Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
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<Judge_Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> You were caught playing KSP when you should have been launching the new SpaceX Rocket. You raise your baton. The glass kettle drums pound out the the overture. Your vision clouds with blood. You wipe it away and continue. The xylophonist's hair bursts into a violet flame, but he continues playing. He's either a consummate professional or very drunk indeed...
<Judge_Deddly> !outcome fixup s/the the/the/
<LunchBot> New text is: You raise your baton. The glass kettle drums pound out the overture. Your vision clouds with blood. You wipe it away and continue. The xylophonist's hair bursts into a violet flame, but he continues playing. He's either a consummate professional or very drunk indeed...
<darsie> I had to reread this twice to find the the the.
<Judge_Deddly> lol
<darsie> :)
<Judge_Deddly> So the forum is apparently owned by Pricate Division LLC now.
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<Judge_Deddly> Anyone play Xenonauts?
<Judge_Deddly> I see it's on a 75% off offer on gog and I'm considering getting it
<darsie> no
<Pinkbeast> _I_ wouldn't, I'd just install openxcom. Xenonauts isn't really trying to do anything new either.
<Judge_Deddly> Hmm.
<Judge_Deddly> You have to have your own copy of the original XCOM to play OpenXCOM
* darsie attached a lens to his ailexpress junk astro camera and shot a 9 V battery contact at 1 m distance: https://0x0.st/88fg.JPG https://0x0.st/88f6.jpg
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<Pinkbeast> Judge_Deddly: by a happy coincidence I do
<Judge_Deddly> Cool. I just went ahead and bought it, Pinkbeast
<Judge_Deddly> I didn't go for the original XCOM because it seems like it's more for enthusiasts of the original, and I only ever remember playing and hating the demo.
<Judge_Deddly> Xenonauts apparently has a better and more intuitive UI, from what I have read online. I don't want to have to study a manual to play a game.
<Althego> wouldnt be surprising, the original xcom is old
<Judge_Deddly> Having said that, if the game is good enough, studying to learn how to play it can work out well. See KSP.
<Pinkbeast> Well, I hope you like it too
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<Judge_Deddly> I remember enjoying Scot Manley's series
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<sandbox> I remember enjoying jefmajor's series on KSP... 12 years ago
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