egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
<SilverFox> what is the first letter of the japanese alphabet?
<TheKosmonaut> A
<TheKosmonaut> あ
<SilverFox> nice, thanks
<TheKosmonaut> あいうえお
<SilverFox> what does that say?
<SilverFox> also what is the stroke order for that char?
<TheKosmonaut> That's just a i u e o
<SilverFox> are those the only vowels?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Japanese is all vowels
<TheKosmonaut> So you have a I u e o
<SilverFox> you must be fucking with me
<TheKosmonaut> Then after that it is ka ki ku ke ko
<SilverFox> neat, same as korean, starts with k
<TheKosmonaut> So a ka sa ta na ha ma ya ra
<SilverFox> okay, now does the y sound exist in japanese, or is it a slower combination of i and a for ya
<SilverFox> I find in english, or at least my dialect, the way we say the y sound and what it's components could be, is different
<TheKosmonaut> Japanese doesn't do "blending" so good
<TheKosmonaut> So for example
<SilverFox> okay, noted
<TheKosmonaut> If I write ya it is sounded like "yah"
<TheKosmonaut> But writing ia would be e-ah
<TheKosmonaut> E as in eat
<SilverFox> write, like 이 in korean
<SilverFox> right*
<TheKosmonaut> Some sounds have been done away with however
<TheKosmonaut> Like there is no Ye anymore
<SilverFox> wow
<TheKosmonaut> It's been combined with E
<SilverFox> that's a damn shame
<SilverFox> ~yt yee
<kmath> YouTube - Yee
<TheKosmonaut> E and in eh
<TheKosmonaut> So the Ys just have Ya Yu Yo
<SilverFox> right, but do they sound like english ya you yo, or do they sound like just a faster combination of ee+ah
<SilverFox> ee+oo ee+oh
<TheKosmonaut> あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やゆよ らりるれろ わ を ん
<TheKosmonaut> That's all of the phonetics basically
<SilverFox> this is important, because during my times teaching people I've discovered koreans do this sound differently than we do, and it requires a physical change in where your tongue goes and all that in order to replicate the sound we make. A good example is the word "Year" if they say it like "Ear" then their y sound isnt compatible with ours
<SilverFox> TK, that's just hiragana right?
<TheKosmonaut> Yeah
<SilverFox> and katakana is mainly used for foreign words?
<TheKosmonaut> Ya yu yo sounds like yah you and yo
<TheKosmonaut> I don't find the Y sounds to be any different than how we say it
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: mostly
<TheKosmonaut> Which is sad, I think Katakana looks better
<SilverFox> it's subtle, but the difference comes from when you start saying words, rather than the phonetic sounds by themselves
<TheKosmonaut> It varies from person to person
<SilverFox> right
<TheKosmonaut> Pronunciation isn't as strict now as it was ~50 years ago
RandomJeb has quit [Ping timeout: 383 seconds]
<SilverFox> interesting, what do you think caused this?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: same thing that causes English pronunciation and intonation to change
<SilverFox> laziness?
<TheKosmonaut> A bit of that
<TheKosmonaut> Butjapanese went under a lot of change post war
<SilverFox> rebellion?
<TheKosmonaut> For one, MacArthur demanded they write left to write instead of right to left
<SilverFox> oh shit, they used to right write to left?
<TheKosmonaut> So before, うえの would be のうえ
<TheKosmonaut> のえう
<TheKosmonaut> Oops
<SilverFox> is that why books and such are read right to left?
<TheKosmonaut> Yeah. Mostly.
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> who the fuck is macarthur?
<SilverFox> sounds like a douche
<SilverFox> Greys, find me a porno with the koopa brothers
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, how many different honorifics are there that can be attached to the same verb?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: MacArthur as in the general
<SilverFox> is this american history or something?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: after WWII the USA occupied Japan.
<TheKosmonaut> A lot of changes were brought on
<SilverFox> wow
<SilverFox> wait, wasn't it around WWII that japan occupied Korea?
<TheKosmonaut> For 1, it was just to show authority so MacArthur would just make arbitrary changes
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: japan occupied Korea long before WWII
<TheKosmonaut> they lost it after WWII
<TheKosmonaut> !g Japanese occupation of Korea
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: [Korea under Japanese rule - Wikipedia] (492000 results found, took 0.72s)
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> not a fun time for koreans
<SilverFox> occupations never seem to be fun
<SilverFox> Macarthur sounds like a big asshole tho
<TheKosmonaut> So pretty much 1910 till 1945
<SilverFox> yeah
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: MacArthur also built tokyo into what it is today
<SilverFox> oh
<TheKosmonaut> He was an asshole because he needed to be
<SilverFox> so it was a good thing?
<TheKosmonaut> But it was thanks to him and the occupying force post war (and the shit tons of money) that restored Japan
<TheKosmonaut> Granted, it was the US that firebombed it to shit
<SilverFox> yeahhhh
<TheKosmonaut> But we made it better
<SilverFox> from what I've been hearing from koreans the japan-korea occupation was hell
<TheKosmonaut> No. It was wonderful! The empire did nothing wrong.
<SilverFox> pffffffft
<SilverFox> that's why you haven't apologized right?
<SilverFox> because there was nothing to apologize for!
<TheKosmonaut> I think a lot of the atrocities happened, but there is exaggeration from Korea to the extent that it happened, and Japan is too far in the other direction as to how little they did
<SilverFox> so its a game of he-said she-said?
<TheKosmonaut> Japan has made amends many times, but its politically advantageous to always be the victim
<SilverFox> lol this is true
<darklight> TK what about okinawa
<TheKosmonaut> China loves to bring it up when they're the ones encroaching on territories, so as to get the heat off of the PRC
Vinshalya has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
<SilverFox> what is okinawa?
<SilverFox> it sounds familiar
<darklight> Isn't that the one with the american base?
<TheKosmonaut> Okinawa is an island to the south
<TheKosmonaut> It had a somewhat indigenous population that Japan had suppressed or slowly bred out of the island
<TheKosmonaut> They still exist thighs and there are some visual differences between Okinawan and mainland Japanese
<TheKosmonaut> s/thighs/though
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut meant to say: They still exist though and there are some visual differences between Okinawan and mainland Japanese
<SilverFox> so do all the 150 year olds still write right to left?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: they can but don't afaik
<SilverFox> alright cool
<TheKosmonaut> I'm surprised rokker hasn't swung in at the mention of MacArthur, he'd usually be jerking himself off to the name along
<TheKosmonaut> Alone
<TheKosmonaut> Look out! Ol Big Mac is back!
<SilverFox> pfffffft
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: hard to type one handed
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: fun fact
<SilverFox> oh boy
<TheKosmonaut> During the Korean War, MacArthur proposed to just nuclear carpet bomb Korea and china
<SilverFox> nice
<TheKosmonaut> But the bleeding hearts said that was too harsh
<TheKosmonaut> Bunch of babies
<SilverFox> north or south korea would be bombed?
<SilverFox> pyongyang is near the border isn't it?
<SilverFox> naw, it's a good distance away
<SilverFox> what is nuclear fallout radius?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: not far at all
<TheKosmonaut> Especially if air detonated
<TheKosmonaut> There's almost no radiation in Hiroshima
<SilverFox> what is the inhabitable radius?
<SilverFox> was nagasaki air-detonated
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: uh. You mean, how close can you be?
<SilverFox> I mean, if we nuked north korea, how bad would it hit seoul
<SilverFox> because seoul is pretty important
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: almost all Nukes are air burst
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: it wouldn't affect Seoul
<darklight> Depends on how much boom is in the bomb
<darklight> The tsar bomba left a good mark on google earth
<TheKosmonaut> If we air burst the largest nuke we have right now in the center of pyongyang, it wouldn't affect Seoul in a massive way
<TheKosmonaut> There would be fallout but it would depend on the wind
<SilverFox> like, would seoul have to be evacuated?
<SilverFox> because it wont get evac'd
<SilverFox> roads are already shit
<SilverFox> more people will die from driving than the radiation from fallout
<SilverFox> pyongyang to seoul is 195km
<SilverFox> I wonder how long fallout lasts
<TheKosmonaut> Seoul wouldn't notice
<TheKosmonaut> Nukes are big. Not that big.
<SilverFox> like if we just detonate with a north or west wind
<TheKosmonaut> The largest American bomb was Castle Bravo at 15mt
<TheKosmonaut> Here
<SilverFox> neat
<TheKosmonaut> The largest bomb was the Tsar Bomba, a soviet bomb. But even then it wouldn't reach Seoul from Pyongyang
<SilverFox> good
<SilverFox> nuke NK
<TheKosmonaut> And current Nukes aren't as big as the above pic shows
<SilverFox> end this bullshit war
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: what's the current largest American bomb?
<SilverFox> the koreas are still at war
<TheKosmonaut> !wa define MIRC
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: Seems that Wolfram is unable to understand that.
<TheKosmonaut> Er
<TheKosmonaut> !wa define mirv
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: Seems that Wolfram is unable to understand that.
<TheKosmonaut> !g mirv ICBM nuke
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: [MIRVs] (11800 results found, took 0.65s)
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: current?
<TheKosmonaut> Yeh
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: uhh 200 kt?
<Rokker> ish
<SilverFox> that doesnt sound like a lot
<SilverFox> are megatons banned or some shit?
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: no wait
<Rokker> trident is 475
<TheKosmonaut> We don't need megatons really. Not when we have MIRV and shit.
<Rokker> SilverFox: they are just useless
<Rokker> SilverFox: overkill
<SilverFox> fair enough
<Rokker> that's nuclear material we could use for bombing more places at once
<Rokker> instead of bombing one place all at once
<TheKosmonaut> w-83? Rokker
<TheKosmonaut> 1.2mt I think
<Rokker> ah shit
<Rokker> forgot about the 83
<TheKosmonaut> A minuteman can take 1mt right
<SilverFox> the fuck is a minuteman?
<TheKosmonaut> Er. B-83 isn't it. Not W
<Rokker> /kick SilverFox
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: a missile
<SilverFox> oh cool
<TheKosmonaut> It's our go-to ICBM now.
<SilverFox> whats the range?
<TheKosmonaut> It's the one we are just shooting into the pacific now to show how many we have
<TheKosmonaut> We have so many, we just throw them into the ocean for testing just to show North Korea we can do it in our sleep
<SilverFox> nice
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: current minuteman is 3 sub megaton nukes
<TheKosmonaut> Iirc we have like 450 minutemen
<TheKosmonaut> And are downsizing the arsenal to ~400
<SilverFox> Kosmo, aren't you half merican half japanese?
<Rokker> SilverFox: chink
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: half chyna
<Rokker> but full bloded american
<TheKosmonaut> But my mom is Hawaiian Chinese so we sing tiny bubbles and surf. Not eat dog
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: there is a chink in your dna chain
<SilverFox> okay that was a good one, I haven't heard that one before
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: a few
<Rokker> <3
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: we need to bring back the peacekeeper
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: tfw a b-29 is still competitive tech over the DPRK
<Rokker> nah
<TheKosmonaut> We could fly F-4s as escort
<Rokker> the tu-4 is a bit better
<TheKosmonaut> Actually, they have Mig-29s now iirc.
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: yeah
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: I hope a Syrian like situation unfolds for their pilots.
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: the big problem with aerial warfare is it's shown that the most deciding factor is training
<TheKosmonaut> They just take off and request asylum in Seoul
<SilverFox> NK pilots?
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: NO KUM SOK
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: what's the max range of a mig 29? As in weapons and electronics?
<TheKosmonaut> I mean, doesn't the f-22 have some crazy range of 250nmi?
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: idk, I like freedom
<SilverFox> FREEDUM
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: 250 nmi isn't crazy
<TheKosmonaut> Fuckers could be scrambled over Pyongyang, and the USAF can be hanging out over Seoul and see them picking their teeth of shitty kimchi
<SilverFox> lel
<Rokker> the f-22 has 1600 nmi with external tanks
<SilverFox> thats pretty fucking impressive
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: I'm not talking flight range
<Rokker> SilverFox: only 460 combat radius tho
<Rokker> which includes 100 nmi in supercruise
<SilverFox> ~wa circumference of earth in nautical miles
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: convert Earth | equatorial circumference to nautical miles: 21639 nmi (nautical miles)
<TheKosmonaut> I was talking about weapon's range
<Rokker> The duck does that have to do with the f-22
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: amraam has a max radius of like 100 kmi
<Rokker> nmi
<Rokker> but really you wouldn't wanna go out that far
<SilverFox> I wonder what NK would do if it got nuked
<SilverFox> I mean, its not like they have the range to nuked america back
<Rokker> SilverFox: starve to death
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: would probably go down swinging
<Rokker> SilverFox: attack Korea and japan
<SilverFox> I can see them attacking korea and japan, but...
<SilverFox> it's not like there will be mass devastation, seeing as how their rockets are as functional as jeong eun's dick
<Rokker> I vote we MacArthur them
<Rokker> SilverFox: conventional weapons are dangerous
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: their latest test was of a genuine IRBM
<SilverFox> IRBM?
<SilverFox> what is the IR?
<TheKosmonaut> and the US confirmed that the test reentry was controlled
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: IRBMs are overkill
<SilverFox> Inter-racial Black Man
<TheKosmonaut> Test article
<Rokker> SilverFox: intermediate range
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: right, but it's a step toward something bigger
<Rokker> between short range and intercontinental
<SilverFox> so shit range missile, gotcha
<Rokker> SilverFox: good enough to hit Moscow from turkey
<SilverFox> what range does it have, 3k km?
<Rokker> which is why we stuck IRBMs in turkey
<SilverFox> hey guys, what if we nuke their nuke supply?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: we don't exactly know where that is
<TheKosmonaut> North Korea is crazy. Not stupid. They have that shit conpartmentalized
<TheKosmonaut> Compartmentalized*
<Rokker> SilverFox: well, thor could lob a 1.4 megaton nuke like 2400 km
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> thing is, if NK nukes seoul, my life is over
<SilverFox> I'd have to settle for bUsAN
<Rokker> SilverFox: jupiter, or as I call it, the flower of death, could about match that payload and distance
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: it's possible that they wouldn't hit Seoul
<SilverFox> I mean
<SilverFox> if they're going down swinging you'd want to obliterate big places
<TheKosmonaut> Rather, they'd shell Seoul and nuke Busan and other military installations
<SilverFox> seoul and tokyo would be my bet
<TheKosmonaut> They could more effectively devastate Seoul with conventional weaponry
<SilverFox> if they're already dead there's no point in getting military places
<Rokker> SilverFox: you underestimate the size of their military
<SilverFox> you'd want to fuck over civilians and infrastructure
<SilverFox> the NK military?
<TheKosmonaut> They have the largest paramilitary force in the world
<SilverFox> NK?
<Qboid> SilverFox: [NK] => North Korea
<SilverFox> oh stfu
<SilverFox> I dont underestimate the size of the NK military, with a commie country I'd assume their military is as big as their country is
<SilverFox> with most if not all male populus being conscripted
<Rokker> SilverFox: their military ain't nothing to fuck with
<Rokker> they could very easily win the initial stages of a war
<TheKosmonaut> If only 20% of the total military didn't defect, they'd still have a sizable military that would be very hard for the USA to counter
<SilverFox> ranked first in reserve personell
<TheKosmonaut> And while the DPRK is shit, they're no where near as shit as they were in the 90:
<TheKosmonaut> 90s
<SilverFox> wait, would NK conscript females as well?
<Rokker> SilverFox: prolly
<SilverFox> fair
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: yeah they would and they do have a large female compliment
<SilverFox> they have more women fit for service than men
Samario has quit [Quit: You think you are above consequences.]
<SilverFox> ~yt when will you learn
<kmath> YouTube - When will you learn
<SilverFox> so do yall think that the US-NK tensions will lead to WWIII?
<Rokker> SilverFox: lolno
<Rokker> SilverFox: someone would need to be on their side
<Rokker> and that won't happeb
<SilverFox> isnt China on the side of NK?
<SilverFox> like, bad china
<SilverFox> cause they commiebuddie 4 lyfe
<Rokker> SilverFox: barely
<SilverFox> aight
<Rokker> SilverFox: I doubt they'd want to deal with it
<Rokker> they'd stay out of it at worst
<Rokker> or side with us at best
<SilverFox> they put 150k soldiers at the border
<SilverFox> so they are against NK iirc
<Rokker> SilverFox: because they don't want refugees
<SilverFox> lol
<Rokker> SilverFox: they've been trying to slip into south Korea's DMs for a while
<SilverFox> yeah and hows that been going
<Rokker> they wanna get it on with the South Korean economy
<SilverFox> I wonder how Moon will handle this situation
<Rokker> SilverFox: pretty well for rhem
<Rokker> them
<Rokker> acrually
<SilverFox> I hear the economy in SK is doing well
<SilverFox> but that it's at a plateau
<Rokker> SilverFox: that's eastern asia as a whole
<SilverFox> its good but also bad, because there's no place to go than down
<SilverFox> I mean, it *could* go up again but like
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: wasn't there a whole freakout a few years back over the south Korean ambassador being closer to the president than the noko one at some parade
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: hm?
<TheKosmonaut> Maybe. Korean politics are shit.
<SilverFox> they are
<TheKosmonaut> Korea as a government is shit too
<SilverFox> it is
<SilverFox> very corrupt
<TheKosmonaut> But they're less shit than the north
<SilverFox> that is also true
<SilverFox> recently impeached a president for the first time in democratic history of the country
<SilverFox> I gotta say though, the protests were fucking beautiful tho
<SilverFox> was so tired of seeing american protests
<Rokker> SilverFox: that's the problem with our involvement with asia
<SilverFox> what do you mean?
<SilverFox> yall introduced corrupt government?
<Rokker> SilverFox: we installed govts saying they were gonna be democratic, but we tried to keep them puppeted and undemocratic
<Rokker> and it turned the govts into a shitshow
<SilverFox> ahh
<SilverFox> good job on that one guys
<Rokker> Vietnam and Korea both happened kinda directly due to American involvement in the govts
<Rokker> altho Russia and China didn't help
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: blame the Brits
<TheKosmonaut> It's easy
<TheKosmonaut> Asia was fine till the Brits were like "ohai DAE opium?"
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I blame nam on the French and Chinese
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: well... Perry was kinda our fault
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: glorious fault
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: well yeah
<Rokker> the Perry family makes me jizz
<Rokker> the navy should just name an entire class of ships after them
<SilverFox> what is a Perry?
<TheKosmonaut> Commodore Perry was the (in)famous naval dude that rolled up on feudal Japan and said "trade shit with us"
<Rokker> SilverFox: a family of badass motherfuckers in the navy
<TheKosmonaut> They said no
<TheKosmonaut> And he said "wrong answer try again"
<SilverFox> noice
<TheKosmonaut> Then pointed his Navy at Japan
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: that's only one of the fucking Commodore Perry's you bitch
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: yeah but the one relevant to the current talk
<Rokker> SilverFox: one Commodore Perry opened trade with Japan by threatening them, the other kept the Canadians from controlling the great lakes by raping them in the war of 1812
<SilverFox> im quite sure we won that war tho
<SilverFox> ~w war of 1812
<Rokker> SilverFox: no?
<Rokker> you lost you faggots
<Rokker> you made 0 headway in America and we killed a bunch of indians
<Rokker> that's a win for America
<SilverFox> uhhh
<SilverFox> wiki says more american side people died
<SilverFox> also dont see a perry in the commanders and leaders list
<Rokker> SilverFox: first off shut the fuck up, second off go away
<SilverFox> lol
<darklight> Rokker: Silverfox wants alaska back
<Rokker> SilverFox: vietnam lost a fuckton more peopoe
<Rokker> darklight: are you high
<SilverFox> you guys were fighting fucking farmers
<Rokker> SilverFox: and they still won
<Rokker> SilverFox: and Commodore Perry wasn't a major war leader at the time
<SilverFox> ahhh
<SilverFox> frun Fact, Sir Isaac Brock on that list has a university named after him
<SilverFox> great man, died from a bullet to the chest or some shit
<SilverFox> his uniform is in a museum somewhere
<SilverFox> my grade 6 history teacher had a hardon for him
<SilverFox> also for Indiana Jones
<SilverFox> and that one canadian-american show with a mounty; Due South
<SilverFox> decent show, yall should watch it
<SilverFox> that guy looks like the BIGGEST doucher
<darklight> Hey, douching is the only way to be completely clean
<SilverFox> you could clean about 200 pussies from that guy's ego that's how much douche there is
<Rokker> SilverFox: when you take out the entire british naval fleet in the lake Erie, you can look like a doucher tooo
<SilverFox> yall just tryna hook up with our Fresh AF water supply
<darklight> Lol
<darklight> That was harsh sf
<darklight> Who needs clean drinking water? NOT AMERICA
<darklight> Your water comes in solid form though
<SilverFox> Fresh from the glaciers we still have
<darklight> Well they are melting so you should put them to good use
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: not if we have any say
<Rokker> SilverFox: y'all and Britain started that fucking war anyways
<SilverFox> lol
<SilverFox> whitehouse wasnt so white either
<SilverFox> ~w burning of whitehouse
<SilverFox> rektlmao
<darklight> what's up m8's?
<darklight> :P
<Supernovy> the colonials are getting uppity again
<darklight> Supernovy: Shipping from australia costs a lot and that's why we haven't sent your people back
<Rokker> y'all niggas was kidnapping our sailors for no fucking reason
<Rokker> dicks
<Rokker> and enslaving them
<Rokker> white sailors
<Supernovy> everyone did that to everyone else
<Rokker> unexcusable
<SilverFox> giving them a better home
<SilverFox> its what you do with PETS
<Rokker> SilverFox: we can't all be imperial submissives
<SilverFox> Rokker, we also took black ones, unlike you guys we aint #raciss
<Rokker> SilverFox: wait
<Rokker> you stole our property?
<Rokker> thieves
<SilverFox> I prefer the term "relocating to a better home"
<TheKosmonaut> We should have a war of 2012 with Canada
<TheKosmonaut> See how that would go
<TheKosmonaut> We would be kind, just burn Quebec
<SilverFox> please
<SilverFox> remove Quebab
<Rokker> SilverFox: you stole our blacks?
<SilverFox> twice
<Rokker> you nicked our nigs?
<Rokker> oh god
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Rokker> that was bad
<SilverFox> twice
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: kick me
<SilverFox> kick me daddy
Rokker was kicked from #kspmodders by TheKosmonaut [way ahead of you]
Rokker has joined #kspmodders
<darklight> lol
<SilverFox> Rokker, a special thing called the Underground Railroad, ever heard of it?
<Rokker> SilverFox: what does that have to do with anything
<SilverFox> its how we took ye blacks
<Rokker> SilverFox: the railroad ended in Ohio you stupid faggot
<SilverFox> they came to canadaaaa
<Rokker> why the fuck do you think the underground railroad museum in in cincinatti ohio
<SilverFox> pretty shitty railroad, no wonder it's american
<SilverFox> holy fuck the KKK was in paper mario
<Rokker> SilverFox: they could continue to Canada if they wanted
<Rokker> but why would they
<Rokker> SilverFox: nah
<Rokker> SilverFox: clearly just a capirote
<SilverFox> cakarot?
<Rokker> cakkacarrotcake?
<SilverFox> carrotcake is pretty bomb tho
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what are your opinions on Bowser as a facist dictator?
<Rokker> SilverFox: if rather live under hitler
<darklight> SilverFox: Peach obviously had a bad boy fetish and didn't want to stay with mario obviously
<Rokker> he was much better about the genocide thing
<Rokker> peach is Eva braun?
<TheKosmonaut> Hitler was funny, he just had terrible timing.
<TheKosmonaut> The whole Jew thing was unfortunate, but hopefully something like that will never happen again
<TheKosmonaut> Next time, it needs to be done quicker.
<Rokker> ^
<SilverFox> so what if hitler happened, but jews didnt die?
<SilverFox> and gays, and blacks and other groups
* TheKosmonaut wonders if TechnicolorDalek is still alive
<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> ian isnt tho
<SilverFox> he's dead
<darklight> next time just try this
<kmath> YouTube - Pimp My Reich
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Where is he now? Dalek
<Rokker> SilverFox: so what if Hitler didn't kill all those people?
<SilverFox> #kerbalspaceprogram
<Rokker> SilverFox: is that what ur asking?
<SilverFox> Well, how would things have changed
<SilverFox> how would we veiw him
<Rokker> SilverFox: well then he wouldn't have been as awesome, would he
<darklight> I think we'd call him a cuck
<Rokker> ^
<Rokker> SilverFox: then hed just be a standard commie
<SilverFox> I wonder if it was the territory part or the jew part that caused enough concern for people to step in
<SilverFox> "ve vant schekoschlowakia" "k"
<SilverFox> where the fuck is that robot chicken episode
<SilverFox> ~yt robot chicken hitler
<kmath> YouTube - Lil' Hitler
<darklight> I think I've seen this done in comic form
<Rokker> SilverFox: um wat
<Rokker> SilverFox: it was territory
<Rokker> like
<Rokker> they didn't even know about the actual holocaust part
<SilverFox> oh well damn
<kmath> YouTube - The Terrorists Are Winning | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim
<Rokker> SilverFox: like we knew the jews were getting treated like shit
<Rokker> but we didn't know how bad it was
<SilverFox> ahhh
* darklight wonders how much the SA is responsible for the rounding up of gay people too
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<Rokker> I still think we don't blame the russians enough for causing ww2
<SilverFox> i mean what
<Rokker> ?
<SilverFox> how did russia start it?
<SilverFox> i thought it was germany occupying places and killin people
<Rokker> SilverFox: ok so ww2 was started because Germany invaded Poland right?
<Rokker> well why did Germany invade poland
<SilverFox> because jews and growing territory?
<Rokker> because they had signed a pact with Russia saying that if Russia didn't attack Germany when Germany invaded Poland that they would split Poland down the middle
<SilverFox> ohhh
<SilverFox> neat
<Rokker> it's entirely possible Germany wouldn't have invaded Poland if Russia hadn't agreed
<Supernovy> muh danzig
<Rokker> therefore I think they deserve a little of the blame
<SilverFox> if that is true, then yeah, I'd agree
<Rokker> SilverFox: I mean it's entirely possible Germany still would have attacked, but y'know, history is weird when you get into what ifs
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> hitler was pretty crazy
<TheKosmonaut> Blame the whites
<SilverFox> its reasonable he would've invaded anyways
<TheKosmonaut> If it weren't for Slavs then there'd be no WWI
<TheKosmonaut> so...
<SilverFox> given he attacked fucking russia, in the winter
<Rokker> SilverFox: nah
<Rokker> he attacked in summer
<TheKosmonaut> And no WWI probably would have changed how WWII came about
<Rokker> spring actually
<Rokker> he just took too long to reach moscow
<SilverFox> then what with all the stories of soldiers freezing and shit?
<Rokker> SilverFox: he took too long to finish the attack
<SilverFox> but it was cold, right
<Rokker> once they hit winter yeah
<SilverFox> so they did attack during winter
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what is the symbol that is like a, but slanted and with a tick on the right side?
<Rokker> SilverFox: they went to war in june
<Rokker> SilverFox: they didn't reach moscow until december
<SilverFox> so yeah, they were attacking during the winter
<SilverFox> and they froze
<SilverFox> and starved
<SilverFox> great job
<SilverFox> smart tacitcs 10/10
<Rokker> SilverFox: it's not their fault
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: uhhh?
<Rokker> Russia is just too big
<TheKosmonaut> Russia's biggest defense is that it's a giant shithole
<SilverFox> tahts why you dont attack it
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: yep
<TheKosmonaut> America's biggest Defence is that we have two giant fucking oceans on either side
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: the worst game of hoi4 I've ever played was trying to take Russia from the Japanese side
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I lost most of my troops to attrition
<SilverFox> TK, Im seeing a character repeated from bowser and it looks like that A character you showed me earlier, but it has a tick on the right side beside the cross part of the character and at the end of it is a char that looks likeㄱ
<darklight> SilverFox: They even have a song about it :P
<kmath> YouTube - SAGA - The Snow Fell
<Rokker> the border was practically undefended
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: is it squiggly or straight lines?
<SilverFox> squigles
<SilverFox> smooth lines
<TheKosmonaut> お
<SilverFox> yeah
<TheKosmonaut> ?
<TheKosmonaut> That's just "O"
<SilverFox> with ㄱ at the end
<TheKosmonaut> おー ?
<SilverFox> no, it curves
<SilverFox> like a boomerang
<TheKosmonaut> ~?
<TheKosmonaut> おへ?
<SilverFox> all around
<SilverFox> rotate by 90 degrees
<TheKosmonaut> お」?
<SilverFox> looks like ㄱ in 기
<SilverFox> both parts are curved
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: look at ZNG trying to be funny in kspo
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: lol no cancer pls
<SilverFox> wtf is ZNG
<Rokker> zoonamedgamer
<TheKosmonaut> Prolific forum user
<Rokker> games*
<Rokker> SilverFox: autistic faggot
<SilverFox> cool
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: you're better off taking a screenshot
<SilverFox> yeah working on it
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: kick silver for weebery
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: つ
<TheKosmonaut> So in Japanese you have some words that double up the consonant.
<SilverFox> oikay im back
<SilverFox> so like ㄱ vs ㄲ?
<TheKosmonaut> Like matsu to wait
<TheKosmonaut> But matte is the command form
<TheKosmonaut> To tell someone to wait
<Rokker> SilverFox:
<Rokker> gitgud
<TheKosmonaut> So you write 待つ or まって
<Rokker> queer
<TheKosmonaut> When you write the curly thing smaller it doubles the following consonant
<TheKosmonaut> In the case of it being on the end like that, it's like him saying "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: the fuck bro
<Rokker> are u a weeb
<SilverFox> he knows japanese, so I learn it off him
<SilverFox> he is of nippon
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: HEHEHEHEHEEHHE
<TheKosmonaut> SENPAI BAKA
<TheKosmonaut> WWWWW
<SilverFox> you mean KEKEKEKE
<TheKosmonaut> Fufufufu
<TheKosmonaut> Not so much keke unless we are aping Koreans
<Rokker> fuck you weebs
<SilverFox> thats one thing japanse has on korean, the ability to curl the bottom lip inwards
<SilverFox> like, seriously pisses me offf
<darklight> Lol cody's lab rotorscoping his shadow
<SilverFox> I should get a japanese ime for my desktop
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: why tho
<SilverFox> so I can commmmmunicate
<TheKosmonaut> Japanese UI on computers soooo clunky
<SilverFox> trying to describe these chars is bullshit
<TheKosmonaut> Wait
<TheKosmonaut> Can you not just type in any language?
<SilverFox> wat
<SilverFox> I can type in korean and english because I have a korean ime thing installed
<TheKosmonaut> I have all that by default
<TheKosmonaut> From English to Burmese
<SilverFox> I think I'd have to install it
<SilverFox> added it
<SilverFox> 帆wてぇ府ckえう
<SilverFox> はlぺうぺうぇあせ
<SilverFox> 伊t土江sンtsとpウィthてぇ亜ltけy
<SilverFox> that's rather inconvenient
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<SilverFox> i need to get a new notebook for japanese
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, I once had papers taped to my wall with all the japanese characters on them
<SilverFox> spanned my entire wall
<SilverFox> also
<SilverFox> how mucxh of jap[anese is english loanword?
<SilverFox> because half of korean is butchered english
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: not tooo much of it
<TheKosmonaut> He's legitimized dabbing now
<SilverFox> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
<TheKosmonaut> That girl's pretty though
<SilverFox> I havent watched the videos
<SilverFox> 한국은 너무 예쁘네요~
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<SilverFox> Hey guys I found a youtube bug
<SilverFox> if you open a video via middle clicking it weird so it opens in the same tab instead of a new one, and do that a few times, it says the video is completely watched
<SilverFox> even if you didnt watch any of it
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: yulin is coming up innit?
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: gonna go to China and eat some doggos
<SilverFox> wtf
<Rokker> SilverFox: chyna
<Rokker> sil
<SilverFox> I find that disgusting
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: it's banned this year
<TheKosmonaut> China crackin down on dog meat
<SilverFox> GUD
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: technically
<Rokker> but afaik people are skeptical of it
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: china is trying to legitimize its image to the west
<TheKosmonaut> I don't doubt that they'd at least make an effort.
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I legitimately imagine them as dog eating commiefags
<TheKosmonaut> Lel
<TheKosmonaut> China now is about as commie as Europe.
<TheKosmonaut> No. Less commie than Europe
<TheKosmonaut> They embraced a form of capitalism and now they're doing alright
<TheKosmonaut> Next step: imperialism
<xShadowx> i saw a documentary a while ago, china invented oil drilling with bamboo, and combustion engines, long before the west :P
<TheKosmonaut> Meh. They shot themselves in the foot during their great leap forward.
<xShadowx> china never had the dark ages like the west
<Rokker> xShadowx: that sounded retarded
<xShadowx> Rokker: which part?
<Rokker> why is it every time someone sees someone who was smart and knew some cool shit, everyone has to go out and look for ways to overinflate their acconplishments
<Rokker> da Vinci, the Chinese, tesla, Edison
<xShadowx> lol i was just laughin at the obvious false propaganda documentary claiming china could dig deep down with bamboo for oil and make combustion enines :P
<xShadowx> if they had combustion engines 2,000 years ago there would be some evidence :)
<Rokker> xShadowx: north Korea has unicorns
<Rokker> xShadowx: also China did have a dark age
<xShadowx> Rokker: i know i saw the news! every little girl must be happy!
<xShadowx> nope, china didnt have dark ages
<Rokker> it's called the communist period
<xShadowx> ok you win :P
<xShadowx> usually when i claim chinese didnt have dark ages, someone pops out mentioning the opium wars, and i counter with that was just china beating us to our 60s :)
<Rokker> xShadowx: the communist period followed an enlightened age of nationalism
<Rokker> unfortunately
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<SilverFox> wait, is this reverse abduction?
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> this is fucking hilarious
<SilverFox> "Free scotch and cigars"
<SilverFox> where did you find this?
<darklight> The twatter
<SilverFox> okay so you're gonna have to help me compile a list of all the stuff yall australians say that regular english speakers dont
<SilverFox> because I really dont want my friend learning the bullshit prisonerspeak yall talk with
<kmath> YouTube - Margot Robbie Defines 50 Australian Slang Terms in Under 4 Minutes | Vanity Fair
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> niceu*
<darklight> WAT
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<Rokker> darklight: god margot robbie is hot
<SilverFox> fucking perv
<SilverFox> h-hentai baka
<Rokker> SilverFox: yes
<SilverFox> have you no shame you filhty merican
<SilverFox> ugh, it makes me cringe when people mispronounce the basic korean words, like kamsahabnida, but these guys said komsohamnida. That's the japanese equivalent of ayrigateoh goozamass. It's dirty
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<GlassFragments> alligator gozaimasu~
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<SilverFox> holy fuck
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<SilverFox> west coast USA has no waffle houses
<VITAS> someone wants to waste money
<SilverFox> quad quadros
<VITAS> i wonder what temperatures are like if you put a case arround it
<SilverFox> probably bad, seeing as how it's SLI'd
<VITAS> doesnt make that hexadecimalo?
<SilverFox> your puns are bad and you should feel bad
<VITAS> always
* darklight learns a valuable lesson about fpv and getting lost
<VITAS> now for some sun on my balcony with my mediterian inspired lunch :D
<VITAS> darklight, youre getting lost or your plane?
<darklight> Plane completely lost, couldn't even remotely pick up the video signal :(
<SilverFox> rip lol
<darklight> Tis only about 100 dollars lost, but still...
<SilverFox> shoulda put a GPS tracker on it
<darklight> Maybe 120ish
<VITAS> so you could implent something that sends you gps coords while you fly
<darklight> Usually I fly with an OSD but I couldn't find it
<darklight> It points you home :P
<VITAS> tracker sounds like somthing that logs it
<VITAS> and you could strap a postcard to it like you do with helium baloons on kid partys
<VITAS> "if found mail me"
<darklight> This is the problem about flying in a cane paddock, it is all very samey
<SilverFox> shoulda GPS trackered
<VITAS> also helps with finding the idiot who crashed his drone into a passenger plane :D
<darklight> It could be anywhere in a 1.5km radius so I do not like my chances at all
<VITAS> you could investigate using old smartphones as autopilot/camera/...
<SilverFox> plane probs dead
<VITAS> and your drone could take selfies :P
<darklight> If I fly fpv again I'd want a proper OSD that updates fast enough to be useable, but I kinda have more fun flying aerobatics anyway, so line of sight is kinda better
<VITAS> hmm live fpv on twitch
<VITAS> with something like telemachus for viewers
<VITAS> somone should do that
<SilverFox> I'd totes do that
<VITAS> and yes, i still want someone who streams ksp on twitch to use telemachus and let me proxy it
<darklight> It'd be doable with a laptop
<darklight> But I lack a laptop :P
<SilverFox> buy one
<VITAS> he needs a new plane first :D
<darklight> I have another 23 sheets of foamboard
<VITAS> electronics and such?
<darklight> Which is why this cost like 120 and not 300
<darklight> I have pretty much a backup set of everything
<SilverFox> guys is majiir dead
<darklight> I'll work out exactly how much money I lost
<VITAS> maybe
<VITAS> so the question is: what would you need to reley video of yourself and your plane amongst telemetry to a server and get back twitch stuff like chat
<VITAS> the major problem i see is bandwidth
<VITAS> you can only do it where you get broadband inet
<VITAS> (via wifi or so)
<VITAS> but then again: darklight uses lte for all his inet
<VITAS> anyways: i find it an interresting concept. most twitch channels are about someone sitting at home.
<VITAS> another idea: a youtube channel dedicated to testing out ksp planes using foamboard as RC planes
<VITAS> (both ideas may be combined)
<SilverFox> KSP is free for testing, foamboard aint free
<VITAS> yes but if youre doing it right youtube (aka google) will pay you the foamboard in ad revenue
<SilverFox> you'd need a lot of viewers for that
<VITAS> and you dont have to test tweaks on planes but planes that do well in ksp
<VITAS> or go the other way arround
<VITAS> build a foam plane
<VITAS> and build it in ksp and upload it to kerbalx
<VITAS> for the viewers to try
<VITAS> how can i convince the uni to puit my rack in front of their firewall?
<VITAS> i hate it so much!
<VITAS> i cant open ports and cant accept incomming traffic
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<darklight> Looks around $140AUD all up
<darklight> So a loss, but not a *massive* loss
<VITAS> hmm still
<VITAS> but nothing you can change now
<VITAS> except you find a dog thats trained to sniff brushless motors
<darklight> Oh I forgot the motors :P
<darklight> Add another 10ish iirc, so all up 150
<darklight> *15 :P
<SilverFox> GPS tracker?
<darklight> The X8R is the biggest fucking killer
<darklight> SilverFox: This is what I've lost
<VITAS> i will ask you to give me advice on RC stuff at some point (when i finaly decide to build something)
<SilverFox> ouch
<darklight> My advice is don't FPV :P
<darklight> I kinda have more fun doing aerobatic stuff anyway
<VITAS> im not sure if i will do planes
<VITAS> because of the flight restrictions arround here
<darklight> I've been tempted to build a quad so I can fly it around my house
<VITAS> im more thinking about something larger wheeled with cameras and so on
<SilverFox> Greys, hot
<VITAS> my appartment only has one room so nothing to fly arround
<SilverFox> I love the fire in the eyes, like Amber
<darklight> Also this kinda sucks, normally after I crash I accept the loss and not fly for like a month, but I also have nitro stuff coming, and another x8r because I didn't want to keep swapping receivers between planes
<VITAS> Greys, what animal is that?
<VITAS> skunk?
<SilverFox> look at the tail
<SilverFox> that is not a skunk's tail
<SilverFox> it is canid
<VITAS> maybe you should do something like i want to: build an RC mobility scooter to haul things
<darklight> I got one of these babies coming :3
<SilverFox> wanna say fox because of the ears
<darklight> They are cute :3
<VITAS> like two crates of beer
<Greys> foxes are more closely related to hyenas
<VITAS> foxes are brown or white arent they?
<VITAS> i recently saw one when the train i was on entered berlin
<darklight> VITAS: my sister has seen this IRL
<kmath> YouTube - Cooler Esky Scooter
<VITAS> he sat there scratched himself behind his ear and then yawnd
<VITAS> first i thought its a dog
<SilverFox> they act like a mixture of cat and dog, but mainly act however they are raised
<kmath> YouTube - Cooler Esky Scooter
<Greys> silverfox is a mutation
* VITAS looks for images
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> I am a mutation
<Greys> gj
<VITAS> <- off topic (screenshot i made from an 80s italian comedy)
<Greys> why are the foxes also geothermal engineers
<SilverFox> are you actually watching kemono friends now?
<Greys> you'd never understand
<Greys> our culture is millions of years superior to yours
<VITAS> thats it
<VITAS> i came up with it for transporting beverages to bars in a large venue
<Greys> how come the blue things are always purple now?
<kmath> YouTube - [MV] OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) _ Coloring Book(컬러링북)
<VITAS> Greys, your monitor isnt calibrated right or has signal problems?
<Greys> I will pass
<SilverFox> the ceruleans?
<Greys> ye
<SilverFox> yeah that's weird
<darklight> Ha
<VITAS> if RL: the 90s are hip again
<SilverFox> they get darker the closer to the Whatever Low is
<Greys> they haven't been blue since like the first episode
<darklight> The biggest problem you're going to have is the transmitter
<SilverFox> the mountain that erupts the stuffs
<darklight> You can't have anything get in the way or you'll lose video
<SilverFox> just put more power to it
<SilverFox> eventually you'll make it through whatever
<darklight> I know I got somewhere that was at least 1.1km away with perfect signal at 200mW
<darklight> People either use 25mW for races, 200mW normally or some use 600mW :P
<SilverFox> yeah how put 1.21JW?
<SilverFox> frequency of 88Mhz
<darklight> 1.2Ghz 1500mW for 80km, but they had a rediculous ground antenna and probably a tracker :P
<kmath> YouTube - FPV Long Range 80km full flight.
<Greys> awh, red fox fucked up her reference
<SilverFox> which one?
<Greys> it's supposed to be "gaimu daiyo, gaaimu"
<SilverFox> wat
<Greys> maybe geimu
<darklight> Ha, they used 2.4ghz control link but had a normal wifi amplifier because it's 2.4ghz, that's impressive
<darklight> Normally people fly long range with dragonlink
<darklight> This is where things get very very expensive though :P
<SilverFox> I'd eventually invest in super long flight and fly over to merica for a bit
<SilverFox> snake over the border like "freedum, no freedum, freedum, no freedum"
<darklight> If you aren't cheaping out on everything it gets very expensive very very quickly
<darklight> 300 bucks, I use something a bit cheaper than that :P
<SilverFox> also I'd build the autopilot myself
<SilverFox> doesn't need to be more intricate than an arduino
<SilverFox> or a pi
<darklight> ardupilot boards aren't actually that expensive
<SilverFox> bet I could still program and wire it for cheaper
<Greys> what's the typical range on a nitro plane?
<darklight> Around 100 bucks it looks like
<SilverFox> yeah could definitely make for cheaper
<darklight> Greys: normally time is given in minutes, I get ~10 minutes on my 2200 using 3/4 of the battery
<SilverFox> have more control over it and probs increase power savings
<Greys> what's the battery matter
<darklight> I fly electric currently
<Greys> I asked about nitro
<darklight> When I get to nitro I'll tell you how much 90cc of fuel gets me :P
<SilverFox> Nitro too expensive
<SilverFox> why waste money on fuel when you can just go solar
<Greys> because solar is expensive and also fragile
<SilverFox> yeah but solar is cheaper long run
<Greys> unless you break it
<SilverFox> so dont break it
<darklight> SilverFox: The weight of the solar panels can actually make it worse than flying just with batteries
<Greys> I won't, but you are you
<SilverFox> darklight, how so?
<darklight> The only two people I've seen do solar are that 80km flight which was solar assisted, and the solar plane v3
<SilverFox> im talking solar assist
<SilverFox> not fully solar power, yet
<darklight> I fly on about 300W max, maybe half of that normally
<SilverFox> getting the power for flight via solar is hard
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<SilverFox> supplementing power is easy
<Greys> you could get film solar cells
<Greys> no glass, weigh's less
<SilverFox> that is true
<SilverFox> like, doubling flight time is great
<Greys> also resistant to structural failure due to micrometeorites
<kmath> YouTube - Solar Plane V3 1st Flight - Episode 6 - RCTESTFLIGHT -
<darklight> That one actually works
<SilverFox> Greys, but how does it withstand the birdshit test?
<Greys> about as well as anything else
<Greys> the bird shit will obstruct the light and reduce potency; it will probably cause the surface to color
<SilverFox> as if Im not going to coat the panels in protective stuff
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<Greys> bird poop is very acidic, it can even damage car paint
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> which is why it should be cleaned
<Greys> kinda hard to clean an aircraft in flight around the continent
<SilverFox> not really
<SilverFox> you fly another aircraft
<darklight> I want to know how SF intends to fly long distance
<SilverFox> with water gun
<SilverFox> GPS guidance
<darklight> I mean the power source
<SilverFox> electricity
<Greys> lunarcells
<SilverFox> darklight, the tears of SJWs
<darklight> Ha
<SilverFox> they've been in abundance since hillary lost
<Greys> SJWs don't cry
<darklight> laci green has also helped with that recently too
<SilverFox> pfffffffffffft
<Greys> they ejaculate watery sorrow from their eyes
<SilverFox> they fucking whine bitch scream jiggle they fat arms and cry like a baby
<darklight> SilverFox: Did you hear about the feminist who got triggered?
<SilverFox> which one?
<darklight> The skeptic feminist killed his girlfriend
<SilverFox> oh shit
<SilverFox> is he that weird creepy looking hillbilly cuck?
<darklight> He's called "russian deadpool"
<SilverFox> yuuuup
<SilverFox> this is a very wild era in our time, I wonder how it'll go down in history books
<SilverFox> darklight, what's the average speed your plane can go?
<darklight> Depends on how strong the wind is going, I generally cruise around, maybe 40km/h
<darklight> Full throttle it probably goes 60 or 70
<SilverFox> okay
<SilverFox> the long distance one I want to make needs to get to my grandparents house
<SilverFox> about 55km driving
<SilverFox> also this will probably be highly illegal
<RandomJeb> I'd say it depends on if the americans use tactical nukes or not
<Greys> has america developed bunker buster nukes?
<RandomJeb> their track record of using a modern military against rice farmers with outdated weaponry isn't very good
<SilverFox> that's the fucking funny part
<SilverFox> it's like that war between italians and ethiopians
<SilverFox> the ethos had spears and the italians had guns
<SilverFox> iirc the ethiopians won
<RandomJeb> I think america has a few bunker buster nukes
<darklight> now youtube taunts me
<kmath> YouTube - A Sunday of Fails
<Greys> angavrilov|phone does japan not have can/bottle deposits?
<SilverFox> so for my long distance plane it needs to go 60km just to be safe
<SilverFox> so these motors say they are like, 600kv
<SilverFox> does that mean I need to transform the voltage up to 600kv?
<Greys> per megawiggle
<SilverFox> that seems really excessive
<GlassFragments> Greys, no but the only public trashcans you can find are for cans and bottles
<GlassFragments> you tend to see abandoned cans on bridge railings and such however
<Greys> so nobody returns them?
<angavrilov> Greys: for some reason the first thing that made me think of is an image of a bottle mine, mining an underground bottle deposit :P
<darklight> SilverFox: kV means 1000RPM / volt
<Greys> that would be a deposite
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<darklight> 600kv motors sound like big efficent ones, I fly with a 1500kV with an 8x4, I also have 960kv that I fly with a 9x6
<GlassFragments> Greys, they go in a separate recycling trash category
<darklight> The big props give me 15min flight time compared to 10min, but I keep breaking them on landing :<
<Greys> can you run a jet engine on diesel
<SilverFox> I mean
<SilverFox> probably maybe
<darklight> Greys: Nitros will have longer flight times than jets
<SilverFox> wait, diesel needs to be spray injected right?
<Greys> you need high compression and temperature to detonate the diesel
<darklight> nitros are essentially diesels
<darklight> Except i should probably call them glow because I ain't going to be using nitromethane :P
<SilverFox> diesel sounds heavy tho
<Greys> kerocene would probably be the best weight to thrust ratio
<darklight> That 50 dollar 0.15 is 250 grams
<angavrilov> kerocene also doesn't get all gunky at low temperatures I presume
<darklight> Greys: They are really methanol, the thing is that air is the limiting factor
<darklight> methanol+castor oil essentially :P
<SilverFox> Greys, kerosene does give good bang for buck
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<SilverFox> which is why it's used in rockets
<darklight> petrol motors are expensive and heavy as fuck :-/
<darklight> They don't exist in the small sizes like glow motors do
<Greys> I'm not concerned with economy, if you want this thing to fly for a long time you need a large amount of fuel and you need to be able to use it as slowly as possible
<SilverFox> what is a brushless ESC?
<Greys> electrum silver composite
<SilverFox> im not using fuel on this glider
<Greys> ooo, what if you put a bunch of model rockets on it, and periodically pull up into a stall and light a pair, then glide
<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> not reusable
<Greys> darklight, you should build this
<Greys> it'll be fuckin sweet
<darklight> SilverFox: brushless outrunners are 3phase motors, the ESC makes 3phase for it
<SilverFox> it does sound great
<Greys> especially if it's autonomous
<RandomJeb> I think you'd do much better operating a propeller or two on a diesel engine rather than fueling a jet engine with it
<darklight> Props are the most efficent way :P
<Greys> that's irrelevant
<darklight> Also I'm not willing to spend heaps of money on anything, I've so far cheaped out on everything I can cheap out on
<darklight> Apart from the receiver and the metal gear servos I guess
<darklight> The receiver is my biggest loss, rip
<SilverFox> go look for it
<darklight> I will tomorrow, I did try picking up the video signal but got nothing. My sister has a phantom that we'll try with, we have a rough idea of where it is
<darklight> (looked on google earth, I have 2 places to try)
Technicalfool has joined #kspmodders
<darklight> If I picked up the video signal I would have been laughing
<darklight> As it's easy as to find with the patch antenna
<Greys> what if you make it a vertical launch system, that takes the glider up real high and then you use subrockets to ISS it
<darklight> I've seen gliders launched with balloons before :P
<Greys> would that be cheaper than a vertical launch?
<SilverFox> probs
<SilverFox> balloons are cheaper than rockets
<darklight> That's 4S, I fly 3S :P
<SilverFox> so?
<SilverFox> can't a 4S deliver 3S?
<Technicalfool> is someone trying to find the altitude ceiling of a glowplug engine?
<Technicalfool> also I'm wondering if ednough nitromethane would make a glowplug engine able to run in space.
<darklight> Technicalfool: I had runaway plane syndrome
<darklight> FPV without OSD was a very very bad idea
<Technicalfool> oh, eek
<darklight> (I didn't know where i put it)
<darklight> Probably lost 150AUD all up :P
<Technicalfool> did you find the aircraft again?
<darklight> Nope
<darklight> Tried to track the video signal, didn't get it at all :-/
<Technicalfool> methinks you're gonna need to put a radio beacon on if you keep doing that.
<darklight> I'd need the OSD with the home arrow :P
<Technicalfool> bear in mind the range on an 8oz tank with a .15 engine is going to be xbox hueg.
<darklight> Then it wouldn't have happened
<Technicalfool> don't you have a failsafe device?
<darklight> Err, I only have 90cc, which is like... 3oz?
<Technicalfool> ahfun
<Technicalfool> still. Get a failsafe.
<darklight> I don't have an autopilot, and I didn't intend to fly further than about 200m
<Technicalfool> what you intend is nearly never what happens with RC craft. You should know that :P
<darklight> I think I'm more likely to not fly FPV and go play more in 3D land
<SilverFox> can you parallel 2 3S to get 1 6S?
<darklight> I've mostly been ok, but out of the few times I have FPV'ed I think I've only had 2 successful flights :P
<Technicalfool> You can try a rubber band failsafe if you don't have an electric one or thr receiver itself doesn't have a failsafe. Attach rubber band between throttle lever and airframe. If the signal or battery go, the throttle arm relaxes, and gets pulled to 0 by the rubber.
<darklight> SilverFox: Series, otherwise you add up the mah ratings
<darklight> Technicalfool: Oh I didn't lose transmitter or video
<darklight> I just was lost
<darklight> :P
<Technicalfool> Ah, well.
<Technicalfool> landmarks. Study them!
<SilverFox> series adds voltage, is the S rating the voltage?
<darklight> Eventually I decided that I wasn't finding my way back so I tried to land it near a road
<SilverFox> thought it was Amperage
<darklight> SilverFox: yeah
<darklight> 3s is 3 cells in series
<SilverFox> ahhh
<Technicalfool> yes, 3s is 3 cells, in series
<darklight> Which is 11.1v nominal, essentially 12v battery voltages
<Technicalfool> 3s is actually a pretty beefy pack. You can get 4s and 5s, but you end up with either no range, or a massive pack.
<Technicalfool> plus they get bloody pricey
<Technicalfool> 3s25c not bad
<darklight> The 1400kv one
<darklight> 8x4 prop, 300w motor
<SilverFox> this good enough?
<darklight> I use a 40A esc which is way overkill, but overkill is better than no kill
<Technicalfool> 15c sounds bad
<darklight> *AND USE A SEPERATE BEC*
<Technicalfool> if you're buying a battery for putting in RC flying things or any high current job, 15c is very low.
<darklight> So when the ESC overheats you don't lose servos, esc bec's don't have enough kick if you spam the controls either
<darklight> As I found out the hard way
<darklight> Technicalfool: I cheaped out on everything apart from an frsky X8R and some metal gear servos which were about 5$ each (I had 3 on it)
<darklight> Wait, 4
<darklight> 2 ailerons, rudder, elevator :P
<Technicalfool> heh, more talking to Silverfox there. 25c is about average for a lipo battery pack for aircraft. Good ones go to 30, 35c or so. 15c is... not great.
<SilverFox> no spoilers?
<SilverFox> what is the c rating?
<Technicalfool> maximum current load
<SilverFox> oh
<Technicalfool> rated in multiples of the battery cap[acity
<darklight> Basically, the mAh of the pack * the c rating
<darklight> Yeah
<Technicalfool> so 2000mAh 15c battery would be able to dump a max of 30 amps.
<Technicalfool> more than that, and your battery may go assplodey.
<darklight> The longest I used to fly was 15 minutes with the 960kv
<darklight> But I didn't have enough power to go vertical :P
<darklight> So I went 1500kv with 8x4, the 9x6 kinda overloads it a bit
<Technicalfool> the old Phase 3 EF16 could go vertical for a while, but didn't *quite* have a 1.0 TWR.
<darklight> Things are more warm then I would like anyway :P
<darklight> Mine was a scratch build foamboard plane and I still have another 23 A1 sheets
<darklight> So I'm not going to be lacking a plane anytime soon
<Technicalfool> I still wanna get a Weston UK magnum going again. Got the MVVC .49 engine and a tuned pipe for it. Needs some minor airframe repair though.
<Technicalfool> it's very... kerbal. In a "moar boostah" sense.
<darklight> I've got a katana with a .55 on it
<darklight> Which is why I brought a .15 so I can actually get used to nitro :P
<Technicalfool> hah
<darklight> I've actually got two of them...
<SilverFox> TF, I want to build an illegal RC plane with solar assist that can fly GPS guided autonomously for 60km
<darklight> Some guy was getting out of the hobby so I picked them up :3
<darklight> I told SF he's an idiot :P
<Technicalfool> you could get 60km out of a normal RC plane without any kind of solar cells.
<SilverFox> yeah but with some solar you can have less battery
<Technicalfool> little glow engine, massive fuel tank.
<SilverFox> nono
<SilverFox> no fuel
<Technicalfool> also solar panels would need to coat the entire top side of the aircraft for very little wattage.
<Technicalfool> you might get maybe 10-20 watts on a good day with the kind of area I'm thinking about.
<SilverFox> they'd mainly be for power boost or backup
<Technicalfool> small model engines want at least 130, 150 watts or so.
<darklight> TF I shouldn't have mentioned this: :P
<kmath> YouTube - FPV Long Range 80km full flight.
<darklight> Bah
<darklight> I fly with 300W :3
<SilverFox> darklight, saw that a while ago
<darklight> The entire plane is probably around 1kg
<SilverFox> TF, it's going to be a glider like style
<Technicalfool> really if you want range, glow is the way to go. WIthout spending 100s of $ on batteries that is.
<darklight> 1.5m wingspan, or whatever two a1 sheets are
<darklight> 1.7m nearly
<darklight> By the long side long, so... 84cm long :P
<Greys> SilverFox, I have a brilloant idear
<SilverFox> 1.5m should be enough to provide at least 100W
<darklight> By like 150cm
<darklight> ..
<darklight> mm
<SilverFox> 300W/m^2 from the sun, 30% efficiency, 100Wish
<Greys> make the rocket glider as described before; but then put a bunch of propellers on it; where each propeller has a ratcheting gear released by a solenoid controlled by the arduino, variable pitch reversing props, and is powered by a rubberband
<SilverFox> Greys, what dat
<Technicalfool> there is no way you're getting 100 watts out of a panel that's going to fit on an RC plane.
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> TF, bunch of small light cells
<darklight> I think the most energy dense cells are currently the 18650's from panasonic
<Greys> then, while rocketing up reverse the props and release the ratchet, so the props will wind the rubberbands
<Technicalfool> large panels are made out of smaller panels,.
<kmath> YouTube - "Tesla" Style Battery BUILD for Gemini V-2 And other FPV Planes!
<darklight> That battery build is insane :P
<Greys> then as you're gliding down periodically release a pair of props in forward position to extend the glide
<SilverFox> naw
<darklight> someone probably breaking the law
<kmath> YouTube - Gemini V-2 FPV High Altitude-Long Duration Flight-13,000+ ft.
<SilverFox> that sounds kinda stupid
<Greys> well duh
<SilverFox> and uses rockets, which are a consumable
<SilverFox> no consumables
<darklight> 50 fucking amp hours
<Greys> consumable, but cheap
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> consumbales
<Greys> lithium is consumable
<SilverFox> not the same
<darklight> What's hilarious is that this plane is also a scratch build
<darklight> But yeah, tf, building a nitro foamy shall be fun, thinking about making it a pusher
<darklight> Because I do not want to buy more motors.
<SilverFox> ~c 75 / 12.5
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 6.0
<SilverFox> ~c 6 * 3.55
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 21.299999999999997
<darklight> And its only like a 3oz tank
<SilverFox> about 40W for the wings if I use these monocrystalline cells
<darklight> Wanna also go as light as possible, I want endurance, I can do 3d some other way :P
<SilverFox> ~c 75 / 15.6
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 4.8076923076923075
<SilverFox> ~c 5 * 4.5
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 22.5
<SilverFox> what about a wingspan of 2m?
<darklight> Then it won't fit in my car
<SilverFox> collapsable wings?
<SilverFox> wait fack off im talkin my place
<SilverFox> plane*
<darklight> Detachable? what am I? made of rubber bands? :P
<SilverFox> insert and rotate
<darklight> Most people use rubber bands, I used hotglue
<darklight> As I had a hatch for the front
<SilverFox> oh shit I found 4.8W ones
<SilverFox> ~c 100 / 15.6
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 6.410256410256411
<SilverFox> ~c 6 * 4.8
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 28.799999999999997
<SilverFox> 50W nice
<SilverFox> however, that means about 3v per wing
<SilverFox> putting both in series yields 6v which would need to be doubled
<SilverFox> ~c 4.8 / 0.5
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 9.6
<SilverFox> that's a good chunk of amps
<darklight> I wish you luck :P
<SilverFox> this thing isn't going to make it past design phase
<SilverFox> it's 8am
<SilverFox> should I sleep
<SilverFox> "A good pirate never takes anyone's personal property" Disney, stfu you dumbfucks
<kmath> YouTube - High School DxD - Ending 1
<Greys> this is how you do a loli right
<Greys> it's all about the juxtiposition of subtlty and force
<Greys> this is how you do everything wrong
<kmath> YouTube - High School DxD NEW - Ending 2
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Has Kpop fashion gone full 90s?
<kmath> YouTube - [MV] Unnies(언니쓰) _ Right?(맞지?) (Sister's Slam Dunk Season 2(언니들의 슬램덩크 시즌 2))
<Greys> what are these capsules
<Greys> TheKosmonaut, not full ninties, there's some eighties and also beyonce
Supernovy has quit [Quit: Goodnight.]
<Greys> this is such a weird reference to read nowdays
<Greys> holy shit
<Greys> that strip came out in 2000, Airplane came out in 1980, in 3 years I will be as far from the strip as the strip is from it's reference
<TheKosmonaut> GlassFragments: I really love these
<TheKosmonaut> fuck not that
<TheKosmonaut> GlassFragments: This^
<GlassFragments> nice
<TheKosmonaut> GlassFragments: I hoope someone with talent does Tokyo’s JR or the Metro lines
<TheKosmonaut> it’d be a nightmare though, most of these posts I’ve seen are relatively simple systems
<GlassFragments> would be nice to compare how metro, toei and jr see it
<TheKosmonaut> All of these look pretty nice
<TheKosmonaut> The Singapore one makes me homesick
<Greys> I'm still really fuckin weirded out that apparently nobody lives in this apartment building anymore
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: Is there a giant ball on a chain suspended outside?
<TheKosmonaut> If so, you should probably vacate.
<Greys> nope
<Greys> in fact a surprizing quantity of white people just parked and walked in
<Greys> when I moved in I was the only non-chaldean, then eventually a black family moved in; and now I guess the most en-car-ted chaldean family moved out?
<Greys> today I learned that anti-semitic does not refer to hating jews
<Greys> Chaldeans, who are catholic, are semitic
<GlassFragments> this shit isn't working
<Greys> did you try rebooting?
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<VITAS> "text 'dirtyBirdy to 3030 to give a home to 30 Birdy! Because Humans have stopped living in trees ages ago, so its time to give Birds a roof over their head!" :DDD
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<Greys> would yalls watch an anime called "Only Hot Girls Go To Prison"?
<VITAS> im sure youve allready watched it :>
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<kmath> YouTube - MY SHARONA The Knack Music Video: Never Seen Before
<kmath> YouTube - THE KNACK drummer Bruce Gary explaining some of his classic beats
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medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
<xShadowx> i wish CDs were magnetic o.o
<VITAS> you need worm discs
<xShadowx> (as in stick to magnet, not magnet to store data)
<VITAS> you could find iron foil and stick it on as label
<xShadowx> toying with robotic arm to load cd drive
<VITAS> suction cup
<VITAS> with pump and tube
<xShadowx> dont lik em
<VITAS> special claws with an half circle claw each
<xShadowx> if anything claw-wise, grab from inside heh
* xShadowx randomly looks at a calculator and notices the outer edge of an HDD disk spinning gets 15,000 g of force
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<Greys> back when I was torrenting shit constantly, I used to be amazed when I got 700kb/s
<Greys> I just downloaded rasbian at 16mB/s
<Greys> Hyratel I have a bunch of PCB strips, about 0.7 meters long, with LEDs on them, and so far as I can tell no resistors, but also the LEDs are under these big plastic lenses so I can't actually see them, any idea how I can go about guessing at what kind of power to put into this thing?
<VITAS> some leds come with resistors build in nowdays
<Greys> it's 11 LEDs I think they're in parallel
<Greys> I'll get better pictures
<Greys> I can't imagine how this could be anything other than parallel; I see no resistors
<Greys> I can get my phone to focus through the lense via a lubot, but I can't get it to not refocus before taking the actual dang photo
<darklight> I'd get a resistor that feeds it about 100mA, so maybe 100 ohms
<darklight> 10mA sounds small enough to not cause problems
<Greys> ;wa time in australia
<kmath> Greys: current time in Australia: 5:02:31 am AEST -> Monday, May 22, 2017
<Greys> ok fine
<darklight> Didn't sleep..
<darklight> The other thing you can do is a diode check on it
<Greys> the most stable power source I have is going to be USB power bricks' 5V in an ideal world; that's a bit steep for LEDs
<Greys> my multimeter is crap, has dead batteries, and doesn't do that
<Greys> there's a lot of things on my to-buy list before a multimeter, and the budget's all spent, so this will need to be makeshift
<Greys> wait, how does voltage work with parallel LEDS?
<darklight> I'm unsure if a diode check on a multimeter would push enough current to make the voltage raise enough with a resistor
<Greys> is 5v not much?
<Greys> (the budget's all spent this month)
<darklight> LEDs are short circuits above ~2-3volts
<Greys> but more voltage more wattage more heat
<darklight> And a 100ohm resistor will burn you quite quickly, but it'll show that the leds work :P
<Greys> which direction is safer? 10ohm, 200ohm?
<darklight> Not exactly, it might be 1mA at 2v, 10mV at 2.1v, and amps at 2.2v
<Greys> sayhoot?
<darklight> 200ohm, tbh you will probably see a faint glow on 3.3k or more
<Greys> I've lost you
<darklight> ;c 12/200
<kmath> darklight: 0.06
<darklight> 60mA over 11
<darklight> ;c 12*0.06
<kmath> darklight: 0.72
<darklight> 200 ohm will still go up in smoke on 12v :P
<Greys> did I say 12 LEDs? I meant 11
<Greys> bitchen rain today
<Greys> so that's ohms divided by LEDs = amps per?
<darklight> I was doing volts
<darklight> a=v/r
<Greys> so what's 12
<Hyratel> Greys, start with a resistor in series sized to handle a single LED against the voltage you're testing with (probably 5v), and see how bright they are
<darklight> And then calculated power that the resistors have to burn, which was just volts*current
<darklight> 12 was input voltage
<Hyratel> Greys, amperage is divided across parallel LEDs, voltage is handled as if the Parallel LEDs were one larger diode
<Greys> so parallel LEDs take more voltage
<Greys> ?
<Hyratel> what are these originally connected to? by the URL of the first URL I'd guess edge-shot backlight for an LCD panel?
<Greys> a 40ish inch TV, there were four of these bolted to the rear body of the screen pointing forwards
<darklight> parallel anything takes more current ;)
<Hyratel> amperage of parallel LEDs multiplies linearly
<Greys> I assume these lenses are designed to spread the light around widely
<darklight> Oh then 10mA sounds like a piddly amount of power for these, definitely safe :P
<darklight> But you will still see them light at really piddly amounts, like 1mA
<Hyratel> diodes are weird - they have a fixed voltage drop
<Hyratel> that's why current limiting reistors work
<Greys> ok so then I increase the ohms to increase the current flow to make it brighter?
<darklight> Decrease ohms
<Hyratel> reduce ohms to increase current
<darklight> But because you likely have 1/4 watt resistors you might need a few 630ohm or something and parallel them
<Hyratel> (parallel reistors divide)
<darklight> Depends on input voltage though, the leds are almost certainly going to take 3v
<Greys> most of my scavange bin is from a microwave and an office printer from the ninties
<Greys> I may have some 1 watt resistors
<Hyratel> white and blue LEDs are mostly UV+Phosphor
<Hyratel> also 'novelty' (multi-frequency) LEDs, like pink
<darklight> That'd be fine, depends on the value though
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
<darklight> The RGB leds aren't though, you need 3 resistors or the red led will short out the blue one :P
* darklight goes off in random tanget
<Greys> found a 2 watt but it's probably dead
<Greys> one of the caps has a crack half way across and the other has a shitstain
<Greys> if I'm interpreting the internet correctly most of what I have is half watt
<darklight> Your looking for a resistor where the last band is brown or red
<Greys> btw I have B10K and A1K pots, are these at all useful?
<darklight> So long as you don't "max" them, maybe, with trimmer pots you still use a resistor to give a minimum resistence
<darklight> Because they short circuit right at the end
<darklight> anywhere from 500ohm to 10k will probably be fine with one of the normal small resistors
<darklight> 100 to 1k is brown band next to the gold/silver, 1k-10k is red
<darklight> Anything red will work for testing
<darklight> If they don't turn on they might all be in series and you need to feed them like 30v instead :P
<Greys> yea the thing I'm worried about is that it does in one place have printed: 94V-0
<Greys> it looks a lot like they're set up with two rails along the sides of the PCB, but it's not possible to say for sure that they aren't in series, because of the lense
<darklight> 94volts would be impossible for it
<darklight> Unless someone was smoking some serious whacky tabacky
<darklight> Or there is 3 leds under each lens in series, which seems unlikely
<Greys> so, I found a bridge rectifier of resistors
<Greys> four resistors side by side, the middle two pointed one way and the two pointed the other way
<darklight> More likely they are in series or parallel
<darklight> Someone didn't care about A E S T H E T I C S :P
<Greys> brown green black gold
<darklight> That is awefully low
<Greys> mmkay
<darklight> 1 7? ohms
<darklight> bbroygbvgw
<Greys> 15?
<darklight> Yeah
<Greys> how about brown black green gold
<darklight> Nasty rhyme is best rhyme, I still will never forget :P
<darklight> 10 5 zeros
<darklight> You likely have less resistence than that :P
<Greys> brown green yellow
<Greys> btw I have four easily accessible of the first one; they're raised up so I can just snip them off
<darklight> pref something brown or red on that last band
<darklight> Also, that 15 ohm one might work with 2 aa batteries
<Greys> there's a bunch of tiny thru-hole resistors, I'd guess at most 8th watt
<darklight> ;c (12*12)/1000
<kmath> darklight: 0.144
<Greys> yellow purple redgold
<darklight> red band 1/8th watt seems fine
<Greys> red red red
<darklight> red red red should be fine
<darklight> Actually, with the drop of the leds on 12v, it's more like this
<darklight> ;c (9*9)/2200
<kmath> darklight: 0.03681818181818182
<Greys> 5v
<Greys> not 12v
<darklight> Ah, in that case, lets see how low you can go
<Greys> 10ohm?
<Greys> brown black black, definitely seen that
<Greys> yep, I've got two of those in the tiny size
<darklight> ;c 9/(1/8)
<kmath> darklight: 72.0
<darklight> 72 ohms would be absolute lowesf
<darklight> r=v*v/power, and you can take the voltage drop away which I did, but I assumed 2v drop to be safe
<darklight> Wait that is the resistor limit
<darklight> ;3/.1
<darklight> Derp, so yeah, 72 ohms is the min, 30ohms would get you 10mA/light ish
<Greys> gotta love the lubot
<darklight> I think you should go for one of the 15 ohms
<Greys> would you agree about that being a 1/8th watt resistor?
<darklight> If its a decent size one then 15 ohm would be like 20mA / led which doesn't sound too unreasonable stil
<darklight> It's fucking tiny, that's for sure, but you have an imperial ruler :P
<Greys> it's both
<Greys> there's no 100 anything that imperial that you can fit in under 4"
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<darklight> What do the 15ohm ones look like
<Greys> I'm confident it's at least a quarter watt
<Greys> btw, does the background color matter at all?
<darklight> Nope
<darklight> Give it a try, if you are worried solder two in series for 30 ohms
<Greys> great
<darklight> ;c 4/15
<kmath> darklight: 0.26666666666666666
<darklight> Err, that would be really hot, definitely solder two together :P
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<darklight> ;c 6/30
<kmath> darklight: 0.2
<darklight> Yeah that second one is worst case with 2, completely fine
<Greys> I have 4 without desoldering, I could do 2x2
<darklight> That would also be ok, but I'm not sure how much the leds want
<darklight> two in series will still make the resistors just as hot as 2 parallel sets of 2 in series :P
<Greys> this is setting the minimum for the pot, so 2 in series or 2 in parallel?
<darklight> Probably forget the pot
<darklight> Unless you want dimming
<Greys> for testing purposes, doesn't hurt
<darklight> Depends on the size of the pot, if it is a big volume knob off a tv it might be ok, those small 10 turn trim pots though, definitely not :P
<Greys> B10K or A1K
<darklight> A quick google search suggests they are fine
<Greys> I believe the letter indicates it's curve and suitability for audio, then the max resistance
<darklight> As long as it's not physically tiny your probably fine
<Greys> I should have turned the soldering iron on
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<SilverFox> Greys, which is considered a loli?
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, korean fashion s ahead of american fashion, and american fashion seems to be tipping that way, so yeah
<Greys> SilverFox, white hair
<SilverFox> ah fuck I need to watch it again
<SilverFox> the sluttified child looking one?
<Greys> that describes all of them
<Greys> apparently her name is koneko
<SilverFox> well, do you require the group to be 18+?
<Greys> it's an anime, they're all in highschool, 16~18
<SilverFox> okay that's great, but do you require the group to be 18+?
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<SilverFox> this one nigga brought a level on a plane to prove the earth is flat
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<Greys> btw darklight, did I mention that this TV is set up with four of these LED strips in series?
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<SilverFox> "When you been making out for 6 mins and she says 'now fuck me hard' but you nutted 5 mins ago"
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<Greys> mmkay, so, circuit didn't work
<Greys> shorting 1A 5V didn't work, reversed the polarity, didn't work
<Greys> and I noticed, that there's an unfortunate looking pair of test pads
<SilverFox> you managed to short 5V at 1A?
<SilverFox> that's pretty good
<Greys> darklight, Hyratel, thoughts?
<Greys> the black lines represent etched divides
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<SilverFox> Greys, that pengu with a waifu met the voice actor
<Greys> was she wearing a skirt that entirely fails to defend her modesty?
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<SilverFox> Greys wtf
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<SilverFox> Hey Greys, remember, it's okay to take time for yourself and be alone.
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<Greys> I'm alone most of the time
<Greys> that's why I talk to you
<SilverFox> that's the joke
<Greys> ;wa 12 hours to minutes
<kmath> Greys: convert 12 hours to minutes: 720 minutes
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<SilverFox> Greys, up for watching some kpop MVs?
<SilverFox> great, here's one I have stuck in my head:
<kmath> YouTube - [MV] OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) _ Coloring Book(컬러링북)
<Greys> SilverFox, how many kpop videos have you watched
<SilverFox> uhhhh
<SilverFox> relatively small, but still sizeable
<SilverFox> I just unknowingly made the most convenient dickjoke
<Greys> ok, so let's say, conservitively, you link 130% of all the kpop music videos you watch
<Greys> and let's say, optimistically, I click 1% of those
<Greys> how many of the kpop links you have linked have I enjoyed
<SilverFox> I think it's just source bias
<Greys> the answer is 0
<Greys> and I know for a fact I have clicked at least three
<Greys> ;c 3 * 100
<kmath> Greys: 300.0
<SilverFox> did you just multiply 100 by 3
<Greys> your face I did
<SilverFox> pffffftkay
Unknown601 has quit [Quit: EliteBNC free bnc service - - be a part of the Elite!]
<Greys> so if we assume I've clicked at most 5, you have linked 3~5 hundred kpop music videos
<SilverFox> I have not watched that many
<SilverFox> maybe if we count ones I've had on repeat
<Greys> that's what you think
<SilverFox> ~yt Beep Beep SNSD
<kmath> YouTube - [OFFICIAL MV] Beep Beep - SNSD (Girls' Generation) (FULL ver)
<SilverFox> this one is good one
<Greys> says you
<Greys> you have a hit rate of 0%
<SilverFox> so watch it for yourself and come to your own conclusions
<Greys> for science, link a bad one
<SilverFox> I did, you said it was bad
<SilverFox> in fact, you have disliked all that I've linked
<Greys> I don't have that experiment on record
<SilverFox> and I believe this pattern will continue
<SilverFox> ~yt NU ABO f(x)
<kmath> YouTube - 에프엑스 f(x)_NU ABO(NU 예삐오)_MusicVideo
<Greys> majiir linked much fewer, and I liked one of them
<Greys> majiir > 0 == fox
<SilverFox> how many of jiirs did you like?
<Greys> one
<SilverFox> was that the one with haunter?
<SilverFox> and the zombies?
<Greys> what other one do we have memes about
<SilverFox> you have memes about that group
<SilverFox> which iirc was twice
<SilverFox> so, lets see how you like Twice's new song
<SilverFox> ~yt Signal Twice
<kmath> YouTube - TWICE "SIGNAL" M/V
<Greys> and I dislike every other song of theirs I've heard, so no, I have memes of that video
<Greys> I'm not hard to please, I even weirdly enjoy caramel dansen
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<SilverFox> who doesn't enjoy carameldansen?
<Greys> normalfags
<SilverFox> dead people enjoy carmeldansen
<SilverFox> "He likes guys, so lets tie him up to a pole in some random barn and give him his experience"
<SilverFox> hentai is weird
<SilverFox> oh, I know a song you might enjoy
<SilverFox> ~yt Visual Dreams SNSD
<kmath> YouTube - [Full HD] SNSD - Visual Dreams (Intel Collaboration Song) MV
<Greys> nah, I'm done with them
<SilverFox> it's been >24 hours so im calling in Majiir as Missing
<SilverFox> how long until we declare death?
<Greys> what would you do if you could transform your pelvis into godzilla
<SilverFox> uhh
<SilverFox> what happens to hte rest of my body?
<SilverFox> wtf
<SilverFox> Greys, opinion on garlic bread, go
<Greys> I'm not eating breads anymore
<Greys> this makes me sad
<SilverFox> why not?
<Greys> one serving of pasta has 10 calories fewer than one serving of pizza rolls
<Greys> that's just the pasta
<Greys> no sauce
<Greys> ;wa calories in a slice of white bread
<kmath> Greys: bread->amount->1 slice, type->white->total calories: 76 Cal (dietary Calories)
<Greys> so 152 calories of bread in a sandwich
<Greys> three slices of bread, same calories as 6 pizzarolls
<Greys> guess how many calories in half a cabbage
<SilverFox> so why dont you eat bread
<Greys> see above
<SilverFox> the calories?
<SilverFox> you can get bread with fewer calories
<Greys> I figure bread constitutes about 50% of my caloric intake
<SilverFox> okay but why is this bad
<SilverFox> other than being a tad unbalanced
<Greys> do you not understand?
<Greys> every sandwich and a half that I don't eat, I can have six pizzarolls
<SilverFox> okay but why not have both
<Greys> because real women weigh single digits in every unit
<SilverFox> those women are what we call "dead"
<Greys> yea, but everybody is a necrophile for them
<SilverFox> thats gross
<SilverFox> also how can you be single digit in every unit when units consitute one another
<Greys> easy, there's only so many units that are valid for measuring people's weight
<SilverFox> except you run into a paradox with the first two
<Greys> pounds, kilograms, stone
<SilverFox> kg and grams
<Greys> nobody measures people in grams
<SilverFox> you can
<Greys> but you don't
<SilverFox> and you do when you measure in kg
<SilverFox> because the base unit of a kg is a g
<Greys> you could measure pants in petagallons
<SilverFox> you americans and your dumbass units
<SilverFox> apparently PETA was protesting at a furry convention
<SilverFox> which is fuuucking hilarious
<Greys> mmmmmmkay
<SilverFox> but then they turned their sites to this neighboring event which was a bbq
<Greys> I mean, PETA is basically a terrorist organization funded by drug trafficing
<Greys> sights
<SilverFox> and idk but their bacon was apparently made from pig nipples
<SilverFox> but like, the pig is dead already so wtf does it matter?
<Greys> you say that as if pig nipples aren't bacon
<kmath> YouTube - Mnemosyne-ムネモシュネの娘たち-OP
<Greys> it's hard to get more metal than that
<Greys> welp, they managed it
<kmath> YouTube - Mnemosyne Ending
<SilverFox> I wonder what sexual education is like in korea and japan
<SilverFox> in korea I can totes see them not having it, because during schoo years you just dont have the time or place to sex
<Greys> dat url
<SilverFox> wai
<SilverFox> 45 minute sex ed class
<SilverFox> thats it
<Greys> yep, that's pretty much murka for you
<SilverFox> this is in japan tho, but merica too?
<SilverFox> that's rather sad
<Greys> tell you a secret
<Greys> japan is the 53rd state
<SilverFox> what is 51-52?
<Greys> puerto rico and west nebraska
<SilverFox> west nebraska?
<Greys> yes
<SilverFox> ~wa population of west nebraska
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: US Western states | population | Nebraska | population: US Western states | 75.31 million people (2015)
<SilverFox> ~wa population of canada
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: : 35.3 million people (world rank: 39th) (2014 estimate)
<Greys> I like it when wa returns entirely incomprehensible results
<SilverFox> west nebraska doesnt exist
<Greys> it's best that you persist in that belief
<SilverFox> "There is a flower that looks like a clitoris" "10 bucks says male scientists are still looking for it"