VITAS> Also your sentence Sie einen Bitcoin ab 4.925,00 Euro kaufen. has missing words and thus makes no sence
<VITAS> sense
<RockyTV> I got it from google
<VITAS> yes but its missing what you want to do
<VITAS> it tranlates "You one bitcoin from xxx Euro buy"
<VITAS> and you made Bitcoin masculin
<VITAS> einen
<RockyTV> does german have strict grammar rules?
<RockyTV> I mean, can I write 'bitcoin' instead of 'Bitcoin'?
<VITAS> nyes theyre strict
<VITAS> its a name so its capital B
<VITAS> ALl Names, things, Persons and alike are capitalized
<RockyTV> what I use to distinguish both is: Bitcoin means the actual protocol, while bitcoin is like saying "I have one Bitcoin coin" but you just remove the 'coin' part and use lowercase bitcoin
<VITAS> You would have to make it clear by appending Protocol or something
<VITAS> Or make it clear from the context
<VITAS> SO you would have Bitcoin and Bitcoin-Protokoll
<Thomas> And this confirms two things for me: I hate german and I hate bitcoin
<Thomas> :P
* VITAS has no problems with either one
<VITAS> -s
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