ergZay has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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You build a craft to cover the KSC in debris. The Explodium Sea lives up to its name.
must have been a strong explosion if the debris reached the space center from eve :)
G4Virus_aka_pa1983 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
zeemate has joined #KSPOfficial
Maybe I built the craft using Eve surface samples
You're bored, but the thought of doing anything only makes you more bored. You end up in hell.
I guess I deserved that
darsie has joined #KSPOfficial
You replace your speakers with hearkers. You are bored to death.
Will I be able to run KSA (Kitten Space Agency) on Linux?
darsie, some of the devs are Linux fans and have said they're going to do what they can but they can't promise it
I guess Proton is an option for me.
Judge_DedD has joined #KSPOfficial
darsie: iff they sell it to the community it will take mere days for a port ;)
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You arrive on the Mun, only to discover that Scott Manley has beaten you there. You publicly demand your own resignation.
!mission fixup s/Mun/Mün/
New text is: You arrive on the Mün, only to discover that Scott Manley has beaten you there.
Judge_DedD has quit [Quit: Uh oh...]
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tehbeard has joined #KSPOfficial
.choose L|R
are you sure this is sufficiently random for your use case?
.choose L|R
well, idk.
But yeah, should be ok.
Even just getting R all the time wouldn't matter much.
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
Are you actually using the L/R results for something, darsie?
he explained to take coffeine up his left or right nostril
Ezriilc has joined #KSPOfficial
Ah, I see.
!choose L|R|Other orifice
zeemate has joined #KSPOfficial
You take off despite your brain being inoperative, contradicting the Minimum Equipment List. You end up taking down critical email and DNS servers.
crashed in the datacenter
You come up with atrocious but mathematically-sound unit conversions, which you feed into kmath for fun. You can only experience a finite amount of terror. This is fortuitous.
the revenge of kmath
Tank2333 has joined #KSPOfficial
Valentina accidentally uses NH4ClO4 rather than C17H18F3NO...or was it the other way around? Your punctuation pops your weather balloon.
.outcome add Your journey will not end well. You cannot change your fate. No man can.
Added outcome: Your journey will not end well. You cannot change your fate. No man can.
good thing kerbal is not man
but that is how the quote goes. i cant change it. no man can :)
darsie has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
darsie has joined #KSPOfficial
You answer a call about your rocket's extended warranty. The crew drink so much at their advance funerals that the mission has to be postponed.
You stage an F1 race with "spare" Saturn V engines. Good thing your Geiger counter has a log scale.
Intermediate steps
hehe log scale
Copper has joined #KSPOfficial
It's all fun and games until your carpentry tools need log scales
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
B787_300 yet again loses his @ in a netsplit. When the ship lifts, all debts are paid. No regrets.
no regets on losing @
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sandbox has quit [Quit: Leaving]
You attempt to convert KSC's computers to Linux. The front fell off.