!8ball is centrifual lift the best way for a plane to fly?
My reply is no.
IDK I even know how to centrifue
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Gene questions whether every capsule really needs a Hammond organ for playing Dramatic Space Music. Internet Explorer pops up invasive adverts across your screen and viruses invade your system before you can complete your mission.
Gene sabotaged me :(
whats with all that hammond organ hate
they are heavy
at least a real one. today you could make a much lighter fully electronic one
or radio transmit from bases own real one
;mission add You add massive 500 kerman musical ensemble to add music to space missions, keeping things from getting too... quiet.
Added mission: You add massive 500 kerman musical ensemble to add music to space missions, keeping things from getting too... quiet.
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.outcome add You become entirely immune to all forms of radiation. Also you go blind for some reason.
Added outcome: You become entirely immune to all forms of radiation. Also you go blind for some reason.
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You find yourself in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Space Center cafe's wifi network accidentally becomes infectious and metastatizes across the planet.
sandbox: 1. Transmission of pathogenic microorganisms or cancerous cells from an original site to one or more sites elsewhere in the body, usually by way of the blood ...
or in this case pathogenic wifi networks
New text is: The Space Center cafe's wifi network accidentally becomes infectious and metastasizes across the planet.
so it should be
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You replace anything electrical on your craft with potatoes. Tradition would dictate that what happens next is fall, and ruin, and betrayal that leaves a bitter taste in one’s mouth until death clears it away.
Today I learned that potatoes leave a bitter taste in your mouth
ah yes the traditional pototo circuits life destroying ritual
;mission add You make rocket out of GMO pototo
Added mission: You make rocket out of GMO pototo
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