FaRiD has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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Judge_Dedd has joined #KSPOfficial
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FLHerne: that is a lot of free firewood.
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.choose L|R
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Deddly has joined #KSPOfficial
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You use Discord Nitro as oxidizer. Everything except the flare stack is on fire.
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!mission add In a lucrative marketing deal, you launch a rocket in the shape of an upside-down Mr. Whippy ice cream. The exhaust pattern is meticulously crafted to be the correct shape.
Added mission: In a lucrative marketing deal, you launch a rocket in the shape of an upside-down Mr. Whippy ice cream. The exhaust pattern is meticulously crafted to be the correct shape.
!outcome add Your Minumuscream dessert is so popular the moon is entirely depleted by the time you learn that it is toxic.
Added outcome: Your Minumuscream dessert is so popular the moon is entirely depleted by the time you learn that it is toxic.
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purpletarget|ktns has quit [Ping timeout: 207 seconds]
LunchBot has quit [Network ban]
FLHerne has quit [Network ban]
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uhoh no bot
Wait... network ban??
What happened?
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Deddly has quit [Ping timeout: 207 seconds]
yeah I wonder why
Too much bandwidth maybe?
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
uh, FLHerne got banned, too?
Maybe someone abused the bot somehow?
Deddly has joined #KSPOfficial
Judge_Dedd has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
oh dear
oh deer
<LunchBot2> You heard people like colonies, so you put a colony in a colony. Your Rube-Goldbergian machinations spontaneously collapse into quantum foam.
ergZay_ has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]