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Looks like XB-1 made their first flight
Even went supersonic for a short time
that was the whole point of this flight
worked nicely. Now to the boom part!
that is the main attraction, supposedly makes less noise
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You repeatedly press the big red button. More struts are required.
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that's all?
Just more struts?
You deselect the failure option. Your reputation underflows, and suddenly the really nice contracts are available again.
Red button releases struts. I am disappoint
Nice contracts and no failures possible. Wow!
That's quite some positive outcome
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Holy crap I can actually run KSP2 for the first time ever
What was the issue?
Deddly, ^
Insufficient video memory?
I never bought it
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darsie, my laptop didn't have enough RAM to run it, and even if it did, I had HD 520 graphics.
I still have integrated graphics, but I at least have 32 GB of RAM
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