Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: | Δv maps: | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
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<Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> You install an anime character mod. You have failed the Turing Test.
<Deddly> :(
<Althego> hehe
<xxcoder> anim bad apparently
<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> You want to see the UNEXPECTED! The strange and TERRIBLE! A dream merely soothes - but our nightmares make us run! Your mission is foiled by nefarious porpoises.
<xxcoder> aw so I dont see any of those discriptive words
<xxcoder> probably awoke by those annoying sea mammals while I was trying to dream all that
Kalpa has joined #KSPOfficial
zeemate has joined #KSPOfficial
<Mat2ch> why does the battery of my outside temperature sensor always freeze on the coldest days... now I have to go outside and change it (I should change it earlier, when it's still warm, but I'm too lazy ;)
<packbart> because physics
<packbart> I use rtl_433 and just use the neighbours' sensors :)
<packbart> one of them has a low battery, though
<Mat2ch> hehehe
purpletarget|ktns has quit [Quit: Any fool can calculate]
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<FLHerne> .mission add Jeb tries spinning. It's a neat trick.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Jeb tries spinning. It's a neat trick.
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: because the chemical reactions that make it work slow down dramatically at cold temperatures
<FLHerne> most battery chemistries do have significantly lower power output, and often lower capacity, when it's cold
<FLHerne> .mission fixup s/neat/good/
<LunchBot> New text is: Jeb tries spinning. It's a good trick.
<Mat2ch> That's why I wanna go nucular here. Atomic battery will heat the thermometer in winter! And the risk of a meltdown in summer is milimal!
Judge_DedD has joined #KSPOfficial
<packbart> it's all fun and games until you move on and forget about your battery
<packbart> The accident was a result of unlabeled radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) cores which had been improperly dismantled and left behind from the Soviet era.
<Mat2ch> Have you all watched the ShadowZone video? I never knew he was a journalist. That explains a few things:
<Mat2ch> packbart: wow.
<Mat2ch> " Around the canisters there was no snow for about a 1 m (3.3 ft) radius, and the ground was steaming."
<Mat2ch> How can anyone think this is safe?!
<packbart> Magic
<packbart> apparently, two cores are still missing. there could be two spots deep in the woods where randomly messing with animal evolution
<packbart> the more clever ones probably learned to stay away
<packbart> soo... premium liquid fuel in the KSP Store, soon?
<packbart> or buy the Sciene Points Pack :)
sandbox has joined #KSPOfficial
<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You press the Spacebar. Management do not appreciate a visionary in their midst.
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<Mat2ch> packbart: interestingly enough near Chornobyl we are still messing with evolution. The animals there can extract more anti-oxidants from their food to counter the radiation damage
<Mat2ch> also the lost items could be found with drone mapping the region with geiger counters
<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> Due to a merchandising agreement between Mel Brooks and George Lucas; your plan of a Spaceballs Space Program is denied. At first, it seems all your kerbals returned from Eeloo in normal health, but then closer inspection reveals that they all have fangs.
Kalpa has quit [Quit: reboot]
<packbart> so you shifted to Dracula Space Program
<Mat2ch> Happens if you let Mel Brooks too close.
<Judge_DedD> packbart, Mat2ch There's video of the recovery
<packbart> ah, thanks
<Judge_DedD> The lead container they put the canisters in weighed 5 tonnes 8|
<Judge_DedD> A 5-tonne load being hauled up that road in those conditions...
<Mat2ch> the steaming is scary
<Judge_DedD> Yeah, but at least it is only steam
<Judge_DedD> The canisters were so well built that they hadn't leaked any radioactive material into the ground despite all that time out in the open.
<KrazyKrl> they were certainly leaking plenty of beta (soon to be gamma) radiation though.
<packbart> that was their job
<packbart> or maybe not. I actually don't know if the cores were the sole heating element
<KrazyKrl> it might not be hot steam, the canister might have just been warm enough to melt some snow which flashes into a cloud of fog/ice due to being moist and below the dewpoint.
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<Mat2ch> the containers were leaking x-rays. The beta radiation was absorbed by the casing
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You create a self-sustaining airport at Insular Airfield. Musk teases you with the big rocket.
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<Judge_DedD> !mission add You get fed up with the poor performance of your external thermometer batteries, so you replace them with miniaturised RTGs to keep the entire setup nice and warm.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You get fed up with the poor performance of your external thermometer batteries, so you replace them with miniaturised RTGs to keep the entire setup nice and warm.
<darsie> .outcome add You cuddle the RTG.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You cuddle the RTG.
Deddly has joined #KSPOfficial
Judge_DedD has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> Jeb shuffles at a resonant frequency of his craft, causing it to rock violently. Your Proton rocket undergoes supersymmetric decay, emitting a "Positron" SRB and a "Neutrino" micro-SSTO.
<Deddly> !outcome add the RTG cuddles you.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: the RTG cuddles you.
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Judge_DedD has joined #KSPOfficial
<Judge_DedD> !mission
<LunchBot> You have come here to chew bubblegum and launch rockets, but you are all out of bubblegum. Lyapunov deems both you and your craft unstable.
<Judge_DedD> This is the way.
<Althego> probably both parts were me
<Judge_DedD> Althego is a zombie mathematician confirmed.
<Althego> éyapunov stability
<Althego> ly
<Althego> ph yes
<Judge_DedD> éyawhat?
<Althego> lyapunov
<Althego> é is next to l
Tank2333 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Judge_DedD> Ah! On mine. I have to press two keys to get é
<Judge_DedD> And that was supposed to be a comma in the middle there.
Kalpa has joined #KSPOfficial
<raptop> I mean, I might have been responsible for the Lyapunov instability joke
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You embark on a quest to replace all celestial bodies with infernal ones. There have been hours worth of videos on how to prevent crash if you just made slight changes on kerbaltube. HOURS.
ergZay_ has joined #KSPOfficial
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> You test a launch clamp on Dres. in the Colour Of Your Choice.
<xxcoder> fancy.
<xxcoder> any color as long as its black
<xxcoder> ;mission add In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software.
<LunchBot> Added mission: In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software.
<xxcoder> ;mission del In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software.
<LunchBot> No mission found matching "In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software. ".
<xxcoder> ;mission del In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software.
<LunchBot> Deleted mission: "In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software."
Copper has joined #KSPOfficial
<xxcoder> ;outcome add In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software, and turns out it's just security vulnerabilities all way down, and no actual program. Your mission have been hacked and copied.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software, and turns out it's just security vulnerabilities all way down, and no actual program. Your mission have been hacked and copied.
<Pinkbeast> !outcome fixup s/all way down,/all the way down/
<LunchBot> New text is: In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software, and turns out it's just security vulnerabilities all the way down and no actual program. Your mission have been hacked and copied.
<Pinkbeast> !outcome fixup s/and turns/and it turns/
<LunchBot> New text is: In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software, and it turns out it's just security vulnerabilities all the way down and no actual program. Your mission have been hacked and copied.
<Pinkbeast> !outcome fixup s/mission have/missions have/
<LunchBot> New text is: In prep for your mission, you install SecVul software, and it turns out it's just security vulnerabilities all the way down and no actual program. Your missions have been hacked and copied.
<xxcoder> awesome
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