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!outcome add The kraken softlocks.
Added outcome: The kraken softlocks.
;outcome add You softlocks.
Added outcome: You softlocks.
You try to play KSP on your Toshiba T3100e. The feeling is very fast, yes, but also elastic. Like you're using big rubber bands to shoot yourself into the horizon.
rubber-banding is indeed a gaming term
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they said in the beginning tha they reimplemetned it
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.choose L|R
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You launch a rocket that launches rocket-launching rockets. A rescue plan is quickly scrawled onto a napkin.
but which rocket do you rescue?
The one(s) with 1 or more survivors
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
You install every mod on the curse site. Who turned off the sun?
That was too much even for the sun.
!mission add You hastily slow down to 40 km/h and cross over two solid lines to drive onto the Autobahn.
Added mission: You hastily slow down to 40 km/h and cross over two solid lines to drive onto the Autobahn.
Mirab, with sails unfurled. This works surprisingly well.
I wanna add an outcome, too. Something like: You get flashed and honked at by an angry German...
It's dark, the road leading up to the Autobahn is one kilometer long, at least, why in the Krakens name do you have to brake?!
This was so freaking dangerous, because I was already accelerating, when I realized what was happening in front of me
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After making some money with your junkyard, you also start selling rocket parts. A Man-o'-War fractal escapes from a screensaver at KSC and begins ravaging the universe, starting with the Kerbol system.