VITAS changed the topic of #spacedock to: Problems?: | Matrix/Riot Chat: Feel free to ask for help, we only bite a little bit! | If you want to help, please check :) | <VITAS> inet users have the attentionspan of a squirrel...
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<DasSkelett[m]> Was SD offline for a short time tonight? A CKAN user reported that CKAN used the fallback URLs because it failed to download from SD.
<DasSkelett[m]> Was SD offline for a short time tonight? A CKAN user reported that CKAN used the fallback URLs because it failed to download from SD.
VITAS[m] has joined #spacedock
<VITAS[m]> ill check sec
<VITAS[m]> not that i know off
<VITAS[m]> server says "no"
<VITAS[m]> i had a problem about 48h ago where i messed up the routing for a few minutes
<DasSkelett[m]> Hmm okay
<DasSkelett[m]> SD doesn't throttle download speeds after some amount, does it?
<VITAS[m]> like 2-5min about 16-18:00
<VITAS[m]> no
<VITAS[m]> there could be a problem with the storage
<VITAS[m]> you know the one the DC keeps moving arround
<DasSkelett[m]> Hmm no, must have been between 16 hours and 9 hours ago
<VITAS[m]> but it normaly doesnt autocure itself
<VITAS[m]> stats say it was serving stuff normaly
<VITAS[m]> but there was an unusual peek between 17:30 and 21:30
<VITAS[m]> a large amount of outbound traffic
<VITAS[m]> nothing even close to hitting cpu or network limits
<DasSkelett[m]> is it in the range a single user could create by updating a bunch of mods?
<VITAS[m]> but curious non the less
<VITAS[m]> its 3x the normal bandwidth usage but it seems to be outbound so not someone uploading
<VITAS[m]> and its on the sd container itself
<VITAS[m]> and not noticable on the proxy
<DasSkelett[m]> Yeas I mean a user updating a bunch of mods via CKAn 😛
<VITAS[m]> so my gues is: there was a large amount of new mods downloaded that wherent cached at that time
<VITAS[m]> so maybe scraping attempt?
<VITAS[m]> i could check the urls and files that where requested
<DasSkelett[m]> That comment containes the log lines indicating SD not being reached (`Failed to download "", trying fallback ""`
<DasSkelett[m]> They are working fine now, I just tested them.
<VITAS[m]> "1000MB" im sure he meant 1 Gbit/s
<VITAS[m]> strange
<VITAS[m]> can always be routing problems between server and client
<VITAS[m]> but who knows
<VITAS[m]> ill dig deeper if that happens again
<VITAS[m]> :)
<DasSkelett[m]> Thanks!
<VITAS[m]> no i thank you for bringing this to my attention :)
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