Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
<FLHerne> .outcome add Most of your cells declare independence from your body, forming several breakaway flesh piles.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Most of your cells declare independence from your body, forming several breakaway flesh piles.
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<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> Jeb tries spinning. It's a good trick. You are beaten up by ULA lobbyists in the parking lot.
<xxcoder> hmm too spinny?
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<Althego> a navball
<Mat2ch> hehe
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<darsie> 1338
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<darsie> .choose L|R
<LunchBot> L
<Althego> do you log it for statistics?
<darsie> no
<darsie> I just log everything.
<Althego> not as text, but the left right values
<FLHerne> .mission
<LunchBot> You design a custom tech tree based on the Rockwell Integrated Development Plan. A creepy old wizard screams "BINDING MAGICAL CONTRACT!" and pays you in weird gold coins.
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<KrazyKrl> In my logfile, there's 51 instances of "choose R|L" and "choose L|R" sanitized for just those literal strings.
<KrazyKrl> 28 matches for L, and 23 matches for R
<KrazyKrl> 2 of those 51 instances are choose L|R.
<KrazyKrl> erm, R|L*... both instances are L.
<KrazyKrl> therefore you have a 26:49 chance of getting L out of choose L|R... or 53.06122448979591836734% chance of L.
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<darsie> nice :)
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<darsie> My small caffeine jar is going empty soon and I planned to wait a while till I refill it, so I might not need to .choose L|R for a while.
<sandbox> last night I had a dream about the development of KSP
<raptop> !8ball Should darsie buy more coffee?
<LunchBot> It is certain.
<raptop> The bot has spoken
<darsie> No! Have more in the 1 kg jar.
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> You create a new system for cryogenic device categorization: The "Dewar Decimal" system. Jebediah becomes sentient.
<Althego> and feels somebody is controlling him
<raptop> What, some sort of extradimensional entity that is strangely large and instead of a wholesome green is colored disgustingly pink?
<Althego> wasnt t here a comic about this?
<xxcoder> captain kirk "alien of the week" comic comes to my mind lol
<xxcoder> kerbalcomics. too bad site is defunct now
<Althego> yes soemthing like that
<Althego> also captain shran. pinkie
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