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You convert the LV-N to burn Xenon. You would like to take a moment to aAAA!
deadly xenon
You upgrade R&D. Launchmeat is discovered, a groundbreaking development.
knew it was worthy of upgrade.
!lunch add Launchmeat
Added lunch: Launchmeat
bit spicy
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no more netsplit
You use PWM to control your NTR's thrust. You find your craft has a striking resemblance to an enormous fidget spinner.
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.outcome add Anything short of one hundred percent casualties will be acceptable.
Added outcome: Anything short of one hundred percent casualties will be acceptable.
.mission add You copy Jeb's mind into a computer and start running off copies. It's cheaper than the vats.
Added mission: You copy Jeb's mind into a computer and start running off copies. It's cheaper than the vats.
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You launch a spaceplane powered by antimatter scramjets. You know this is easier than other times you've done it, but don't remember any other times you've done it.
My anti-self did it
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X is now known as Guest61527
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You start a large and very expensive campaign to reduce public fear of the word "nuclear". Today's lunch: Asymmetrical dimethylhydrazine with dinitrogen tetroxide.
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popularizing this diet will reduce public fear of the word 'nuclear', yes
in fact it will reduce public fear of pretty much everything except eating
unclear nuclear
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I fucking thought my ship worked
I had forgotten electrical power cheat was on
ptgs is now known as pet-
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You send Ted Kerman on a suicide mission. The Kraken is born of fire and darkness and ice (and chunks of Eeloo)
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You decide to solve your problems in Kerbal Excel Program by adding more spreadsheets. It's a complete failure, but at least the annoying earworm stays with you all day.
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Interesting earworm you got there
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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You explore the Moholes. You find a large base in the shape of a swastika. You're surprised to find Hinduism this far out!
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Garfield's Foursome with Nermal, Edna Skilton, and Jean Pierre Manikariza
Garfield, Nermal, Edna Skilton, and Jean Pierre Manikariza have an orgy over lasagna!
.outcome add You have left this server (Network ban).
Added outcome: You have left this server (Network ban).
You store your fissile materials without regard to their respective distances through the walls. Jeb is pleased to hear that he's a sexy youtube motherlover.
I would like to stop being edified
xxcoder has joined #KSPOfficial
.outcome add You would like to stop being edified.
Added outcome: You would like to stop being edified.