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<Judge_DedD> Is Baldur's gate in text or audio? Are there official transcripts? I don't even really know what it is. <-- the line is in both, and I'm pretty sure I was reading the text for that
I don't have the enhanced edition, so maybe hrm
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!outcome add Bartleby Kerman would prefer not to.
Added outcome: Bartleby Kerman would prefer not to.
You add tzatziki sauce to the reaction wheels. You never want to replace the fuel filter of your rover again.
bad smells in filters I guess
or just hard to access
nahh its bad smell from tzatziki sauce
reaction wheels are not connected to the fuel system
well yeah but I gonna get my head near reaction wheels as I change filter system
mmm... gyros...
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Me when i come back to rp-1 after months and I barely remember the fuck I'm doing
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PARSE ERROR IN "missions.txt" LINE 2060. You get gibberish as data from your craft. To see what it sounds like, you play it to audio. That was a big mistake as it summons demons.
I dreamt that I met Elon Musk outside an office building, then we went inside and got into a lift and went up a floor...
then we got into a different lift which went sideways
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my sister has been working with Andy Aldrin
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You fail to mind the blit. Vessel Loading Error: Vessel Jebediah Kerman was not loaded because it had the following parts missing: unknownPart.
I had that error
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.choose L|R
You foolishly oppose the Dream of the Sun. The nuclear bonds break apart.
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You perform a ritual to summon rain from the Kraken, and it obliges... with a deluge of rocket parts. Gene Kerman adds your picture to the Wall Of Shame in R&D.
Mortimer Kerman adds your picture to the Wall of Fame in Accounting. so many free rocket parts
(Gene would object that they are *all* 1.5-way RCS thrusters and they don't work)
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!choose conviction|convection
Turn the accused kerbals inside-out, got it
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Adding one more spherical tank to your booster triggers the Sausage Catastrophe. LunchBot is not a large language model, but still can't describe the results.