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You upgrade your spacecraft controls to be fully touchscreen-based. Pure gaseous dihydrogen monoxide leaks from the cooling system and instantly scalds the skin of everyone in the capsule.
Oh noes! And my singed fingertips are no longer registering on the touchscreen
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
You commit 'negligent regicide' against the robot king of an O'Neill cylinder. You become an isekai anti-villain.
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Mission/outcome feel reversed there
lol yup
No mission for you. You get Carth. Lucky for you, only a few of your legs were broken.
oh whew just 3 legs out of 8
You may have also gotten an HK-47, meatbag
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Jeb challenges you to beat his record of pencils-stuck-in-the-ceiling. FLHerne's spacebar breaks.