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packbart: how sad
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.choose L|R
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You legalize nuclear bombs. Jeb chokes to death on a KitKat, but gets better.
Came back from his real-death experience due to nuclear radiation and is now a superhero
Once again, the bot leaves out a great many intermediate steps
scared by the bomb explosion chockes on the kitkat
!mission add Someone discovers your secret cloning operation hidden in the cellar of the astronaut complex.
Added mission: Someone discovers your secret cloning operation hidden in the cellar of the astronaut complex.
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Don't worry, we'll cover it up with corium
Your holddowns are insufficiently robust, and the static fire test of your booster becomes a dynamic fire. Your rocket burns up in subspace.
so.. it set fire to space?
We no longer have a complete set of commuting observables
and that incident happened :)
space on fire would be horrible honestly. it would spread endlessly because theres... a lot of space in space after all
* raptop
hopes JPL isn't destroted by the current fire
!mission add You rent out space for storage.
Added mission: You rent out space for storage.
anyone from the US here? I see a lot of stuff from California and for me it looks like the iconic houses at ocean drive at Malibu is completely gone :(
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]