egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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<SilverFox> my graphics card is suuuuper fucked, everything is negative
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<G-Mobile> SilverFox: intel core i9
<SilverFox> yup, saw it
<G-Mobile> of this fuck, what is any
<SilverFox> is that a question Im supposed to answer?
<G-Mobile> foralways and withever
<darklight> There gonna run out of numbers one day
<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> numbers are infinite
<SilverFox> and plus, they can always go hexadecimal
<SilverFox> Greys, what is your question?
<SilverFox> I read the leaked shit on LTT and there's a 4C/4T i9 extreme edition which is weird
<SilverFox> without hyperthreading iirc
<SilverFox> so I found r/kpopfap and every post is labelled NSFW
<SilverFox> but you find shit like this:
<darklight> is it nsfw?
<SilverFox> u tell me
<G-Mobile> I need a lot more caffiene
<SilverFox> dem wrists tho damn
<darklight> Well, maybe
<SilverFox> Greys, have you ever overdosed on caffiene before?
<G-Mobile> no, it's extremely difficult, see CGP Grey coffee episode
<darklight> SilverFox: What is that beautiful canadian man doing?
<SilverFox> wat
<SilverFox> Greys, sounds like the attitude of a quitter to me
<SilverFox> you need to try harder
<darklight> You know, lauren southern
<SilverFox> put more of yourself into it
<SilverFox> darklight, why did you bring her up?
<SilverFox> that was totally random and not at all relevant to anything
<darklight> Popped up in my youtubes :P
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: without involving purified caffeine, coffee does not contain enough caffeine to saturate the blood while the kidneys are functioning
<SilverFox> I never specified the source
<G-Mobile> starbucks normal coffee has more caffeine than redbull
<SilverFox> distill that shit
<G-Mobile> ~g black blood of the earth
<G-Mobile> have fun, be sure to dilute
<SilverFox> or not
<SilverFox> fun fact about korea, BJ doesn't mean blowjob, it means Broadcast Jockie
<SilverFox> fun fact, potato tornados exist, and it's an entire potato along a really long skewer spiralled up along it
<SilverFox> and it's fried
<G-Mobile> fun fact: the internet is actually a government conspiracy to induce automatic eugenic processes in human reproduction; Bob Dole estimated that it would only take 4 generations (roughly 108 years) to cleanse the mongrel races
<darklight> SilverFox: This pleases me
<SilverFox> the potato tornado?
<Supernovy> G-Mobile: This pleases me
<SilverFox> Supernovy: This pleases me
<G-Mobile> I pleases me
<darklight> SilverFox: Yeah
<G-Mobile> ooh nooo, the trees become garbage, the garbage becomes trees, it's a recursive loop of expodential recrusive woops
<G-Mobile> my brain failed to initialize wakeup()
<SilverFox> running sleep() command to try again later
<G-Mobile> cannot run sleep() while there are uncompleted tasks
<SilverFox> sleep_force();
<G-Mobile> no such method
<SilverFox> sleep(true);
<G-Mobile> sleep() does not accept any arguments
<SilverFox> hrmmm
<SilverFox> htop
<G-Mobile> command not frowned
<Supernovy> wakeup()
<SilverFox> sudo apt-get install htop
<Supernovy> akurgbaurgaeurghaegnlaergnaekutgbaeirugneubge makeup()
<Supernovy> arbgnainiaenrguireathjaebnvambnwiluwegw table()
<SilverFox> top();
<G-Mobile> did you mean sudo apartment.get/install?
<G-Mobile> searching for apartment.get/install instead
<SilverFox> this is fine
<G-Mobile> you have won a free ipad registery cleaner, click here to enter the danger zone
<SilverFox> *Click*
* G-Mobile plays top gun but tom hanks is replaced with Jontron and Egoraptor trying to immitate kramer from seignfeld
<kmath> YouTube - Junk Mail - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts
<darklight> G-Mobile: Are you worried about the maremacht?
<Supernovy> What is the deal with sudo? I'm not a super user? I feel pretty super.
<SilverFox> Greys, how well can arin replicate kramer?
<SilverFox> well you can just be a root user and all is well
<G-Mobile> nou
<darklight> Worried about people's reading? :P
<Supernovy> In germany is it ubdo for ubersmensch user? I mean, hitler was a vegetarian so he probably ran linux.
<SilverFox> get this filth away from me
<SilverFox> i doubt hitler was vegetarian
<G-Mobile> I don't know what that is
<darklight> SilverFox: That's where you're wrong kiddo
<SilverFox> didnt fingergun, gtfo
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: I never watched sigfild so I don't know
<SilverFox> u fokin wot m8?
<SilverFox> ~yt seinfield soup nazi
<kmath> YouTube - The Best of The Soup Nazi
<Supernovy> Well I'm glad we live in a free country where no matter your race or religion you can jewdo apt-get.
<SilverFox> it was 1 episode, how the fuck is there a "best of"?
<SilverFox> 1 episode + a cameo later
<G-Mobile> as a person who was a child during the airing of senfiel, I do not find it humorous
<darklight> people take their art seriously
<darklight> (Now I can delete all these links)
* darklight looks at battery
<darklight> >1488mah
<darklight> Yeah
<darklight> I'm charging a battery pack :P
<G-Mobile> #aquaticlizardfoodselfiies
<Supernovy> I honestly find it funny as hell.
<SilverFox> Greys, you're watching LTT?
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<SilverFox> !csharp public string sleep() {return "zzz";}
<Qboid> (1,8): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `string', expecting `class', `delegate', `enum', `interface', `partial', or `struct'
<darklight> static
<darklight> Oh wait
<darklight> c# needs classes, forgot :3
<SilverFox> im tryna make a method
<SilverFox> Thomas wtf do I doooo
<darklight> Make it anonymous
<SilverFox> was thinking that
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<G-Mobile> I watch LTT every wakeEvent(day=saturday)
<SilverFox> !csharp public Action<String> sleep => {return "zzz";}
<Qboid> (1,8): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `Action', expecting `class', `delegate', `enum', `interface', `partial', or `struct'
<G-Mobile> rather, I watch the WAN show that
<SilverFox> !csharp Action<String> sleep => {return "zzz";}
<Qboid> (1,22): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `=>', expecting `,', `;', or `='
<Qboid> (1,39): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `}', expecting `,', `;', or `='
<darklight> !csharp var x = {Console.WriteLine("nothing is beyond our reach");}; x();
<Qboid> (1,58): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `;', expecting `,' or `}'
<darklight> Derp
<SilverFox> !csharp x();
<Qboid> (1,2): error CS0103: The name `x' does not exist in the current context
<SilverFox> !csharp Func<String> help;
<Qboid> (1,15): warning CS0108: `<InteractiveExpressionClass>.help' hides inherited member `'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended/opt/QIRC/Distribution/plugins/Mono.CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
<Qboid> (1,15): warning CS0108: `<InteractiveExpressionClass>.help' hides inherited member `'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended/opt/QIRC/Distribution/plugins/Mono.CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
<SilverFox> does warning mean it passed or failed?
<SilverFox> !csharp help("");
<Qboid> (1,2): error CS1593: Delegate `System.Func<string>' does not take `1' arguments/usr/lib/mono/4.5/mscorlib.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
<SilverFox> !csharp help();
<Qboid> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at <InteractiveExpressionClass>.Host (System.Object& $retval) [0x00000] in <92a9e35d3c7f46df9c4ed2d7221db7bf>:0 at Mono.CSharp.Evaluator.Evaluate (System.String input, System.Object& result, System.Boolean& result_set) [0x0003e] in <a81adb37139f4f2ea6ce1da80d3be432>:0 at QIRC.CSharp.CSharp.Evaluate (ChatSha
<Qboid> rp.IrcClient client, System.String input, System.String user, System.String source, System.Boolean admin, System.Boolean quite) [0x00114] in <a2441d13ac3b40c1b3b2a2acaec070c3>:0
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> !csharp Func<String> sleep = new Func<String>()=> {return "zzz";};
<Qboid> (1,40): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `=>'
<Qboid> (1,57): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `}'
<SilverFox> fuck it
<darklight> Just use var
<SilverFox> NEVER
<SilverFox> !csharp List<Dictionary<int, List<Dictionary<object, array[int][char][Dictionary<float, int>]>>>> fuckyou = new List<Dictionary<int, List<Dictionary<object, array[int][char][Dictionary<float, int>]>>>>();
<Qboid> (1,20): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `,', expecting `.'
<darklight> !csharp Action sf = () => { Console.WriteLine("someone is a silly");}; sf();
<darklight> It compiled in ideone...
<SilverFox> !csharp sf();
<SilverFox> oh you can't do console.writeline in csharp
<SilverFox> iirc you have to return strings for it to do the thing
<SilverFox> !csharp Func<String> sleep = () => { return "zzz";};
<SilverFox> !csharp sleep();
<Qboid> zzz
<SilverFox> !csharp aliens();
<Qboid> ayylmao
<Supernovy> probably because Qboid just returns what the method returns
<Supernovy> the console is somewhere else in a distant land
<SilverFox> yeah probs
<SilverFox> goddamn chopsticks are great for chips
<SilverFox> darklight, sweet jesus I just remembered, friend whom is in australia will be learning australian english
<darklight> Going for a maccas run this arv
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> wtf is an arv?
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: do a simulation for me, what if the earth was all water
<SilverFox> aight
<SilverFox> what else
<darklight> SilverFox: afternoon
<SilverFox> Im quite sure neptune is water too
<darklight> G-Mobile: Then you get bruce willis blowing up shit
<darklight> Like he always fucking does
<SilverFox> then you get a shitty movie
<darklight> Silly bruce willis
<SilverFox> WaterWorld
<G-Mobile> Earth size, earth orbit, start with no atmosphere
<SilverFox> oh, you actually want me to simulate it
<SilverFox> well, you instantly see evaporation
<darklight> You'll very quickly have an atmosphere...
<SilverFox> yes, very very quickly develop an atmosphere in the process
<G-Mobile> eggraptor have some fun things to say about the formation of a solid water crust and a liquid supercritical core
<SilverFox> "solid water" you mean Ice?
<G-Mobile> yea but really fuckin hot ice
<darklight> You'll at least get to the armstrong limit
<SilverFox> okay no, you dont get really hot ice
<G-Mobile> solid only because of the pressure
<SilverFox> ahhh
<SilverFox> well that's some heavy fucking atmosphere
<G-Mobile> but then above like 20gPa it turns liquid again
<SilverFox> yeah GPa sounds about right
<G-Mobile> they were fiscussing the internal dynamics though, from you I want surface considerations
<G-Mobile> dis
<SilverFox> okay uhh
<SilverFox> core is probably hotter than the outside, so you have ice trying to melt
<SilverFox> since it's water, its still going to try and evap
<G-Mobile> An atmosphere will develop quickly I imagine
<SilverFox> what is the composition of the atmosphere?
<SilverFox> okay hold up, lets get our shit straight again
<SilverFox> are we starting liquid surface, or solid?
<Supernovy> well, 100% H2O after a while.
<G-Mobile> Start with no atmosphere
<G-Mobile> Surface state depends on the atmosphere you theorize, probably ice at first because of evaporative cooling
<SilverFox> so no pre-existing atmosphere, ice planet, entirely composed of H2O
<SilverFox> I wonder if I can universe sandbox it
<SilverFox> so I'll load up an earth simulation, mun or no mun?
<G-Mobile> Mun sounds funner
<SilverFox> okay
<SilverFox> gonna turn the earth entirely into iron to rid of the atmo, then will switch immediately to water
<G-Mobile> the tidal forces will help to liquify the surface and generate atmosphere
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<SilverFox> ~wa neptune composition
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: Neptune | atmospheric composition: hydrogen | 80 vol% (volume percent)
<SilverFox> ~wa radius of earth
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: Earth | average radius: 6371.0088 km (kilometers)
<SilverFox> so I had to take the moon, make a replica, and then turn it into water
<SilverFox> so the surface appearance doesnt change because that's how US2 works
<SilverFox> however the mun fucked off somewhere
<SilverFox> and because hte surface temperature is -270C, or about 3.15K the water is fucking superfrozen
<SilverFox> so no atmosphere is formed
<SilverFox> holy shit the mun fucking exploded
<SilverFox> thats a pupper
<SilverFox> the density of the planet is 3x that of regular water
<SilverFox> 3.34
<SilverFox> still without atmosphere, 1.67 years in
<SilverFox> surface temperature was set at 0C, it has quickly dropped and stabilized at -47.6C
<SilverFox> earth similarity is rated at 0.759
<SilverFox> ~wa albedo of water
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: α
<SilverFox> ;wa albedo of water
<kmath> SilverFox: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<SilverFox> !wa albedo of water
<Qboid> SilverFox: Seems that Wolfram is unable to understand that.
<SilverFox> mmmm
<SilverFox> well, I set the surface temp to 20C and it stabilized there
<SilverFox> planet is now entirely blue, rather than mun
<SilverFox> lets turn the earth into iron
<SilverFox> turned it into hydrogen and now it's outgassing
<SilverFox> basically a giant comet
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<G-Mobile> back
<SilverFox> dude couldn't photoshop, so he stuck with MS paint for 10 years and mastered it
<G-Mobile> looks like oekaki or whatever it's called
<SilverFox> entire book is ms painted
<G-Mobile> were you sentient yet when oekaki boards were a thing?
<SilverFox> I have no idea what those are
<G-Mobile> they were kind of like 4chan except the OP could draw on a canvas in real time and users could watch a replay of their drawing
<SilverFox> oh, sounds neat
<SilverFox> never seen one before
<G-Mobile> I wanna say they were a big deal like, 2007~2010
<SilverFox> do you define me as currently sentient?
<G-Mobile> it's easier if we don't consider that
<SilverFox> well, if Im not sentient now, then I couldn't have been any years before
<Rokker> who is this hacker called 4chan
<G-Mobile> sure but you definitely have a period in your life before which you do not consider yourself sentient
<SilverFox> at what point in life does this occur?
<G-Mobile> usually sometime between 8 and 20
<SilverFox> I am in my 20's, so yes, I was "sentient" during that time
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<SilverFox> "Kids are so weak, back in my day you got into a car accident and you just died, and you didn't complain"
<SilverFox> "Shake well and inhale TWO puffs in the rectum for asthma"
<darklight> Heh
<SilverFox> I need a kpop bot
<SilverFox> hrmmm, should I start using a proper database table, or should I stick with file folder and text files?
<SilverFox> ~roll
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: (1d20) 3
<SilverFox> how do I interpret this
<SilverFox> ~roll
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: (1d20) 1
<SilverFox> new database it is
<SilverFox> fuck why is majiir not here ever, he'd be able to tell me a good database system to use
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<darklight> My sequel
<darklight> mongodb, its web scale
<SilverFox> i found LiteDB
<darklight> More seriously, sqlite.
<SilverFox> also looked that up and it was C++
<darklight> sqlite has bindings in like every language
<SilverFox> and couldn't find a wrapper easily for it so switched to LiteDB and that's what I'm learning now
<SilverFox> if you can find me the c# docs and some good examples and shit then I'll give it a try
<darklight> I am not teaching you sql so you can use litedb :P
<SilverFox> I worked with SQL before
<SilverFox> but not in a c# environment
<darklight> This should tell you everything you need to know about SQL
<darklight> And it's the reason why DMP doesn't use a database
<SilverFox> looks gross
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<SilverFox> fucker, sample code given doesn't work
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<SilverFox> ah wait, figured it out
<SilverFox> the getters and setters are required
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<SilverFox> maybe during this time I'll figure out why foxbot on c# crashes randomly after a period of time
<darklight> Run in debugger
<SilverFox> that's what I'll be doing
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<G-Mobile> probably because you didn't bang that girl with the eyes last year
<darklight> G-Mobile: Doesn't the vast majority of girls have eyes?
<SilverFox> I'm trying to remember whom that was
<SilverFox> darklight, yes, but these were special eyes
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<SilverFox> fuck I remember her now
<SilverFox> yeah she wasnt much interesting past her eyes iirc
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<SilverFox> well, I want to add the functionality of looking for x names in search and not returning names that were given a - in front of, like ~kpop choa -seolhyeon would look for "choa" but exclude results which also have the name "seolhyeon" in them
<SilverFox> I need to do this in linq
<darklight> select * from blah where name like %name% and not like %notname%
<SilverFox> that sounds SQL rather than linq
<darklight> You'll have some equivalent
<SilverFox> well I dont know the equivalent
<darklight> Wait are you loading into an array and using a selector predicate?
<SilverFox> it's 3am and I have a headache, please try again
<SilverFox> "kpopDatabase.GetCollection<kpopEntry>().Find(x => TestContains(x.Names, ins) && !TestNotContains(x.Names, outs));"
<SilverFox> I did t
<darklight> I can't remember what the extension method is called
<darklight> A predicate is just x => x.something == whatiwant
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> I use those
<Supernovy> you'd have to take the string, separate it, then find the ins and outs, strip their prefices and put them into new arrays
<SilverFox> nigga I already do that
<darklight> Why did you do testnotcontains instead of !TestContains :P
<SilverFox> because they're different right now
<SilverFox> just gimme one sec
<Supernovy> you did not test not contains
<Supernovy> that's a double negative
<Supernovy> The tricky part is putting in ORs
<SilverFox> or the && I have in
<SilverFox> no ors needed
<darklight> Remember that two wongs don't make a white
<SilverFox> just Contains ins and NotContains outs
<SilverFox> u hwhat
<SilverFox> stop tryna smash with my brain
<SilverFox> im doing a search, but im not getting the results down
<Supernovy> But what if you want something that contains A or B? search A, then search A && !B?
<Supernovy> actually that would work codinomically
<SilverFox> I dont have an A or B functionality
<SilverFox> the purpose is to return a single result
<SilverFox> so pick one, A or B
<SilverFox> if you put both A and B names in, it returns the first one
<SilverFox> actually, I should make it random
<Supernovy> both a and b would get you only stuff that has both a and b
<Supernovy> If I was making a search, i'd have OR like hell.
<SilverFox> well the input format doesn't support OR
<SilverFox> because I can't wrap my head around how the fuck to split the string properly
<SilverFox> if I split by the character & to get all the ands, then there's a bunch of | or ! at the end in one giant lump
<SilverFox> and that includes the last valid entry in that lump
<darklight> What about !(!a && !b)
<SilverFox> fuck you thats the same as what Im doing
<SilverFox> basically boils down to A && B
<darklight> !(!a && !b) is a || b hehe
<SilverFox> im too tired for this shit
<SilverFox> yanno what
<SilverFox> ~choose A | B
<FoxBot9000> My choice is: A
<SilverFox> done
<SilverFox> then search for that
<SilverFox> fuck you otherwise
<SilverFox> I just used .Find() and I got a NotImplemented exception wtf
<darklight> Kek
<SilverFox> this is very weird
<SilverFox> now I figured that out, but wait, there's more!
<SilverFox> it doesn't like me using methods in it or something
<SilverFox> however, it's not finding the test entry I made in the database earlier, and I dont see the test entry in the debugger locals, yet when running the program, I do a test search to search for that test entry and it successfully does so
<SilverFox> oh wait nvm, you can't view what's inside the collection with the debugger
<SilverFox> it fucking works
<SilverFox> yup, not implemented thrown for having a method insde the linq query
<SilverFox> darklight, is SelectMany what I'm looking for?
<Thomas> That depends on what you want to do
<SilverFox> Intersect is what I want me thinks
<Thomas> SelectMany can combine many arrays into one array
<SilverFox> I want to check a total collection to get results which match the names in the names[] array with the array of names that each entry has
<SilverFox> each entry has a link and an array Names
<SilverFox> I have an array of names I want to search for
<SilverFox> so I need to match those two
<Thomas> collection.Where(e => e.Names.Any(s => names.Contains(s))); maybe?
<SilverFox> lets test it out
<SilverFox> it threw an error saying s isn't defined or some shit, gimme a sec
<VITAS> whats a good non horror movie thats out now?
<SilverFox> "var results = testcollect.Find(x => x.Names.Any(s => ins.Contains(s)));" is what I have
<SilverFox> however, it's throwing some weird LiteDB exception
<SilverFox> interesting
<Thomas> My guess would be that LiteDB has its own way of doing linq
<SilverFox> changed it to: "var results = testcollect.Find(x => x.Names.All(s => ins.Contains(s)));" and now I get: "Invalid Operation Exception, variable 'x' of type 'entry' referenced from scope, but it is not defined"
<SilverFox> fuck it, im bed
<VITAS> bad or in your bed? :D
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<GlassYuri> wait what the fuck was that
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<xShadowx> trying to teach SilverFox cancer, i support this
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<GlassYuri> oh my, SAO got it's death blow
<kmath> YouTube - Sword Art Online Has A Chinese Knockoff That Does Things RIGHT
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<SilverFox> VITAS, yes
<SilverFox> I can't use mysql workbench because I fucking forgot the root user's password
<Thomas> default password or did you change it?
<SilverFox> have no idea
<SilverFox> haven't touched it in over a year
<SilverFox> what is hte default password?
<VITAS> there isnt any default password
<VITAS> but you can reset it on the shell
<SilverFox> thanks
<VITAS> np
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<Thomas> VITAS: to be fair, that depends on your installation method
<Thomas> There are packages with a default pw
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<G-Mobile> Andchat doesnt recognize .lol tld
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
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<SilverFox> Greys, is this a non-moving gif?
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