Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
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<Azander> !mission
<LunchBot> The band in the KSC cantina plays the same song over and over as you try to draw up your lunch plans. You receive a surprisingly large number of objections.
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<packbart> Ya cannae change the law of pheasants!
<packbart> !mission You install the Physics Changer mod and hit "randomize all".
<LunchBot> No mission found matching "You install the Physics Changer mod and hit "randomize all".".
<packbart> !mission add You install the Physics Changer mod and hit "randomize all".
<LunchBot> Added mission: You install the Physics Changer mod and hit "randomize all".
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<Judge_Dedd> !mission
<LunchBot> For some reason you have every spanner except the one that fits everything. KSP in a nutshell.
<Judge_Dedd> Huh
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<FLHerne> .outcome add Jeb has no way of knowing that he only has fourteen minutes left alive.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Jeb has no way of knowing that he only has fourteen minutes left alive.
<FLHerne> !choose Design Reference Mission|Digital Rights Management|Direct Rendering Manager
<LunchBot> Design Reference Mission
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You look into deorbiting Phobos because that's easier than deorbiting Gilly. The new FTL technology is a great success, but it's really the purple lighting that ties the ship together.
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<Mat2ch> Uhm, did I get this right? The developers of KSA want to collect money and then make KSA free?!
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<Althego> leet time
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<Judge_DedD> !mission
<LunchBot> You experiment with mixed vegetable rocket staging. You did it wrong and now everybody hates you.
<Judge_DedD> :(
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> because there is one vegetable in the mix for everybody to hate
<Althego> instead you should have tried the minimal set that everybody can accept
<Judge_DedD> I wonder if anyone has tries chips (fries) staging.
<Judge_DedD> Chips staging would be a SRB that gradually consumes itself from the bottom to the top. 100% fuel-mass ratio.
<Althego> sounds great
<Althego> but probably not high thrust
<Judge_DedD> But everyone likes chips
<Judge_DedD> !mission add You invent "chips (fries) staging" to appeal to vegetable haters. This involves designing a SRB that gradually consumes itself from the bottom to the top, giving you a 100% fuel-mass ratio.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You invent "chips (fries) staging" to appeal to vegetable haters. This involves designing a SRB that gradually consumes itself from the bottom to the top, giving you a 100% fuel-mass ratio.
<packbart> Mat2ch: "In an Interview by ShadowZone here Timestamp: (29:37-30:57) he also said that the game might be free if they get enough support and money to keep it free but that might be not possible since selling a paid game is the best way to earn money for a Game Studio to continue devloping and other ways aren't very reliable."
<packbart> "Initial version will be free, and DRM free, distributed by us and completely open. This will be so we can get feedback from modders and establish some confidence. When the project becomes more structured we will look at future options. Hoping that we can have people poking around initially next year."
<xxcoder> interesting
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<Judge_DedD> !mission
<LunchBot> You try to out-whackjob Whackjob. You become the newest member of the People's front of Kerbin.
<Judge_DedD> Anyone for otters' noses or lark's tongues?
<darsie> Avoid fossil fuels and animal products. Have no/fewer children. Protest, elect sane politicians. Invest ecologically.
<Judge_DedD> wut
<darsie> Stop/reverse climate change and the mass extinction.
<Judge_DedD> But I mean... seemed a bit random to just say that in the context of that chat
<darsie> It's because you offered otters' noses or lark's tongues.
<Judge_DedD> Oh I see
<Judge_DedD> It was a Life of Brian reference in line with the outcome
<darsie> mhm. Apologies for my serious reply.
<Judge_DedD> Seriousness is acceptable
<darsie> :)
<FLHerne> .outcome add You get little updates -- like, you know, "your bag is on the plane", "your bag is off the plane", "your bag is on Duna".
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You get little updates -- like, you know, "your bag is on the plane", "your bag is off the plane", "your bag is on Duna".
<Judge_DedD> Relatable
<Judge_DedD> I'm tracking a package from Chana --> Korea --> UAE --> Germany --> "On the Way"
<Judge_DedD> China*
<FLHerne> .wisdom Invest ecologically
<LunchBot> No quote found matching "Invest ecologically".
<FLHerne> .wisdom add Avoid fossil fuels and animal products. Have no/fewer children. Protest, elect sane politicians. Invest ecologically.
<LunchBot> Added quote: Avoid fossil fuels and animal products. Have no/fewer children. Protest, elect sane politicians. Invest ecologically.
<Judge_DedD> !wisdom
<LunchBot> "Some of us are killed, but all of us are called Zem, so we never know which and globbering is thus kept to a minimum."
<FLHerne> I'm a little bit leery of the middle one because Idiocracy :p
<Judge_DedD> Is !wisdom the same as !quote ?
<FLHerne> yes
<Judge_DedD> I see
<FLHerne> originally it was only !stupid
<Judge_DedD> !stupid
<LunchBot> "Okay. Riight. Yeah, not sure the science of this, but this is all going on fire quite rapidly. So that's quite an exciting chemical. Ohhhh... this isn't necessarily quite good. Where is my explosion-containment pie dish?"
<FLHerne> then people started adding things which weren't stupid, or the stupidity of which was disputed
<FLHerne> so I had to add some aliases
<FLHerne> aah, big clive
<Judge_DedD> Ah I see. You had some people like darsie who interrupted the endless stream of idiocy with actually intelligent thoughts.
<FLHerne> tbc it's literally the same list
<Judge_DedD> TBC = "To Be Confirmed"?
<Judge_DedD> Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation?
<Judge_DedD> Oh it's "To Be Clear", I assume.
<Judge_DedD> Yes I gathered :)
<Judge_DedD> !mission
<LunchBot> You accept payment for your services in wooden nickels. You end up having to terraform Kerbin back into habitability.
<Judge_DedD> I assume I got a large payment
<Althego> DRONE CAM! SpaceX Starship Flight 7 Launch (25s) The Launch Pad
<Judge_DedD> Coooooool
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<Judge_DedD> !mission
<LunchBot> You have the board computer replaced with an HP laptop. Your actions are in direct violation of the laws of physics. Please cease said actions or you will be apprehended and taken to infinity jail.
<xxcoder> hp bad
<Judge_DedD> I'll stick with Lenovo, then
<Althego> .outcome add You are forever lost in Hilbert's hotel.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You are forever lost in Hilbert's hotel.
<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You submit a budget request using a mix of Comic Sans and Papyrus. Gathered resources for your mission was gone just like that. You are not certain how to get more funds to get more.
<Althego> there is no font i would hate more than algerian
<xxcoder> ;mission add You craft a craft that is bigger inside than outside.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You craft a craft that is bigger inside than outside.
<Althego> i remember back in the 90s, every idot who could geta computer made all sorts of signs with it. and it didnt support ő and ű. it was horrible. i hate that stupid capital A
<Judge_DedD> !mission add You overhear someone talking about Dr. Who and think it sounds cool, so you attempt to impress the crowds with a craft that is bigger on the outside than it is on the inside. You're not sure how well you were listening.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You overhear someone talking about Dr. Who and think it sounds cool, so you attempt to impress the crowds with a craft that is bigger on the outside than it is on the inside. You're not sure how well you were listening.
<Judge_DedD> I've never come across the Algerian font
<Judge_DedD> Not knowingly, at least.
<xxcoder> lol that mission
<Judge_DedD> Looking at that page as we speak, Althego :)
<Judge_DedD> Algerian does at least now have Ö
<Judge_DedD> Ü too
<Althego> the problem waws always with the long variants, ő and ű. many fonts didnt have those back then. you either got rectangles or hats or waves (ô or õ)
<Deddly> I didn't know the long version existed, to be honest
<Althego> there is als oa phrase that was often used to test all accented letters. i dont see what the point is, you can just hit them on the keyboard. the phrase was árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép, which could be translated as flood resistant mirror drilling machine
<Althego> yes that is the problem. the west didnt know and didnt care. so ther was no support for them for a long time
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<Deddly> Yeah, the early days of the Internet were very much "You should just learn English."
<packbart> I was more shocked to see ü in game chat in 2024
<Althego> tilde on capital and and one over four? that looks like a failed utf-8, two bytes fell apart to two visible characters. used to be common when utf-8 was new
<Althego> capital A
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You smuggle a bottle of 99% ABV münshine aboard. You need to be (a) someone who really understands all the risks and how to minimize them, (b) someone who doesn't know that there are such risks, or (c) a complete idiot.
<raptop> ...I should name a kerbal "Hap Kerman"
<raptop> Guess what happensif you miss him
<darsie> I guessed.
<FLHerne> .outcome add Your flood resistant mirror drilling machine proves its worth.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Your flood resistant mirror drilling machine proves its worth.
<raptop> That's a mildly concerning outcome, but at least things turned out alright?
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<FLHerne> see above