Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
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* darsie ate fluoride in Kindergarten and still puts it in his mouth every day
<Pinkbeast> I used to work at the Department of Chemistry (as a nerd) and we had dedicated HF first aiders
<darsie> I told my mentally handicapped nephew not to swallow tooth paste because it's unhealthy, and he swallowed it.
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<darsie> It was kids tooth paste, but still had the usual amound of fluoride in it, like 1400 ppm or so.
<darsie> He has a genetic eating disorder.
<packbart> just don't mix your toothpaste with chlorine-based cleaner in an oven
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<packbart> "[chlorine trifluoride] is much more difficult to handle than fluorine gas. That’s one of those statements you don’t get to hear very often" ( https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/sand-won-t-save-you-time )
<packbart> (it's the famous stuff that is "hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water-with which it reacts explosively" )
<packbart> and because I had the tab already open, the world of FOOF should not go unmentioned - https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/things-i-won-t-work-dioxygen-difluoride )
<packbart> and here I'm worried about people putting ABS into the Makerspace's laser cutter
<packbart> oh, I got that wrong, even. PVC is the one that gives off chlorine, ABS merely emits hydrogen cyanide
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<raptop> Someone please tell 2024 YR4 to make up it's mind. (current probability: 2.6%)
<Pinkbeast> Eh, don't look up
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<darsie> 2024 YR4: Make up your mind.
<darsie> raptop: As Scott explained, the more observations we have, the smaller the possible area. While Earth is still in the area, the impact chance will rise, but suddenly the window is beneath Earth and impact chance is 0.
<darsie> usually
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<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> Bill removes all the control switches for cleaning. Through an oversight they aren't replaced before liftoff. Your trajectory ignites for no clear reason.
<xxcoder> no clear reason, but bill did it?
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<Mat2ch> ugh, where is darsie
<Mat2ch> I need to tell darsie that his nephew should switch tooth paste. There's now toothpase without flouride
<Mat2ch> and it works just as good and maybe better than flouride based ones
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<Judge_Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> Wouldn't it be great if your caravan could fly? You give it a go. All that's left is a giant hole in the ground.
<Judge_Deddly> LOL
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<Judge_Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> You embark on a quest to replace all celestial bodies with infernal ones. You hit a stack decoupler overflow error.
<Judge_Deddly> Infernal bodies or celestial infornoes?
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* raptop pushes another stage onto the stack decoupler
<raptop> Popping the stack decoupler is probably fine, right?
<packbart> decoupler stack overflow
<xxcoder> ;outcome add You have Stack overflow on your booster stack, and it blows up.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You have Stack overflow on your booster stack, and it blows up.
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<darsie> I could do a jetpack deorbit video. But I'm not a youtuber.
<Mat2ch> We are at 3.1 % now!
<raptop> Come on, 2024 YR4, and do your One Job...
<Mat2ch> I'm sorry to tell you that it will not have the desired effect. Just a nice show. Or maybe a demonstration that we can redirect asteroids.
<raptop> Okay, yes
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<xxcoder> best time to do that is start building deflector now
<xxcoder> it takes years to build.
<xxcoder> even if it misses, it'll be useful for next one
<raptop> I'd hope that a kinetic deflector would be pretty close to some sort of COTS satellite
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