The away team proves all too combustible. You are flayed by flayer
punished so hard
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.outcome add This is an astounding development and would have been fascinating to observe from a suitable distance.
Added outcome: This is an astounding development and would have been fascinating to observe from a suitable distance.
nshire3 has joined #KSPOfficial
You try to out-whackjob Whackjob. The market in raw materials crashes. Both in the sense that the supply causes a drop in prices, and the sense that the market is like 20 miles above the mantle and you just removed the crust supporting it.
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You launch a very oversized disco ball. From now on, !lunchmode is permanently activated.
well, I'm not here to tell people what to do in their spare time, but "fixing" KSP2 with mods sends the wrong signal to the developers.
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
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Mat2ch, what signal do you think the community SHOULD be sending to the developers?
see adam hills and the stewardess and the sign language
Deddly: supporting the competitor
which competitor?
KSA hasn't released anything yet
Since KSA managed to get a significant number of KSP2 devs on board. Are you concerned that the modding community for KSP2 are sending a message that they don't care about KSA? Or what is the message they are sending?
packbart: They could offer KSA to help start the modding api. Since KSA seems to be open to sell to the community this could be mutual beneficial.
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Deddly: I fear it sends a signal to the developers/new owners of KSP2 that they don't have to fix it or even take it down from the store, since there's a mod that makes it playable now.
Overall it sends a signal like: You can make a bad game and the community will join in and fix it for you
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Ah I see.
A bit like ordering a pizza and it tastes bland, but once you add a few spices it tastes OK.
then why not just release the ip and the community makes the game
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Deddly: yes, but even worse. You post a 5 star review of the place and "after adding some sauce it tasted good"
*and add
.oO( or better: s/add/write/g )
Mat2ch, or, actually, it's possibly even worse than that: there's a guy standing outside the pizza place offering the spices you need
that's a funny thought though. Selling spieces and sauces outside of a take-away :D
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Giving them away because you can see so much potential in the pizzas :)
If it was the only pizzeria in the area and you really, really wanted them to stay in business, I guess that's not an entirely out-of-this-world possibility
kerbal, when the pizza got cold
so you dedicate much time to make someone elses pizza better? I'd say: Open up your own shop!
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