PARSE ERROR IN "missions.txt" LINE 2060. It appears you are trying to crash the plane. Are you sure you want to do that?
AAAH nonono
You set your parachute on fire. Valentina loses all of her snacks due to extreme overheating.
ythe parachute fried the snacks
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You change your reverse polish notation to reverse polish notation. Shiny. The KAA would ground all your rockets if there was any ground left.
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that PARSE ERROR one was an excellent pairing
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and i was slower here too
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You search for near-Earth asteroid 2007 VN84. It's time to call RCS. (Raptor Containment Services)
The second Earth flyby was on 13 November 2007 at a distance of 5,700 km (3,500 mi).[71][72] In observations made on 7 and 8 November, Rosetta was briefly mistaken for a near-Earth asteroid about 20 m (66 ft) in diameter by an astronomer of the Catalina Sky Survey and was given the provisional designation 2007 VN84.[73] Calculations showed that it would pass very close to Earth, which led to speculation that it could impact Earth.[
74] However, astronomer Denis Denisenko recognised that the trajectory matched that of Rosetta, which the Minor Planet Center confirmed in an editorial release on 9 November.[75][76]
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!8ball should I breach containment today?
The answer is protected by ITAR.
SCP breakou prevented by itar
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You are tasked with reversing entropy and given a £400 annual budget for the purpose. This ultimately results in a boring but modestly profitable business.
Things went much better than expected
The Kerbal Rocket Administration (KRA) issues an emergency order requiring you to "discontinue operation of all rockets, aircraft and any other flying vehicles or equipment under any circumstances," stating that the space program is operating with "a complete disregard for the safety of the public." This is an odd one because the rocket is both preserved and ruined at the same time.
bot's haunted
nshire has joined #KSPOfficial
Does separating wheat from chaff count as reversing entropy? 400 GBP might be a reasonable pay for that in some places.
In a way it adds entropy...
but I can't find the explanation yet
If 1 GBP translates to 1 VF in KSP, then it's equivalent to 1 terrier engine, which would be worth a lot IRL.
ChatCPT: For a 60 kN bipropellant vacuum rocket engine, expect costs typically in the range of $1 million to $10 million USD
Equating 400 GPB with 400 VF is probably flawed. Talking with ChatGPT it concluded a 60 kN vacuum engine might cost 1-3 MUSD vs. 390 VF.
Mat2ch: it would reduce entropy if you could do it without using energy (and producing waste heat etc.)
Maxwell's Demon, just macro-scale
the original £400 budget was given to me for restoring two rusty 90-year-old boats
the rocket is preserved in that it's not expended by operation, but also ruined by not fulfilling its purpose?
yeah, bote restoration would fit the 400 gbp
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I guess it's easier to get USD/VF rate by comparing with a Spacex Merlin engine, which might be about 1 MUSD for internal SpaceX use. That should be about 10 kVF, between a Skipper and a Mainsail. Then 1 VF is about 100 USD.