egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
<darklight> Glass|phone: is this why you want model trains
<kmath> YouTube - Super MULTITRACK DRIFTING II
<SilverFox> oh great, now ima get abunch of train shit
<SilverFox> now thing about multi-track drifting is that I think the train wont tip at full throttle taking a turn
<darklight> interesting way to market a car
<kmath> YouTube - Super MULTITRACK DRIFTING II
<darklight> No...
<kmath> YouTube - DRIFT44 Play Time: Remote-Control Precision Drifting with Lexus
<SilverFox> nippons of chat, I hear in this Deja Vu song some stuff that sounds japanese, going to assume as much, it sounds like "koni aru" can you translate pls?
<SilverFox> might be koni hiru
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<Glass|phone> darklight: I want everyone who creates trash memes without knowing the source material to be round up and shot
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: I think deja vu is entirely english but not sure
<SilverFox> some weird english
<SilverFox> it definietly sounds mostly english
<SilverFox> but there's one part where it sounds like koni hiru and it's distinctly as such
<SilverFox> I have no idea what english words start with koni
<Glass|phone> 32 minutes into java class and we managed to run hello world
<SilverFox> fucking nice
<darklight> throws Exception
<SilverFox> holy fuck
<SilverFox> yall remember my java classes?
<Glass|phone> took us three hours last week so six times faster
<SilverFox> and the shit the profs told us to do
<SilverFox> >exception-oriented programming
<darklight> throw up;
<Glass|phone> ^
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: "38 minutes and we learn that a string without the closing quote marks is a syntax error
<darklight> No wonder why wannacry exists
<Glass|phone> TheKosmonaut: should I let windows IME decide the ateji for my last name or not
<SilverFox> Glass|phone, sounds like my college experience
<SilverFox> do you have people correcting the prof with more efficient or better ways of doing things?
<Glass|phone> no
<SilverFox> well that
<SilverFox> 's all your lacking
<Glass|phone> if all I'm lacking is disrespect, well then...
<SilverFox> well, it's not so much disrespect as it is to teach shitty ways of doing things
<SilverFox> and preaching them as the best
<SilverFox> or the only way
<darklight> Silverfox, everything is a piece of the puzzle
<SilverFox> some of my profs were great and told me better ways of doing things or told me neat things about the code
<darklight> There is only working code and not working code.
<Glass|phone> 50 minutes in and we've progressed to mathematical operators
<SilverFox> & | ! ~ ?
<darklight> MATH
<darklight> No boolean
<SilverFox> or + - == === ===============?
<darklight> I bet they don't mention ^
<Glass|phone> 51 mins and variables have appeared
<darklight> VARIABLES
<SilverFox> ohhh shit boiz here we go
<darklight> The good shit
<darklight> So we gonna get if
<Glass|phone> now the real question is, do I go to the optional language class
<Glass|phone> I should, but don't feel like
<SilverFox> "If you're running XP, first thing you should do is turn off your machine. YOu have no business running XP"
<SilverFox> Glass, yess
<SilverFox> go to all classes
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: it's fine if not connected to the series of tubes
<darklight> SF, yeah... my dad runs vista though and that has the same problem
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: I already go to the anime research seminar
<SilverFox> so?
<SilverFox> go to all classes
<SilverFox> dont be a dweeb
<darklight> "anime research center"?
<kmath> YouTube - Vladimir Putin's Greatest Hits
<Glass|phone> ...why are we even learning java for game programming
<SilverFox> java is industry standard or some shit
<SilverFox> """"""""""
<darklight> Minecraft!, indie!
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<kmath> YouTube - The Soldier Who Continued Fighting WWII 29 Years After It Ended, Because He Didn't Know
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: can't watch right now, is it the japanese soldier who refused to believe the war was over until an officer he knew personally told him so?
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> lived in the jungle in phillipines
<SilverFox> pretty fucking good at guerilla warfare
<SilverFox> "There are only 49 stars on that flag" "I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missouri"
<SilverFox> what's this shittalk on missouri for?
<darklight> So does the EU in need of a flag change now?
<darklight> Or are they going to let turkey in so they don't have to
<SilverFox> dont you have to pay debts to eu for being in eu?
<SilverFox> like a FUCKING RENT
<darklight> Germany, france and the UK yeah, poland spain and greece no
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<SilverFox> >canadian airlines
<Glass|phone> darklight: eu flag not affected by state count
<Glass|phone> darklight: also germany steals more from other eu countries than we give them
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<darklight> Glass, err, don't you mean their single market is working for germany, as opposed to making others pay into the eu
<darklight> Or am I missing something
<SilverFox> 8.8s ping feels great man
<darklight> Australian Experience (tm)
<SilverFox> darklight, you should load up league and go on an EUNE server
<darklight> Even now I hear my loved ones suffer
<kmath> YouTube - "Saw Blades and Boobs" - STEAM CLEANING - Episode 1
<SilverFox> boob physics are kinda gross
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<Glass|phone> darklight: because of the euro there are no exchange rates, so german products don't get more expensive due to currency value raising
<darklight> Glass, yeah, a function of the single market :P
<SilverFox> what if the world had a universal currency?
<SilverFox> like, only one currency
<Glass|phone> darklight: yeah fuck restricted markets though
<darklight> Eh, restricted or isolated?
<darklight> Capitalism is a game and somebody's gonna win
<Glass|phone> darklight: mainly I just hate the idea of import duties, at least for consumers
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<Glass|phone> I want to buy my model trains without paying ridiculous extra charges
<darklight> I'm unsure how I feel about it, Australia has FTA's all over the place, and we are pretty tightly coupled to china now
<darklight> But fucking everything is made in china sooo
<Glass|phone> darklight: germany exports almost as much to china as we import from there
<darklight> And I've brought plenty of plane stuff from banggood :P
<Glass|phone> americans always bitch about china but IIRC they killed their own manufacturing economy
<SilverFox> Im trying to sign up for this site and it says "invalid email" when given my email address
<darklight> Globalism is a cancer but I don't think you can cut out the cancer when it has spread throughout your entire body
<SilverFox> it's not accepting any of my emails wtf
<darklight> I think it's fair to say that we don't want to become china though
<darklight> I do have a hunch that "buy american hire american" that trump does is a good thing though, as you're spreading the shekels around in your own economy
<darklight> And err, everyone knows how I feel about immigration :P
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<SilverFox> so I went onto this site that's like the korean twitch, and there's an adult section. So im like "aight, lets see what we got here" and it's *all* gambling
<SilverFox> like, they dont show thumbnails or anything
<SilverFox> and it's censored 19+
<SilverFox> and it's a bunch of people playing poker
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<Glass|phone> SilverFox: lol
<SilverFox> im like "wtf"
<Glass|phone> why 19+ though
<SilverFox> idk
<SilverFox> it's fucking poker
<SilverFox> 와! I just saw a guy catch a fish
<Glass|phone> 16 minutes into unity class and all we've been told is that google is our friend
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> it's true tho
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<SilverFox> Java classes are for industry compliance btw, just so that you aren't restricted to the game field, you can branch out to actual software engineer jobs
<SilverFox> industry compliance or some shit like that*
<Glass|phone> why would I want a real job with less stress and more pay and job security
<SilverFox> ikr
<SilverFox> im going into a saturated market in *both* my job choices
<SilverFox> yo glass, do you do animation/drawing stuff?
<Glass|phone> game programming
<SilverFox> no I mean I've heard of you doing anime stuff
<Glass|phone> might do some animation in anime research seminar
<Glass|phone> also I could always open up blender and CG some shit together
<SilverFox> plus I see this neat asian isle thing that this bitch has on her desk and it's like having another desk on your desk
<SilverFox> she's multidesk writing
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: yesterday I saw someone just typing meaninglessly as fast as possible
<Glass|phone> so I did the 2 idiots 1 keyboard
<SilverFox> they were probably hacking
<SilverFox> ever wanted to watch people eat?
<SilverFox> ;wa which side of the road does korea drive on?
<kmath> SilverFox: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<SilverFox> okay nvm it's right
<SilverFox> oh god I forgot koreans chew with they moufs open
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<Glass|phone> I fucking crashed unity
<SilverFox> congrats on your first crash
<SilverFox> tis but one in many
<Glass|phone> I also managed to trash eclipse with a runaway infinite loop last week
<Glass|phone> and I think I crashed unreal as well
<SilverFox> you can do that with qboid too
<SilverFox> Thomas, are you on?
<SilverFox> I wonder if I can infinitely trail a list
<SilverFox> so foreach item in a list, add item to a list, and it should go on forever, while making the list bigger and bigger
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: pretty sure foreach either doesn't allow changing the list during runtime or runs on the list as it was at the start
<SilverFox> I can make it happen
<SilverFox> trailing a list should be easy
<SilverFox> iirc foreach is just syntactic sugar on a for statement
<SilverFox> so i'll just revert to the basics if need be
<Glass|phone> the fuck is Tizen
<SilverFox> I never said that
<Glass|phone> it's in the unity list of target platforms
<SilverFox> oh idk
<SilverFox> probs some obsolete shit
<Glass|phone> ;g tizen
<Glass|phone> ...
<SilverFox> ~g tizen
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox:
<Glass|phone> crashed the unity runtime twice
<SilverFox> foxbot google best google
<Glass|phone> wow that page doesn`t tell you shit about what it is
<Glass|phone> ~w tizen
<FoxBot9000> Glass|phone:
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<SilverFox> holy shit
<SilverFox> "Ivanka Rump"
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<darklight> Another two successful flights :3
<SilverFox> no crashes?
<darklight> Nope :3
<darklight> In a different spot too, a decent size beach
<Glass|phone> splitscreen!
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> why did you take a picture of your screen instead of screenshot?
<Glass|phone> because I'm not running unity on my phone?
<Glass|phone> also phone pics of screens are authentic as fuck
<SilverFox> ...why not screencap on pc and upload to imgur from pc??
<Glass|phone> because your mom is a horse that's why
<Glass|phone> TheKosmonaut: my teacher pronounces Terrain as デライン
<SilverFox> so far in my adventures in korean, it's more difficult to distinguish what is being said at the middle parts of sentences rather than end, and this may make sense/be obvious, but it sucks because that's the important parts; the middle
<TheKosmonaut> Glass|phone: tell him he's a dumbfuck
<TheKosmonaut> てレーン
<TheKosmonaut> He probably learned from some Aussie
<SilverFox> what are these characters
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: the ones I fuck ur mum with
<TheKosmonaut> テレーンまたはテレーイン
<TheKosmonaut> It could be either I suppose
<TheKosmonaut> Glass|phone: you know what pisses me off?
<TheKosmonaut> The old way to write chicken was チケン
<TheKosmonaut> now
<TheKosmonaut> チキン
<SilverFox> 넌 왜 ㅈㅈㅈㅈ진짜 놈입니까?
<Glass|phone> チカン
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox chiken vs chikin
<SilverFox> that's pretty fucked
<SilverFox> I mean, it doesn't matter
<SilverFox> you want to have chicken as chaken? fuckin go for it
<SilverFox> yall asian languages dont care if ye butcher english anywyas
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: well it just shows this weird thing that Japanese people have with fucking up foreign words
<TheKosmonaut> I had a five minute long argument with someone on how to write my middle name
<SilverFox> it's not just japanese
<SilverFox> wait someone argued with you on how to write your own fucking name?
<TheKosmonaut> ジェムズ vs ジェイムズ
<Glass|phone> TheKosmonaut: did you get my thing about ateji?
<TheKosmonaut> Glass|phone: which thing when
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut: Orange -> Oraenji
<Glass|phone> if I should decidecthe ateji for my last name by typing it in windows and going with the garbage string it gives me
<SilverFox> also koreans call the steering wheel of a car a Haendle
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: I also had an argument on how to write my first name here one time too
<SilverFox> "grab the handle" "the door??"
<SilverFox> "the parking brake?"
<SilverFox> like, it's just wrong
<SilverFox> also fun fact, the word Fuck is aesthetically pleasing
<SilverFox> also half the korean language is fucking transliterations of english words
<SilverFox> and they use the word Table even though they already have a damn word for it
<darklight> :O I nearly drained every bit of power from one of my batteries
<SilverFox> flipping through my pocket dictionary shows "Allergy" as "allereuki"
<SilverFox> "allehreuki"
<Glass|phone> arerugih
<SilverFox> should be "alleoji"
<Glass|phone> comes from german...
<SilverFox> 알러지
<SilverFox> aerosol is eheorojol
<SilverFox> like, yall pronounce that s as a z?
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<Glass|phone> I half assed that in a few minutes, looks better than most steam games
<SilverFox> you made some PS1 graphics
<SilverFox> congrats
<Glass|phone> now just #include<stdsurvivalopenworld> and it's worth $25
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<Glass|phone> seriously all I did was make a crater so that the terrain has any feature at all
<SilverFox> you should do like
<SilverFox> a shootem up
<SilverFox> have waves come over the crater walls and you have to defend yourself with GUNS
<Glass|phone> I'd rather have the player stay near the crater edge and go once around or so
<Glass|phone> you need to find some shit that is spread out around the edges
<SilverFox> too boring
<SilverFox> make zombies
<SilverFox> ill even test it out for ya
<Glass|phone> if you get close to the edge you will get scenery porn and enemy fire, if you go too far into the trees they just get too dense and form a natural level end
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<SilverFox> or you just invisiwall it
<Glass|phone> visiwall is better
<SilverFox> because fuck rendering that many trees
<Glass|phone> it wouldn't just have to be natural seeming dense vegetation
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<SilverFox> heh, mom means body
<SilverFox> mohm, that is
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<SilverFox> another thing that pisses me off is when korean words can be naturally shortened, and are in speech, but aren't in text
<SilverFox> the word for bra is 브래지어, which is shortened in speech to be 브래져
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<SilverFox> also the ship in championship turns out to be shwip
<SilverFox> koreans have a ship and they use it a lot, but not when it matters
<darklight> Assad ovened 100 people a week?
<Greys> darklight normal UPSes don't run lithium based cells because lead acid don't give a fuck
<Greys> if I reclive correctly nickle cadmium is the ideal choice for constant charging scenarios but they suck a fuck and I think the're somewhat illegal in the US
<SilverFox> NiCad illegal?
<Greys> cadmium is a neurotoxin, real nasty
<SilverFox> so is mercury
<Greys> and mercury is very controlled
<SilverFox> but this is also nickelcadmium, rather than cadmium
<SilverFox> not much better, but still
<Greys> however I think it's more difficult for the body to absorb mercury
<Greys> it basically has to be breathed in or eaten
<SilverFox> it gets in through the lungs
<darklight> Greys: There's no reason why you couldn't make a 4V constant voltage supply
<darklight> And use a single lipo cell
<SilverFox> how do you get high Amp lipo cells and they not explode?
<darklight> You just buy them?
<darklight> And don't ram them into ground at 50km/h
<SilverFox> I mean, how do you pull 30/40A from a single battery likes it's nothing
<darklight> That is nothing
<SilverFox> when you can't even charge em at 5A because they'll blow
<SilverFox> takes fuckin forever to charge them
<darklight> You can charge them at 1C, so yeah you can charge a 5AH one at 5A
<Greys> ok so, what if, for the sake of making this rediculously complicated; we have 3 lipo cells set up in parallel, but then circuitry switches them on and off so only one is operating at a time
<darklight> Why not literally have them in parallel?
<Greys> that way the batteries get to rest
<Greys> too much voltage
<darklight> 4V is fine
<darklight> That's still like 90% capacity
<SilverFox> Greys, what do you mean too much voltage? in parallel that's just decreasing amp load per batt?
<Greys> the bad idea is to have them at least not be doing this constantly
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<darklight> Greys: To be honest, there's a good chance that "storage mode" for lipo's is complete woo woo
<darklight> It comes from some old ass battery website and propigated from there
<Greys> remember in SG:A when weir got sent back in time to when the ancients were abandoning atlantis and the one guy had a boner for her so he figured out how to make the ZPMs run one at a time in series so the shield would last like ten hours longer?
<Greys> that
<darklight> Do not put too much weight into SG:A
<Greys> but this is so that each cell will endure less use per time, and the set of them will survive longer
<Greys> so the set won't need to be replaced as often
<Greys> for whatever value of mean battery lifetime; longer
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<Greys> plus if I use recepticals instead of solder tabs, I could swap in a larger pool of cells as they are depleted, without impacting the power situation
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<darklight> Actually, I'm not sure why we suggested using lipos
<Greys> commonality
<SilverFox> because nicads are illegal or some shit
<darklight> It's cheaper to by one of those 7AH ups batteries
<darklight> SilverFox: Yeah, what fucking decade do you live in
<darklight> nimh man
* VITAS suggest d-cells
<VITAS> the cheap kind from your dolar store
<Greys> oh, that's no good because they're like twenty pounds per cubic liter
<VITAS> thats exactly why
<Greys> this would ideally be reasonable in weight and size to keep in your pocket
<VITAS> they realy hurt if you get them into the air
<darklight> Greys: Yeah but you're not trying to *fly* with it are you
<VITAS> and thy fall
<darklight> AH, ok
<Greys> I haven't flow since the ninties
<SilverFox> oh wait
<Greys> flown*
<SilverFox> this is for that pizero in a battpack thing
<VITAS> and you dont even need a plane you can simply throw them :P
<VITAS> i too have the flow since the 90s ;)
<Greys> nah, this is for the U-Pi-S
<darklight> 4 nimh wouldn't be *too* terrible
* VITAS is loking for an µatx case to put his next desktop computer into
<darklight> It should still give you an hour
<VITAS> everything looks so flashy and/or cheap
<Greys> what kind of voltage does nimh like?
<darklight> 1.2v nominal per cell
<darklight> The only thing is they do this weird voltage drop shit :P
<VITAS> you cann piss someone off by flying aka throwing you U-Pi-S
<darklight> Like as you charge them, when they are charged the get hot and their voltage drops down
<Greys> a disconnector seems pretty ideal
<SilverFox> are buck converters two way or one way?
<Greys> why do ebay pages always load scrolled to the bottom?
<darklight> I used to use one of these for my plane BEC, but I have ran the raspberry pi from it on this :P
<darklight> SilverFox: buck boost can do both
<darklight> I mean
<darklight> It still is one way
<SilverFox> yeah
<darklight> But it can go up or down
<Greys> this isn't complicated enough
<Greys> what if we use a portable geothermal pile to cool the battery so the voltage remains constant
<SilverFox> lol go for it
<darklight> Something more dedicated
<SilverFox> have a bunch of fins on one side of the battpack
<darklight> But then you need at least 2s
<Greys> 2s?
<SilverFox> 2x amphourerage
<darklight> 2 cells in series
<darklight> So 7.4v nominal because this only goes *down*
<Greys> s?
<darklight> lipo packs come in series numbers, so 2s is 2*3.7v cells
<darklight> I use 3s, 11.1v
<SilverFox> which charge up to like, 12.something right?
<darklight> 12.6
<SilverFox> was gonna say 12.7
<darklight> But for series packs you need a balancer
<darklight> So if you use 1s and a boost converter you don't have to deal with that shit
<darklight> And I'm near certain you'd be able to just keep the lipo cell at 4v without too much worry
<VITAS> new porn actor name "Carina Carati"
<SilverFox> nice alliteration
<kmath> YouTube - Fan Friday!! - Porno Tycoon Studio
<SilverFox> Greys, what timezone are you experiencing?
<SilverFox> I know you're in the same physical timezone, but your sleep schedule seems off and I know you work weird times
<darklight> VITAS: What is this game
<VITAS> just found it
<VITAS> seems to be what it says on the tin
<VITAS> youre a porn producer
<VITAS> and have to make a living
<Greys> I'm off in adventure land man, fuck if I know
<Greys> I woke up just past 3
<Greys> am
<SilverFox> also, before I go to bed, on a scale of 1-10, how toxic for the channel do you think I am?
<Greys> relatively speaking, you're about 0.3 blys
<SilverFox> blys?
<Greys> I've met some significantly worse people recently
<SilverFox> I've been told I am the reason for the channel's downfall
<Greys> nah, that's squad's fault
<SilverFox> I take these accusations with pride
<Greys> well then I guess you're a failure
<SilverFox> singlehandedly taking down a popular channel is pretty impressive
<Greys> define taking down and popular
<VITAS> no fighting guys youre all the reason for the downfall of all the ksp channels :)
<SilverFox> taniwha said that modders started going downhill after I joined
<darklight> Crashing this channel with no survivours?
<Greys> that's roughly accurate
<Greys> but the community started going downhill before you returned
<VITAS> sounds simply like ksp
<SilverFox> however there's two possibilities, 1) Im the cause 2)something else is and I just so happened to be a big event during that time
<Greys> I don't know if you remember, but you joined, were extremely stupid and incapable, left, and came back about a year later
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> I remember
<Greys> were you on drugs or something the first time?
<VITAS> so youre responsible for the loss of 1/3 of visitors on spacedock within the last year
<SilverFox> nice
<Greys> we probably couldn't have successfully taught you the concept of calling a method
<VITAS> depends on the method :P
<SilverFox> Greys, no idea, was on my regular prescription meds tho
<Greys> maybe somebody was messing with your supply
<VITAS> i can only do regular expressions
<SilverFox> and the dosage didnt change during that time
<SilverFox> Greys, naw, was just tarded
<SilverFox> I think I just needed that break to go take a hike in the mountains
<SilverFox> soulfinding journey and such
<Greys> whah ah remembah ferram being micrometers away from figuring out where you live, and actually getting on a plane to go harm you
<SilverFox> I wouldn't mind that, that'd've been impressive actually
<SilverFox> although, I'd rather he not be a pussybitch and go all out murder
<SilverFox> not halfass it yanno
<Greys> while you were gone I believe is when vas and most of sircy happened
<SilverFox> I remember sircy
<SilverFox> that was fun
<Greys> if by fun you mean "this is why emos cut themselves"
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> "fuuuuun"
<SilverFox> Anyways, I think I ended up going through some minor lifechanging experience during my time off, and that's how I got where I am now
<Greys> I suspect the biggest factor in the decline of this community whas Squad putting out a bunch of shoddy updates in a relatively short period, after an extended period without updates
<SilverFox> probably
<SilverFox> Im glad i was big enough of an event to be associated with destruction though
<Greys> every time the game updates the modding community stalls, sometimes more significantly than others depending on how impactful the changes actually are, but also the new official content draws users away from wanting to play mods, and wanting to make their own
<SilverFox> ima go to bed now, feel free to carry on and I'll read when I wake up
<Greys> I feel like we were on .22.x for a very long time, the community got rolling really well, knowledge became plentiful and well established, and then everything between there and 1.0 happened in feels like ten months
<darklight> Do people run into that much trouble porting?
<SilverFox> Greys, that's about accurate
<Greys> add to that out-of-game stuff like the shutdown of spaceport, the kerbalstuff fiascos, the ckan fiascos, the licensing fiascos, and flowerchild; the community we were brought together in died a long time ago
<darklight> Greys I just had a random thought
<Greys> mmkay
<darklight> UPiS's already exist
<darklight> USB power bank
<Greys> almost
<Greys> part of the UPiS concept is that it's a case for the pi
<darklight> Hotglue a pi to a power bank
<Greys> my initial ponderance was to get a big many-cell battery bank, remove some cells, and install the pi in their place
<Greys> but ideally this would take the form of an actual pi case with another section where the power circuit and cells live
<darklight> Cells might be the squishy lipos though
<Greys> unlikely, 18650s are very economic
<Greys> if you look at battery banks, there's pretty much exactly one style that is not clearly sized and shaped to fit an array of 18650s; and that's the superthin ones
<Greys> so if you get a bank that should have 3+ cells, take two cells out, that'll fit your pizero
<Greys> a lot of those cases even have aluminum housing, so you could work out a heatsink
<VITAS> porn movie title "Tales fromt he Crypt"
<darklight> Is there a porn movies about russian hackers?
<darklight> If there isn't then that's a missed oppurtunity
<VITAS> no it isnt "Tales from the crack" :/
<darklight> Obviously buzzfeeds fanfic should turn into a video
<Greys> if I beat comcast to death with a bat made out of money they still wouldn't have the competency to accept any of it in return for service
<darklight> Greys why would comcast give you service when they can charge you without giving you service
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<Greys> darklight, they won't charge me
<Greys> ;wa angular width of the moon
<kmath> Greys: Moon->angular diameter: 29.814' (arc minutes)
<Greys> ;wa 29 minutes of arc to degrees
<kmath> Greys: convert 29' (arc minutes) to degrees: 0.4833° (degrees)
<Greys> really? the moon is that small?
<Greys> why does the moon look more like several degrees?
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<Greys> jesus fucking donkey superman
<Greys> I have internet again
<Greys> SilverFox, be present
<Greys> somebody should do an analysis of how internet speed impacts internet performance
<Greys> those aren't related btw
<Greys> for the second, I now have 170mb/s internet
<Greys> obviously, for nearly all web services now my speed is insignificant to the performance I experience
<GlassYuri> skype just closed itself out of the blue
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<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: >2017
<TheKosmonaut> >using skype
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<GlassYuri> don't be so insensitive, skype and a credit card are the only things that remain of my parents for me
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<Greys> "my mom was an asterisk server
<SilverFox> I am present
<SilverFox> had what I consider to be the most scariest of dreams
<SilverFox> like, I've had those jumpscare shits and the horror settings and people dying, my pets dying
<SilverFox> but this was worse
<SilverFox> we had a fuckin nuke dropped on us
<Greys> I have so much internet
<Greys> if I gave you half of it I would have 95% as much as I used to
<SilverFox> and everything was just so quiet. I was standing near a local grocery store, near the wall that I could've used for protection, but didn't. I felt the impact of the shockwave. It was loud and my ears popped. It was hot, very hot. I felt burning on my skin and my clothes charred. I was knocked back from the force onto my ass. Worst part was waking up half-asleep, so my body was still tingling, and that pain carried through me waking up
<Greys> I just sanded the bottom of my mug with 150 grit, wet, on glass
<SilverFox> whats your ping to server?
<Greys> now my mug sits entirely flat and stable
<Greys> 2ms
<SilverFox> I meant to your ISP
<SilverFox> when you did a speedtest, what was your ping?
<Greys> 10ms on
<SilverFox> yeah, I'd love to have half your internet
<Greys> I bet I can speedtest against work...
<Greys> 170mb/s
<SilverFox> we get 5Mb/s at best
<SilverFox> and upload speed so shit, the test crashes and errors
<Greys> now considers their flash tester to be legacy
<SilverFox> how can you ping me on IRC and get a response time of 2ms when your ping is at least 10ms to your provider?
<Greys> [12:01:36] <Greys> 10ms on
<SilverFox> ping your provider
<Greys> that's not a function of the internet
<SilverFox> call up your prtovider and just say "Ping" see how long it takes them to say "pong"
<SilverFox> just ran a speedtest
<VITAS> you poor thing :(
<SilverFox> i know
<VITAS> dsl?
<SilverFox> idek
<VITAS> -e?
<SilverFox> i ndont even know
<VITAS> you could
<VITAS> is your modem connected to your tv or to your phone?
<SilverFox> it's not fiber cable, thats for sure
<SilverFox> uhhhhh
<SilverFox> defs not tv
<VITAS> or ion other words: does the cable that comes out of your wall look like the one in oyur tv?
<VITAS> so dsl
<VITAS> whats the modem /router called you have there?
<SilverFox> uhhh Thompson something something something
<SilverFox> Thomson
<SilverFox> ill see if I can find other info
<VITAS> i dont know if theyre a thing in your area but i usaly get an "AVM Fritz! Box" and hook it up
<VITAS> its able to show the line quality, problems, max theoretical troughput, details about the stuff your isp has on the other end,....
<SilverFox> the modem is called "TGS85 v8"
<SilverFox> that's its produce name
<VITAS> and what bandwidth should you get max?
<SilverFox> 7
<VITAS> wow still slow
<SilverFox> ~c 7.).66
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, error with inputs or something idfk
<SilverFox> ~c 7 * 0.66
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 4.62
<VITAS> i would check your contract if it states a minimum bandwidth
<SilverFox> we should get 1 upload too
<SilverFox> but we get 66% of that
<VITAS> in germany its normal to have stuff advertised as "up to"
<SilverFox> yup, same here
<SilverFox> it's marketing bullshit
<VITAS> so they say "up to 16Mbit/s"...sorry they usualy write "up to 16000 DSL"
<VITAS> and it isnt uncommon to only get 8Mbit/s
<SilverFox> I dont see that DSL part
<SilverFox> as if DSL was its own unit
<VITAS> if there isnt a minimum in your contract or some ruling regarding an "unaceptable gap between advertised speed and reality" theres nothing you can do
<VITAS> in your contract?
<SilverFox> "up to 7Mb/s" as advertised
<VITAS> so it sounds legal butr anyoing
<SilverFox> I think it's the only unlimited datacap in our area
<VITAS> like transfer volume?
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> like how some internet plans give you 200GB/mo, ours doesn't
<SilverFox> it's unlimited
<VITAS> but so slow you cant do more :D
<SilverFox> when we were with bell we kept going over our datacap and getting charged up the ass
<SilverFox> so we dialed back real hard for a month, and still got a bit over the datacap
<VITAS> i was once called by my isp. they told me i had 2 TB in one month and it is "fair use". i simply told them that i could have dl 8TB if i would have let it run 24/7
<VITAS> they tried to do consumer dsl/tv cabel traffic limits (i think o2 tried)
<VITAS> and they lost so many customers in 3 month that they stopped
<SilverFox> by dialed back, I mean we almost stopped using it, especially intensely. we even compared the data rates our devices had and it was wayyyy lower than what our monthly bill said
<SilverFox> so we said "fuck you bell" and ended that contract
<VITAS> all you can do is become your own isp but that demands a huige amount of dedication and a bit mor emoney than youre spaending now
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<Greys> so I got these detatched sleeves, officially making me an animu; but they have elbow pads that are made out of hexagonal foam tiles glued between two sheets and tesilated across the elbow region
<Greys> I spent more than 12 hours a day sitting at a desk with my elbows on the table
<Greys> oh shit yo
<Greys> they make the hex tile thing as a tape now
<SilverFox> wonderful, in our area there's shit for ISP coverage
<SilverFox> so not many companies cover us
<Greys> that's true here as well
<Greys> your options are comcast or fuck you
<SilverFox> my options are Fuck you or Fuck you
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<Greys> comcast is fuck you
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<Irinix> is there a framework for creating GUI's in KSP? Basically I need a window in the tracking station with a list of checkboxes so that I can terminate multiple craft simultaneously
<VITAS> unity
<Irinix> is there a good tutorial on how to integrate those features somewhere?
<VITAS> unity website
<Irinix> or is it basically just keep shooting yourself in the foot until you can run.
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<SilverFox> Hey guys guess what
<SilverFox> PCIe keyboard
<Irinix> ....what?
<Thomas> Typing from the inside of your computer? :D
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<SilverFox> cables exist yo
<Irinix> why would you need that much i/o bandwidth for an HID?
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<SilverFox> I assume that PCIe overhead is less than USB
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<SilverFox> "Your computer is low on memory" 41% usage
<VITAS> including swap space?
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
<SilverFox> oh, it closed nightly, that's why
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<VITAS> whats next ? isa card adapters?
<Greys> ;wa 588mph to mach
<kmath> Greys: convert 588 mph (miles per hour) to Mach speeds: Mach speed 0.7725
<Greys> ;wa mach 5 to mph
<kmath> Greys: convert Mach speed 5 to miles per hour: 3805.8 mph (miles per hour)
<Greys> that's off by a lot
<Greys> is mach linear for stable conditions?
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<G-Mobile> yepyep, definitivityly
<G-Mobile> germany law #77, tulbmler is always right
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<SilverFox> the refresh button on nightly is now where it is on chrome
<SilverFox> I really dislike it
<SilverFox> there's no way to move it back
<darklight> Firefox needs to learn that chrome will always be a better chrome than ff.
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<SilverFox> thing is, there is a space now where refresh was
<SilverFox> and it says "this is left intentionally blank"
<SilverFox> fucker why put it there
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