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;choose on mac n' cheese|garlic toast
garlic toast
;mission add Pineapple on pizza? No problem. Pineapple on mac n' cheese‽‽ PROBLEM!!!
Added mission: Pineapple on pizza? No problem. Pineapple on mac n' cheese‽‽ PROBLEM!!!
mac and cheese on garlic toast?
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Your otters are lydian augmented. Your snacks weigh too much and you almost don't make it, but one brave and very hungry kerbal saves the day.
.outcome add You will say no more about it lest you speak ill of the dead.
Added outcome: You will say no more about it lest you speak ill of the dead.
eating snacks deletes mass. that's one way to balance the CoM
"To all the passengers in the back of the plane, please open your snacks now and eat them fast"
I think none of the live support mods mess with individual kerbal mass values. Food disappears from storage over time and eventually Waste appears in other resource tanks
missed opportunity ;) (to make it more complex for weird reasons. "Oh noez. Jeb just ate a snack and can't jump up to the ladder anymore")
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!outcome add Oh noez. Jeb just ate a snack and can't jump up to the ladder anymore.
Added outcome: Oh noez. Jeb just ate a snack and can't jump up to the ladder anymore.
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You insist that a rocket that solely uses horizontal staging is "unrealistic" and "would never be seriously considered". Bill whines like a coil for the whole mission.
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leet time
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You use the word 'exponential' to get polynomial attention. Danny2462 thinks you're crazy.
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When even Danny thinks this, then you are a lost cause
the mission was mild though
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!choose Microsoft Teams|Quake III Team Arena
Quake III Team Arena
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Trying to decide which one uses more CPU time?
teams is just mmorpg corprate game
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You remember that H.P. Lovecraft's characters have Boston accents. You wonder why you even bother....
Well, some of them do. I'd expect some have some weird rural new england ones that don't really exist anymore
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You attempt to fight a troll in creative ways. ...but nothing happens!
You need a +5 banhammer
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banhammer definitely needed lol
You experiment with teleportation to make rockets obsolete. This causes a surge in newly-orphaned children, clogging the inlet of the crushing machine.
crushing teleporton machine
Why are we teleporting orphans to the crushing machine, and why were we using rockets before?
Before we didn't have a teleporter
teleportor is making orphans from kids, because its actually disingerator.
the parents are getting teleported to the crushing machine
"kids, your parents is working under crushing pressure, and will be unable to contact you for while"
;outcome add When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
Added outcome: When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
would it be better as mission? hmm
Also, a game studio on the Venusian surface is always working under crunch
;outcome remove When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
No outcome found matching "remove When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.".
;outcome delete When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
Deleted outcome: "When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere."
;mission add When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
Added mission: When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere.
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You set off to pave roads on Kerbin. Your crew experiences 7 minutes of terror.
7 minutes sounds so long
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In your planetary exploration, you find a message and system of messages. The PrefixCactus finds you. Soon, nothing else matters.
messages forever
The messages were warnings that they considered themselves powerful cacti
You attempt a tramsformation. But you forget that you are not a drill instructor, and the local municipality has defunded public transportation for decades. This is widely considered to be a bad move.
Hmm. Hexchat is fuzzy on my new computer. Windows scaling still hasn't been fixed, eh?
closing public transits? yep bad move
Yoinking a bag of chips and a can of coke from the refreshments counter
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Wiener Schnitzel
looks good
You set KIDS to 0.01. sun is not doing, moon is not doing, stars are not doing planets are not doing, galaxies are not doing.
That's what happens when everyone only has 0.01 children
Do I seriously have to edit the registry to get rid of the stupid condensed right-click context menu in Windows 11?
If I right click something or use a menu, I want all the options in that menu.
* Judge_Deddly
is annoyed
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.mission add You score well in the KSC aerobatics contest, but several points are deducted for your lack of sartorial elegance.
Added mission: You score well in the KSC aerobatics contest, but several points are deducted for your lack of sartorial elegance.
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