Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
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<darsie> .choose L|R
<LunchBot> L
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34UDgKsEwio Duna mission in VR!
<Althego> earth mission live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Al5hWmjoxQ
<Althego> based chiptune for bgm in the duna mission
<Althego> hehe there is an fms in the cockpit
<Althego> but it should be abcd layout as they are usually like that
<Mat2ch> well, you don't need a real keyboard in space, since there are no waypoints and airports to enter :D
<Althego> in fact anybody who used a computer probably finds the abcd layout annoying
<Mat2ch> you get used to both, I guess
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<Mat2ch> I missed the launch :(
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<darsie> #metoo
<darsie> Can't find the circularization burn.
<darsie> https://youtu.be/7Al5hWmjoxQ?t=5009 "~10 minutes ago ..."
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