You decide to thaw out large quantities of Minmus in an effort to corner the blancmange market. Tonight we dine in space!
well. indeed
raptop: coincidentally, Hurricane Electric is an important ISP
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The How It's Made crew films a 15-minute piece at the KSC facility. Karen Kerman asks to speak to your manager.
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You write fanfiction for various pairings at the KSC. JEBEDIAH KERMAN WAS NOT VIOLENTLY KILLED!
that's a rather boring pairing
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he wasn't violently killed... maybe he passed away peacefully in his sleep from the injestion of polonium by a dijected sutor.
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Obsessed by the previous mission, you forget to eat or sleep for three days. Your 999 year KSC land lease is revoked due to excessive emotional environmental damage.
Oh I forgot to renew my contract. Amongst other things
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Lesson learned: Never collapse at your computer from exhaustion while time warping
yeah, go take a break!
You invent a new propulsion system powered by loss of precision in unit conversion. The spam filter destroys all your rations.
Looks like it was getting unprecise, too
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You pull out your slide-rule to calculate the delta-v of the Resonance Cascade as a single-stage-to-Xen. Bill Kerman dies of G-force damage.
his single stage to Zen
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where's this wind that they cancelled the new year celebrations over?
it could still change
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Happy new year!
(from my timezone :P)
it's quite windy here in Birmingham
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It's windy enough here to blow the rocket exhausts away.
at least something
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