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You deploy the parachutes at stage 0. You burgerise the Rocket Equestrian.
that is indeed a valid outcome
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
.choose L|R
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You receive a tentacle-written note from the Kraken requesting the random detachment of 8937 control surfaces, or else. A failure of one of your solid state memory banks causes your ship to suffer from amnesia.
We just forgot about that note.
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You try to out-crazy Danny2462. Your parachutes deploy on takeoff.
pretty tame by kerbal standards
but very common
probably trying some ksp breaking thing
I still remember his world breaking machine
sadly jool was immune to it lol
the two claws grabbing the kerbal machine
yes that was something
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!choose fly safe|fly dangerous
fly dangerous
!choose fly safe|fly safely
fly safe
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
You spend weeks waiting for that one mod to update. Even centuries later, Kerbals pause in the street below your statue and remember your glorious deeds.
My patience, an inspiration for everykerb
wow. legendary
You suddenly realize that everything is a simulation and you can do whatever you want without consequences. The evitable doesn't happen.