Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
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<KrazyKrl> ;choose on mac n' cheese|garlic toast
<LunchBot> garlic toast
<KrazyKrl> ;mission add Pineapple on pizza? No problem. Pineapple on mac n' cheese‽‽ PROBLEM!!!
<LunchBot> Added mission: Pineapple on pizza? No problem. Pineapple on mac n' cheese‽‽ PROBLEM!!!
<raptop> mac and cheese on garlic toast?
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> Your otters are lydian augmented. Your snacks weigh too much and you almost don't make it, but one brave and very hungry kerbal saves the day.
<FLHerne> .outcome add You will say no more about it lest you speak ill of the dead.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You will say no more about it lest you speak ill of the dead.
<packbart> eating snacks deletes mass. that's one way to balance the CoM
<Mat2ch> "To all the passengers in the back of the plane, please open your snacks now and eat them fast"
<packbart> I think none of the live support mods mess with individual kerbal mass values. Food disappears from storage over time and eventually Waste appears in other resource tanks
<packbart> missed opportunity ;) (to make it more complex for weird reasons. "Oh noez. Jeb just ate a snack and can't jump up to the ladder anymore")
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<Deddly> !outcome add Oh noez. Jeb just ate a snack and can't jump up to the ladder anymore.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Oh noez. Jeb just ate a snack and can't jump up to the ladder anymore.
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<Judge_Dedd> !mission
<LunchBot> You insist that a rocket that solely uses horizontal staging is "unrealistic" and "would never be seriously considered". Bill whines like a coil for the whole mission.
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<Althego> leet time
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You use the word 'exponential' to get polynomial attention. Danny2462 thinks you're crazy.
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> When even Danny thinks this, then you are a lost cause
<Althego> the mission was mild though
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<raptop> !choose Microsoft Teams|Quake III Team Arena
<LunchBot> Quake III Team Arena
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<Deddly> Trying to decide which one uses more CPU time?
<xxcoder> teams is just mmorpg corprate game
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> You remember that H.P. Lovecraft's characters have Boston accents. You wonder why you even bother....
<raptop> Well, some of them do. I'd expect some have some weird rural new england ones that don't really exist anymore
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<raptop> This rock has a 99.7% chance of failing at its One Job: https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/sentry/details.html#?des=2024%20YR4
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You attempt to fight a troll in creative ways. ...but nothing happens!
<raptop> You need a +5 banhammer
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<xxcoder> banhammer definitely needed lol
<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> You experiment with teleportation to make rockets obsolete. This causes a surge in newly-orphaned children, clogging the inlet of the crushing machine.
<xxcoder> crushing teleporton machine
<raptop> Why are we teleporting orphans to the crushing machine, and why were we using rockets before?
<Pinkbeast> Before we didn't have a teleporter
<xxcoder> teleportor is making orphans from kids, because its actually disingerator.
<sandbox> the parents are getting teleported to the crushing machine
<xxcoder> "kids, your parents is working under crushing pressure, and will be unable to contact you for while"
<xxcoder> ;outcome add When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
<raptop> *CRONCH*
<xxcoder> would it be better as mission? hmm
<raptop> Maybe
<raptop> Also, a game studio on the Venusian surface is always working under crunch
<xxcoder> ;outcome remove When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
<LunchBot> No outcome found matching "remove When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.".
<xxcoder> ;outcome delete When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
<LunchBot> Deleted outcome: "When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere."
<xxcoder> ;mission add When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
<LunchBot> Added mission: When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You set off to pave roads on Kerbin. Your crew experiences 7 minutes of terror.
<xxcoder> 7 minutes sounds so long
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<Judge_Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> In your planetary exploration, you find a message and system of messages. The PrefixCactus finds you. Soon, nothing else matters.
<xxcoder> messages forever
<raptop> The messages were warnings that they considered themselves powerful cacti
<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> You attempt a tramsformation. But you forget that you are not a drill instructor, and the local municipality has defunded public transportation for decades. This is widely considered to be a bad move.
<Judge_Deddly> Hmm. Hexchat is fuzzy on my new computer. Windows scaling still hasn't been fixed, eh?
<xxcoder> closing public transits? yep bad move
<Judge_Deddly> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Yoinking a bag of chips and a can of coke from the refreshments counter
<Judge_Deddly> Nice
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<xxcoder> lol
<xxcoder> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Wiener Schnitzel
<xxcoder> looks good
<Judge_Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> You set KIDS to 0.01. sun is not doing, moon is not doing, stars are not doing planets are not doing, galaxies are not doing.
<Judge_Deddly> That's what happens when everyone only has 0.01 children
<xxcoder> yep
<Judge_Deddly> Do I seriously have to edit the registry to get rid of the stupid condensed right-click context menu in Windows 11?
<Judge_Deddly> If I right click something or use a menu, I want all the options in that menu.
* Judge_Deddly is annoyed
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<FLHerne> .mission add You score well in the KSC aerobatics contest, but several points are deducted for your lack of sartorial elegance.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You score well in the KSC aerobatics contest, but several points are deducted for your lack of sartorial elegance.
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