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You slam the table with the pamphlet containing your thesis on astrological engineering. The results are everything you expected, and more. A lot more.
LOL that basically just happened on the forum
astrological engineering?
you cant even have astronautic engineering anymore
much less astrological
Deddly: link or never happend!
Well, the "engineering" part might not quite fit
Did someone suggest crystals for a better launch or landing?
You roll up a new party for tonight's session of Kobold Space Program. This really makes it sink in that kerbals have teeth.
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In a woeful misunderstanding of engine performance, you electrocute some diamonds. Something suddenly appears behind your ba.
nothing personal kid
and stabs you
this is the second outcome where the forced . is making it worse
maybe adding two dots would help
"behind your ba..."
but a sudden stop would fit better, yes
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You goad Munwig and Munbald Kerman into a duel to the death. You get wedged under the R&D bridge.
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!outcome fixup s/ba/ba../
New text is: Something suddenly appears behind your ba..
Oh wait. I have to add three, I think
Yes, you have to.
!outcome fixup s/ba../ba.../
New text is: Something suddenly appears behind your ba...
A pineapple pizza, tumbling in zero-g, slaps across Jeb's face in the command seat. The global economy collapses for totally related reasons.
Pineapple pizza actually turns out to be literally evil?
Don't tell anyone, but I like pineapple on pizza
Would it be ok if I killed them after telling them?
Or ... loading a previous save?
Just to see how they react.
I accept there can be varying opinions about pineapple on pizza. One may consider it either threat or menace.
maybe there was an alien invasion where they brought unlimited pinapple pizza?
unlimited food from the outside would cause the economy to collapse
that sounds like the pineapple pizza is a f acehugger
Would unlimited pizza cause a big bang?
Unlimited is not the same as infinite
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Althego: I have removed the . thing
this might cause other missions to look bad but at least that's correctable
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!outcome menace
The resulting rocket is of the finest craftkerbalship. It menaces with spikes of boosters.
!outcome menace
The resulting rocket is of the finest craftkerbalship. It menaces with spikes of boosters.
!outcome ba
A kerbal named Maxwell sees, through the storm, three descending streams of fire and then nothing but darkness. All sound is torn away by the wind.
Not sure what I tried to achieve here
.outcome fixup s/ba.../ba/
No recently-mentioned outcome found matching "ba...".
.outcome your ba...
Something suddenly appears behind your ba...
.outcome fixup s/ba.../ba/
New text is: Something suddenly appears behind your ba
I think it's funnier like that, and it should actually work now
i think the ... would have worked without the fix, because it put the . there if there was none at the end
it would have
it's not so much a fix as "why did I think that was a good idea in the first place?"
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.choose R|L
.choose 1|2
* Deddly
cheers for FLHerne
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You put a spaceplane into a regular plane to see whether it is somehow different from the usual metaplaning. The front fell off.
as it often does
even though it is not made of cardboard
but at least you tow it outside the environment
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.outcome add Your budget meam
Added outcome: Your budget meam
.outcome add Your budget makes no allowance for food, but they give out free samples at the supermarket. You just need a couple of disguises.
Added outcome: Your budget makes no allowance for food, but they give out free samples at the supermarket. You just need a couple of disguises.
;mission add You discover a way to underflow your budget to negative number, which means unlimited budget!
Added mission: You discover a way to underflow your budget to negative number, which means unlimited budget!
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
You are ordered to make 30 feet tall rocket, but you only have 2 of 6 feet long sections, 5 feet long engines, and 8 feet long cone. You take an Environment Sample of Kerbin's low orbit.
uhh I think I was one to add that mission lol