Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: | Δv maps: | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on
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<FLHerne> .outcome add User, in this game we obey the Laws of THERMODYNAMICS!
<LunchBot> Added outcome: User, in this game we obey the Laws of THERMODYNAMICS!
<raptop> hah
<xxcoder> :)
<xxcoder> ;mission add You loop black papers around the faxs input to output in order to be petty against government disapproval of your project.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You loop black papers around the faxs input to output in order to be petty against government disapproval of your project.
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<FLHerne> .mission add Jeb pours a panful of hot water on his jet's windscreen to thaw the ice on it. It shatters.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Jeb pours a panful of hot water on his jet's windscreen to thaw the ice on it. It shatters.
<FLHerne> .mission
<LunchBot> You install Principia to go to a Lagrange point to perform La Grange there. It worked more or less as expected.
<FLHerne> .mission
<LunchBot> You construct additional pylons. The metaphor breaks your spine.
<FLHerne> .mission
<LunchBot> You find a loophole that exempts you from ethics. Booster-kun isekais you.
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<FLHerne> meh
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<Althego> now this is podracing
<darsie> .
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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: please tell me you don't know someone who poured hot water on their windscreen?
<sandbox> what's this about?
<Mat2ch> sandbox: FLHerne added a mission: Jeb pours a panful of hot water on his jet's windscreen to thaw the ice on it. It shatters.
<Mat2ch> but the "It shatters" sounds like an outcome
<darsie> You can split it into mission and outcome.
<darsie> Or say Jeb shatters the window by pouring hot water on it.
<Mat2ch> It's FLHernes mission. His choice
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<Althego> .outcome add You realize with terror that you are in Stavro Mueller - Beta.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You realize with terror that you are in Stavro Mueller - Beta.
<Deddly> Mat2ch, hot water on the windscreen is (or was?) surprisingly common in the UK. People don't have ice scrapers.
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<Deddly> Uh oh. Most terrifying outcome ever.
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<Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> You change your rocket from being perfectly round; to your rocket being practically round. Scott Manley makes a video on how to do it better.
<Deddly> He would
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: so many cracked windscreens I guess?
<Deddly> It happens
<Mat2ch> There are defrost sprays. I'd rather use this
<Deddly> I have an engine block heater and a cabin heater. So I just make sure it's plugged in for a while before leaving home :)
<Deddly> Otherwise, one of those sun shades you put over the whole windscreen works well, especially if you have the reflective side towards the glass
<Deddly> !mission add you, abuse punctuation; and no-body understands: exactly what, you mean?
<LunchBot> Added mission: you, abuse punctuation; and no-body understands: exactly what, you mean?
<Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> In the mission simulator, you fix your staging while fixing your staging. The payload greatly exceeds the hagedorn temperature.
<Deddly> That sounds subnominal
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<Judge_Dedd> !mission
<LunchBot> You outsource the assembly of your rockets to Ohio. That has not drag which can eternal fly. And with strange epochs, even the Kraken may die.
<Judge_Dedd> Ohio is apparently home to some special people
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You hit the Administration Building. The R&D department gives you cookies because they now have a larger budget. Oh. mule-mug, starchild! oh, donkeypuss!
<FLHerne> Mat2ch, darsie: it didn't feel sufficiently dramatic to be an outcome
<FLHerne> more of an intermediate step
<FLHerne> people always complain about the lack of those
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* raptop hochos wikivandals
<Mat2ch> oh, raptop, you are taking care of the wiki?
<raptop> kinda
<Mat2ch> can you undelete stuff?
<raptop> possibly, what needs to be undeleted?
<Mat2ch> some parts are missing here
<Mat2ch> Template:Stats Table BG Rotors
<Mat2ch> Template:Stats Table BG Servos
<Mat2ch> Template:Stats Table BG Engines
<raptop> hm
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: it's quite a common practice here
<FLHerne> I don't because I don't have a windshield :p
<FLHerne> but all my family used to, and presumably still do
<FLHerne> and neighbours and so on
<FLHerne> they only shatter occasionally
<Mat2ch> keeping some anti-freeze spray around should be cheaper than heating up water and buying new windshields...
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<Deddly> Mat2ch, thta would mean preparing. How dull.
<Mat2ch> Deddly: keep it in your car all year ;)
<Deddly> Someone might steal it
<Mat2ch> but not the anti-freeze for the lock. Oh, wait, since almost all cars have remote opening nowadays, doesn't matter
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<Deddly> Mat2ch, I have a brush for clearing snow off the car, which happens often where I live. I of course keep that brush inside the car, because I am smart.
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<Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> You murder Dunzor Kerman in Spaceplane Hangar with the LV-T30. Your missions are so successful people think it was all done on a sound stage.
<Deddly> I am a very successful murderer
<xxcoder> lol
<xxcoder> sound staging the murder
<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> You strand Jeb in orbit and force him to watch bad sci-fi movies. PEBKAC.
<xxcoder> lol
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> Bill shorts out the mission computer with his unwashed mayonnaise fingers. Your rocket explodes while you're out having lunch.
<FLHerne> .outcome add It's one of those experiences where it's miserable and exhausting, but it'll be rewarding in retrospect, only it isn't.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: It's one of those experiences where it's miserable and exhausting, but it'll be rewarding in retrospect, only it isn't.
<FLHerne> .mission add Jeb rejects your mission and substitutes his own.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Jeb rejects your mission and substitutes his own.
<raptop> !outcome add Myth busted!
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Myth busted!
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<Mat2ch> dang, Deddly is gone. Now I have to wait to answer
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: very belatedly, the translation of is
<FLHerne> "...and here we go. Malus, coming through, following Atlas. About ten minutes behind. Mike - we got Micky Rolfe on there. Francis Herne, who I never even noticed, 'cause he hasn't got his hat on. And they'm pulling it the old way, they'm pulling it through. They'll be ready for a pint and some tea tonight. hehe.."
<FLHerne> "Up the Wolves!" "I don't mind 'up the Wolves', you, you bad 'un. Heh heh heh, oh look, Mick's fell in the canal. Heh heh heh heh."
<FLHerne> (I was reading obsolete logs for some reason)
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: looks like it was a great day. Also, where is your hat? :D
<FLHerne> I don't know what happened to it at the time, it was definitely on my head later in the day
<FLHerne> this is re. <Mat2ch> "And here we go. Malus coming through, following(?) Atlas. About 10 minutes behind Mike we are all making fun now(?). <not understandable> I never even noticed, cause he hasn't got his hat on. And then <whatever> pulling it through. <not understandable>"
<FLHerne> several months ago
<FLHerne> right now my hat is next to me but covered in wood shavings and slime
<FLHerne> quite a large tree had fallen across the canal and we dismantled it
<Mat2ch> Oh, free firewood!