FLHerne: Is it an error on my side or are those pictures not visible and overlayed by some black magic?
Mat2ch: the latter
lots of fairly pointless redactions
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Against all odds (and laws); you proceed to the launch site. The Kzinti exact their revenge upon you by using their giant, powerful weapons as impromptu propulsion systems.
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You experiment with boosters filled with superheated steam rather than conventional propellant. For some unknown reason the dumpster is on fire.
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.choose L|R
To further save weight you use sponges as landing gear. Your explanation is contradicted by the facts.
hehe, figures
although i saw a video which used kerbals as landing gear, because the helmes are tough
I wondered if after jetpack deorbit kerbals survive horizontal impact on grass at KSC elevation because the helmet strikes first or due to the lower sink rate.
This is a free copy of Kerbal Space program from my twitch prime
I do not believe it has been redeemed yet
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You put some planks of wood on motors screwed to a couple of 6x2 beams connected to the roofrack of your car to turn it into a big quadcopter. You experience a premature deployment; your partner was unsatisfied.
Redneck Skycrane
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