VITAS changed the topic of #spacedock to: Problems?: | Matrix/Riot Chat: Feel free to ask for help, we only bite a little bit! | If you want to help, please check :) | <VITAS> inet users have the attentionspan of a squirrel...
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* RockyTV proposes an end-year SD fixing/feature adding hackathon :p
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VITAS[m] has joined #spacedock
<VITAS[m]> i prupose $somone putting current alpha into beta and letting the public find bugs (and someone to fix them)
<RockyTV> where's allistauri?
<VITAS[m]> dont know
DasSkelett[m] has joined #spacedock
<DasSkelett[m]> I made the cloned alpha container into beta some weeks ago as far as I could.
<DasSkelett[m]> The config should be _mostly_ ready for the merge because it is gitignored. I think the GitHub webhook key need adjusting, it's the one from alpha IIRC.
<VITAS[m]> you have acc to the beta instance dont you?
<DasSkelett[m]> I do
<DasSkelett[m]> You mean ssh right
<VITAS[m]> yes
<DasSkelett[m]> Yep. Currently on it and checking out where I left back then
<VITAS[m]> if you tell me what you need me to set ill do it and you could set the rest up and invite pople to test the improvements and publish issues (especialy ones related to the bugfixes)
<VITAS[m]> im currently writing the proposal for the ksp meetup
<VITAS[m]> quite a lengthy document
<VITAS[m]> HebaruSan might be grabable.
<VITAS[m]> secret key is a think for the sites encryption as seed
<VITAS[m]> hook is from github and thats what i set on githubs site
<VITAS[m]> ill check whats set shortly
<DasSkelett[m]> Okay. Also alpha was sd6 and beta was s2, right?
<VITAS[m]> yes
<VITAS[m]> sd2
<DasSkelett[m]> That 'd' went missing indeed
<VITAS[m]> beta hook exists
<VITAS[m]> and the hook key on beta should be the right one
<VITAS[m]> i can set it to something else if it doesnt work
<DasSkelett[m]> Nice. The postgres string seems to be the right one too.
<DasSkelett[m]> If you accept the risk that I might break something, I can try to merge alpha to beta. Else I would say we should wait for HebaruSan (who is quite busy fixing some CKAN metadata right now)
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<VITAS[m]> yes i remember setting those
<VITAS[m]> your call
<VITAS[m]> im busy with the whole meetup thing right now
<DasSkelett[m]> Mhhh. One more thing: sd-alpha / sd6 is not accessible via IPv4 for some reason. sd-beta / sd2 is.
<VITAS[m]> uhm yes i might to fix routing
<VITAS[m]> but web should be on both because its trough the rev proxy
<DasSkelett[m]> Yes, I forgot to mention that I'm talking of ssh. Web works fine.
<VITAS[m]> k
<VITAS[m]> thx for the heads up
<DasSkelett[m]> No worries. Was just wondering why pycharm refused to connect to the alpha db via ssh. ssh -v brought the solution.
<DasSkelett[m]> Thank my ISP who does not provide native IPv6 and I'm stuck behind 6to4 😦
<VITAS[m]> finaly got that meetup paper finished and send out
<DasSkelett[m]> Cool, thank you!
<VITAS[m]> i thank you for coming to congress and helping :)
<VITAS[m]> reminds me ive to check if i can reg the table space yet
<VITAS[m]> Assembly with 30 Places and 8m³ additional space (if we get that large statue you want :P ) reserved
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