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You pull out your slide-rule to calculate the delta-v of the Resonance Cascade as a single-stage-to-Xen. You save time by wheeling most of your new craft directly from the launch pad to the scrapyard.
There are probably intermediate steps. Probably.
probably lol
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.outcome add Shortly after the project's release, Consumers International awards you the extremely dubious Blindingly Obvious Danger Award.
Added outcome: Shortly after the project's release, Consumers International awards you the extremely dubious Blindingly Obvious Danger Award.
Fully Integrated Security Technetronic Officer active and reporting for duty.
Sir, there has been a data breach in server room 7/A. We need a containment field!
you sets out on quest to corect evry spellig and grammer and pfuncktuashion misteak in the missions anf outsomes. Kerbals and their faulty plumbing take all the glamour out of space travel.
Fried tempeh.
!mission add You spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wrong.
Added mission: You spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wrong.
!outcome add Mary Poppins gives you a stern look.
Added outcome: Mary Poppins gives you a stern look.
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Given that you can dereference pointers, you decide to dereference a few frames. The crew drink so much at their advance funerals that the mission has to be postponed.
Advance funerals, eh?
Does it mean getting buried (or cremated) before death? (English is my second language.)
depends on whether the rocket explodes on launch or crashes into the ground
Ah, English. Where funeral and memorial can overlap
Also the crew may be holding a wake
What's a wake?
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the friends/family gathering together to have what amounts to a party and rememberance of deceased, typically held shortly (immediately to maybe a day or so) after the funeral proper
Advance funeral implies that they are going on a certain-death mission. Advance funerals aren't a thing in real life, but it sounds like a funeral service involving talks and mourning etc as raptop says.
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You outsource the assembly of your rockets to Australia. This shouldn't be physically possible.
Indeed. That negative TWR is not going to help me get to space today
!outcome add They write "It sounded like a good idea at the time" on your epitaph.
Added outcome: They write "It sounded like a good idea at the time" on your epitaph.
It often does
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You try to hit space. You've found the source of the ticking. It's a pipe bomb! Yaaaaaay!
A pipe bomb in space. Maybe
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You invite everyone in IRC to try your Sausage Rocket Boosters, cooked on your hand-made poodle engine style BBQ. You sweat so hard that all the spiders in your EVA suit drown.
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raptop: In space, no-one can hear your pipe bomb ticking.
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Mat2ch: thanks lol
sppppppicy bbq wards off spiders. awesome
You post a series of 2-4 hour long youtube videos about your unique physics discovery and how there is a shadowy conspiracy trying to stop you. A misplaced apostrophe sends the whole thing spinning into the void.
whew so nobody is going to watch that rant lol
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darsie / Judge_Dedd I presume the point of an advance funeral is not having to get the bodies back after they've been launched into Eeloo or something
hmm, ic
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You write the word "gullible" on the ceiling. In your wildest nightmares, you never considered that you could slam unthinking into a celestial body!
doesnt sound smart
Intermediate steps, bot
(I bet Gene sent you somewhere with a high stupidity crew as a punishment)
!choose Design Reference Mission|Digital Rights Management
Digital Rights Management
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You visit the VallHenge. You wish you hadn't.
Was boring.
So boring.
and the trip to get there... sooooo boring
The problem is that the interesting result would be the VallHenge [REDACTED], which would be a LOC incident at a minimum
raptop, I bet Gene had the word "gullible" written in huge letters on the side of the plannet
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I find myself back enough in KSP to be designing rovers, oh no
Imagine if you had to design the shocks manually
... well, KSPWheel does give quite a lot of control over the springs, which I have no idea what to do with
I was pleased yesterday to discover the Elcano Mk IX rover has 13 days of LFO for the auxiliary power systems, which does suggest I can shave some weight there...