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hrm. what's the forum URL again?
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it dropped off the DNS for me
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Deddly: I use Linux btw. :D
I am jealous
Come the the penguin side, we don't have cookies!
did someone cancel Private Division's Cloudflare service?
<packbart> doesn't exist and redirects to which doesn't have a proper certificate anymore and responds with "403 Forbidden"
Maybe the new owner is moving stuff around
or they really just cancled everything /o\
sandbox has joined #KSPOfficial
You attempt to port KSP to the Doom engine. Vorticons steal several critical parts from your rocket.
The port was too distracting
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You attempt to collect 9,000 and one boosters. It sets a new record for the Island Express.
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FWIW, I have no idea what happened. Maybe someone at Haveli tripped over a cable?
explain Haveli.
Haveli own Private Division
They just bought it.
The Private Division website is also down
It seems unlikely to me that an investment company would deliberately remove all online resources of an asset they have just purchased.
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Should we clone the KSP wiki? Are we allowed to?
I guess it's on But not managable.
oops, it's down.
We can’t connect to the server at
And I'd just been thinking the forums seemed super reliable recently
How strange that thr downloads are working but nothing else
Looks like someone screwed up the DNS entries
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.outcome add Even weeks after the event, referring to Jeb in the past tense still feels jarring.
Added outcome: Even weeks after the event, referring to Jeb in the past tense still feels jarring.
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You open the Gate of Babylon. Thus follows the inevitable conclusion.
.outcome add The system will power off now!
Added outcome: The system will power off now!
.outcome add It's now safe to turn off your computer.
Added outcome: It's now safe to turn off your computer.
man it has been a while since i saw that
I edited the bjt] for that message and it confused my mum
bmp file
bipolat junction transisstior?
bmp hehe
soviet / russian tracked apc
it was a bmp file with a different extension, I can't remember
It's not safe to turn off your computer.
Mat2ch: the AWS server for is up. the Cloudflare service that proxied the wiki, forum and PD website appear to be missing
we'll have to see *shrug*
So somebody forgot to pay the bill?
I thought the forum was paid for?
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the forum server maybe, not the Cloudflare proxy? I don't really know
.outcome add Based on this accident's circumstances, no action has been taken by external stakeholders and no recommendations made.
Added outcome: Based on this accident's circumstances, no action has been taken by external stakeholders and no recommendations made.
packbart: that is actually possible
Oh. Forum is back
it is. woot
Someone messed something up during the handover to the new owners.
From one thing to another... how do people get their battery life estimations on laptops? I'm at half brightness with a few light apps open and doing nothing intensive at all and battery life estimation is worse than my 9-year-old laptop I just replaced
The fans also come on a lot more often
Silent_but_Deddly, which OS?
Windows 11. Perhaps there's the problem
I suspected
I was on 10 before
To be fair, I do have a 4k OLED screen now...
that should save some power though
disable bluetooth if you don't need it
but otherwise... get a bigger battery :D
That's what I thought but all the things I've read online say OLED screens use more power
they should only use power if they have non-black pixels. So go dark mode everywhere ;)
from other place: "Did you guys know the moon landings were staged? I mean... that's how orbital rockets work generally."
I just assumed a gen 13 Intel CPU would be more efficient than a gen 6
I think I'm going to regret not getting a gen 15
I'm all for dark mode though. A bit hard w documents though
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.stupid add "Did you guys know the moon landings were staged? I mean... that's how orbital rockets work generally."
Added quote: "Did you guys know the moon landings were staged? I mean... that's how orbital rockets work generally."
* raptop
cries in X-33
thankfully it wasnt seriously stated
we really need a drive that doesnt move matter around but grabs onto space
probably expode if it locks down to specific spot on space
we are going very fast after all
ok think of it as siwmming in a river
Unfortunately, the hubble flow doesn't seem to work like that
our sun is moving at 450,000 mph
makes time travel tricky too lol
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Althego, EM Drive ;)
that dont attach ship to space itself
too bad its a failure, I expected it to be a failure but still sucks
Did they ever test it?
last I heard of it was china planning to test it
silent since
So it's not exactly a failure, unless they discovered that it definitely won't work.
there was something about a small experimental craft in space. but i dont remember if it ever launched
Deddly: there was a time, when Intel was really great in the mobile sector. But even there AMD is catching up fast
Also there was an EM drive test planed, but the internal bus of the satellite had an error, so they couldn't switch it on
Yeah it's true. Their new CPUs are brilliant though. I just bought a device with a two-generation-old CPU
Those 258V CPUs are getting crazy battery life. I partially wish I had waited, but then I wouldn't have gotten this deal
I could probably sell this secondhand and make a profit
EMDrive was definitively debunked in '21 (at least for those people who didn't just go er, conservation of momentum...)
the last experiments i heard showed the effect was because of the wires conducting the electricity to the engine
yeah, I'm talking about the QI drive, which falls under the category of EM drive. But the developer/scientist around it is a nutjob, so, yeah
Pinkbeast: did you see that video? I doubt its a real thing but weird
You discharge your Friendship drive. A discussion on a cubic-ham-mile measurement system leads to this being promptly forgotten.
aw no more friendship to power that drive
There's your reactionless thrust, Althego. Friendship drive
.wisdom 'error'
The name for an effect that gets smaller the more carefully you measure it is 'error'.
Chicken fajita
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You use cable ties to connect six Boring Company Not-A-Flamethrowers to your rocket as cheap boosters. The kill-counter rolls over, resulting in a net gain in live kerbals.
Elon saves the day again
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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Mission Control just heard about the new Air Turborockets! Due to an error in action group staging, you gravity turn off the mun.
This mission outcome makes little sense due to be a random combination of unrelated things. Naturally, this is where you come in.
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Valentina puts her lunch into her left stomach. You accidentally call Laythe "Lathe" in a letter to your parents, and they assume a horrible fate has befallen you.