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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: yes, it would, but since you are at least heating up the parts you are sorting it adds energy
<Mat2ch> also 400 GBP for restoring a very old boat sounds not enough
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<darsie> 1337
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<Judge_DedD> !mission
<LunchBot> You upgrade your spacecraft controls to be fully touchscreen-based. Pure gaseous dihydrogen monoxide leaks from the cooling system and instantly scalds the skin of everyone in the capsule.
<Judge_DedD> Oh noes! And my singed fingertips are no longer registering on the touchscreen
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<Judge_DedD> !mission
<LunchBot> You commit 'negligent regicide' against the robot king of an O'Neill cylinder. You become an isekai anti-villain.
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<raptop> Mission/outcome feel reversed there
<xxcoder> lol yup
<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> No mission for you. You get Carth. Lucky for you, only a few of your legs were broken.
<xxcoder> oh whew just 3 legs out of 8
<raptop> You may have also gotten an HK-47, meatbag
<sandbox> :)
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> Jeb challenges you to beat his record of pencils-stuck-in-the-ceiling. FLHerne's spacebar breaks.
<raptop> One of the pencils fell on his keyboard
<xxcoder> yup
<Mat2ch> must have been a heavy pencil.
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