You replace anything electrical on your craft with potatoes. It's not exactly your favourite mission, but it gives you a lifetime of anecdotes.
(study on possible mission to aitken basin)
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A single wiring fault turns one of your action groups into a "crash immediately" button. All information is now conveyed by adding factoids to LunchBot. Other forms of language are slowly forgotten.
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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You attempt to convert KSC's computers to Linux. The parts flying off-camera are far too perfectly cinematic.
Ha, Linux is the best OS for making movies now!
Only once per installation, though
Remind me tomorrow to find that old movie tool for linux that even Hollywood uses
It's already tomorrow in India, so I'll remind you now.
Mat2ch, remember to find that old movie tool for linux that even Hollywood uses
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